Choi Seunghyun

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Choi Seunghyun
RANK: Kingka
 Loves to fool around
DORM: 012B
CLUB(S): Recreation

YEAR: 3rd year
LIKES: Food, all kinds of food, doesn't matter which kind 
Aki, and then Taemin 
DISLIKES: Pests, like cockroaches, bring it to me and I'll go grim reaper on you •  Smartasses
HOBBIES: Annoying people, especially ilhoon /peace sign/  Playing pranks on people • Playing with Aki, my shiba inu.
SKILLS: Rapping
STRENGTH(S): Oh wow. Literature maybe. It always look cool and it's fun reading. Am I considered a bookworm now?
WEAKNESS(ES): Anything that requires maths and science
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to Lee Taemin

• Always steals donuts from principal's office. Well, always means everyday. Have you seen her office? It's donut haven.

• Can be weird most of the time. And blunt too sometimes, if I don't like it, I'll tell you. No point hiding.
• Is generous with food sometimes.
• Always seem to be mean to people but it's my way of love and laying out pranks on them. My attitude depends on my mood. Sometimes I act cold. Sometimes I'm nice. Well sometimes it depends on the person.

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