Chapter 13

Forever Like Stars

“You became a star forever breathing in my heart” – Child Searching for a Star, IU


            After seeing Chanyeol go off to America, I went home sitting down outside of my house on the steps under the tree, putting my headphones in. I propped my elbows on my legs looking out into the street. I felt like crap after the breakup that I thought would go easily.

            Breaking up with Chanyeol turned out to be one of the hardest things I’d ever had to go through. For the main reason that he knew all along I was in love with Taehyung. Even now sitting under the tree, I found my thoughts drifting to the orange haired boy up the street.

            I felt the song reach its peak part and I found myself crying missing Chanyeol, and my heart aching. I closed my eyes suddenly feeling like the temperature dropped at least twenty degrees.

            “Hey,” a voice said plopping down next to me. Taehyung took out one of the earphones. “I figured you would be like this.”

            “You were right,” I said wiping my eyes. “I feel terrible.”

            “I know,” Taehyung said patting my arm. “It must be hard to break up with someone you’ve loved for so long. Come here.” Taeyhung wrapped his arm around me as I cried into his chest. “It’s going to be okay Jin.”

            “I know,” I mumbled into his clothes. “But right now, everything feels wrong. I had to break up with him and he had to break up with me, but it’s hard to let him go.” I continued to wipe at my eyes as Taehyung comforted me not saying anything. He didn’t need to say anything; I just needed someone to be with at the moment.

            We stayed outside until my mom called me in for dinner.

            “Taehyung would you like to eat with us?” mom asked. “I think it would make Jin feel better.”

            “Sure,” Taehyung said. We took off our shoes, sitting down at the table. Mom had cooked all my favorite foods.

            “You cooked all my favorites,” I said smiling at her.

            “I knew you’d need all the stuff you liked,” mom said dishing us some food. “It’ll be okay baby, you’ll feel better soon. I know Chanyeol meant a lot to you.” I nodded my head beginning to eat.

            “It’s delicious,” I said feeling myself crying some more. I grabbed a napkin dabbing my eyes. “Thank you.”

            “Don’t mention it baby,” mom said. “Um Jin I have a guest coming over to eat with us. He’s going to be here soon.”

            “Who?” I asked looking at her through my teary vision.

            “A friend,” mom answered. We heard the doorbell ring. “Ah here he is now.” She got up going to answer the door. “I’m glad you could make it.”

            “Thank you for inviting me over,” an unfamiliar male voice said. Mom and her guest walked in as they sat down at the table.

            “Jin-ah,” mom said. “I want you to meet my boyfriend Leeteuk.”

            “Hi Jin it’s nice to meet you,” Leeteuk said. “Your mother told me a lot about you. Who’s your friend?”

            “This is Taehyung,” I answered. “He’s my best friend. He lives a little up the street from us.”

            “Nice to meet you too,” Leeteuk said smiling. He seemed like a nice guy, handsome too. He looked like a real gentleman.

            “How long have you two been going out?” I asked looking at mom. I was happy for her for getting a new boyfriend, but tonight it felt like a show of what I used to have.

            “We’ve been seeing each other for a while,” mom answered. “I met him at my workplace. And we sort of hit it off.” Mom served Leeteuk some food.

            “That’s great,” I said faking a smiling. “I’m really happy for you.” I nodded my head looking down at my food trying not to cry again. Everything seemed to remind me of Chanyeol, that tall perfect giant.

            “Baby what’s wrong?” mom asked. She looked at me with a worried expression. Leave it to moms to read between the fake emotions.

            “I miss Chanyeol,” I said crying again.

            “Aww baby,” mom said. She got up going over to me hugging me. “It’s going to be okay Jin-ah, all in time.”

            “But I want Chanyeol now,” I said crying into a napkin. “This isn’t fair. We broke up mutually but I still want him.” Taehyung wrapped his arm around me rubbing my back. I looked through my fingers seeing Leeteuk looking uncomfortable. “Sorry for being such a mess.”

            “It’s alright,” Leeteuk said. “I take it you and this Chanyeol were in a relationship?”

