Kim Jinkyung

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Kim Jinkyung
• Jinjin • Jinnie • genie
RANK: Rebel
Jinkyung sometimes is mean to people, she dislikes a few subject and sometimes skip a class, she sometimes like to bully but only if she is in a happy mood, and she don't trust people.
DORM: 004A
CLUB(S): None
YEAR: 1st year
LIKES: She likes every animal except rat! She likes do some sports but her fav is swimming and basket. She likes cakepops, it's like her boyfie to her. She likes playing any music instrument but she only show it infront of her family. She likes art too. Her fav genre of books or movies is action, horror, fantasy, and psycho.she loves comic. She likes drawing in anywhere with glow in the dark paint.
DISLIKES: She don't like rats. She don't like durians. She don't like some subject. She don't like romantic thingy. She don't like if someone ask her to tell everything about her past(before get it to this school).
HOBBIES: Her hobbies is swimming, doodling, listening to music, playing with her pets (ddochi, pudding, regis)
SKILLS: Skills is can do every sports ,can playing most of all music instrument, and can doing rap.
STRENGTH(S): Art, P.E. , and Physics
WEAKNESS(ES): Literature

Jinkyung the name. She is a cold hearted girl, but she has a warm side to be a girl too. She often show her warm side to girls, but that depends on her first impression to them. She can easily judge people by just talk a few word to them. She is a meanie person but don't worry, 70% of it's just a joke. Don't think she's that serious because she never be a serious person at all. Try be friendly to her and keep talking to her so you will see her warm side. And oh! Asked her to do something new or different.. she might like it a lot.


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