Kim Ahyoung

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Kim Ahyoung
Youngni  Yurara  Ahna • Yurawr (given by Minrawr)
RANK: Geek
PERSONALITY: She is book smart and likes to study, she attends all classes and tries to participate as much as possible. She is also pretty (very) clumsy and likes to ramble on a lot on things she knows.
DORM: 011A
CLUB(S): dance
YEAR: 2nd year
LIKES: Food • Bubble Tea • Music • Sweets • People • Books • Her dog (Soyoung)  • Her Dongsaengs • Her Oppas/Unnies • Learning/Studying • Video Games/Arcades • Red Velvet cupcakes • Kairos
DISLIKES: Rude people • Disrespect Spiders • The dark • Roller coasters • Fast moving vehicles • Scary Movies • Ghosts
HOBBIES: Listen to music • Singing • Reading • Studying • Playing games • Dancing • Eating • Talking with others • Drawing • Watching movies
SKILLS: Dancing • Art • Singing • Swimming • Playing sports
STRENGTH(S): Biology • History • Math • Literature
WEAKNESS(ES): Heights, the dark, Monsters, Haunted places, Roller Coasters, fast moving Vehicles

• Ahyoung is a cheerful, optimistic person.
• She is a great listener but loves to talk.
• She really likes making friends and wants to be friends with everyone.
• Her life was full with music and performing. Mostly dancing and singing but she does have the talent with art.


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