            “Yes,” I answered. “We’d be going out since our second year of high school, and we broke up because he’s going to school in America.” Leeteuk nodded his head in understanding as my phone went off. I quickly took it out of my pocket seeing Chanyeol’s familiar number. “Hello?”

            “Jin!” Chanyeol said through the phone. “I’m glad you answered. I just landed in America. Are you okay?”

            “I will be,” I said smiling at the sound of his voice. “I’m glad you made it America safely.”

            “Thanks,” Chanyeol said. “I just called to let you know, I have to go now, but talk to you later. Bye.”

            “Bye,” I said. I hung up the phone looking at it.

            “I take it that was Chanyeol?” Taehyung asked. I nodded my head. “He’s in America?”

            “Yep,” I answered. “All ready for college in the states. I’m happy for him. I really am. He gets to go to one of the best music schools in the whole world, how can I not be happy for him?” I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes smiling, continuing to eat my dinner.


>_< ^_^


            Throughout out the rest of the week, I slowly got better about the breakup. I talked to Chanyeol everyday, but now we were just good friends. I was glad that we could still talk even after everything that had happened. I had to get ready for my start of university life.

            Taehyung did his best to spend lots of time with me since Luhan was visiting his family in China with Minho, so Taehyung was the only person I hung out with over the summer.

            “Let’s go to the school festival,” Taehyung said. “The town over to ours is hosting their summer festival, let’s go it’ll be fun.”

            “Okay,” I said. “It sounds fun.” We got on the bus heading to the town closest to ours to their high school for the school festival. It had everything from various booths, rides, food, and performances.

            “What should we do first?” Taehyung asked. “Rides, food?”

            “How about a ride?” I asked. We headed over to the Ferris Wheel getting on the available car. “Why do they have these cameras on the handle?”

            “I don’t know,” Taehyung said. We began our way up the Ferris wheel until we were resting at the top.

            “Look!” I said. Close to the Ferris wheel was a screen decorated with hearts. “That’s us on the screen.”

            “What is this?” Taehyung asked looking into the camera. “I guess that’s what the camera’s for.”

            “Kiss!” a group of people on the ground yelled. “Kiss cam kiss cam!”

            “They want us to kiss,” I said looking down at the audience of people watching the screen. “I guess the ride was for couples.”

            “But we aren’t a couple,” Taehyung said looking at the camera.

            “Well it’s just for fun,” I said. I leaned in gently kissing Taehyung on the lips as the audience below us cheered. When we got off the ride we headed to a fortune telling booth.

            “What do you want to know Jin?” the teller asked, already knowing my name.

            “Will I get a new boyfriend?” I asked. “I recently broke up with my first boyfriend, will I get a new one?”

            “Let’s look into the ball,” the teller said moving her hands in front of her crystal ball. “I do see someone in your future. Someone you know every well. I think that is your Mr. Right.”

            “It is?” I asked. “Who is it?”

            “It is too hard to tell,” she said. “But you have someone in your future, someone who loves you very very much. Would you like your future told Taehyung?”

            “Um sure,” Taehyung said. Taehyung sat down. “Will I ever become someone’s? I’ve been single for all my life.”

            “Hmm,” she said looking into her ball. “I see someone for you, someone you love very much. You won’t be single for long.”

            “That’s great,” Taehyung said smiling. “I wonder who it’ll be.”

            “Only time will tell,” the teller said. “But I have a clue you already know who you like.” We left the fortune teller booth heading to the roller coaster, then to a coffee shop for drinks.

            “This was a lot of fun,” I said as I sipped my strawberry juice. “Thanks for taking me out to the fair, I really needed this.”

            “No problem,” Taehyung said smiling. “I’m just glad you’re smiling again and back to your normal self.” He touched his ice coffee cup with my cup. “Cheers to summer.”

            “Yeah,” I said. “Cheers to summer.” I took a drink of my juice smiling. “After this their having performances, let’s go check that out.” We finished at the café heading to the open area to watch as high school students began performing various acts and routines for the audience. It was a good day.

            “Can I?” Taehyung asked whispering in my ear.      

            “Do what?” I asked looking at him taking my eyes off of the stage.

            “This,” Taehyung said. I found his hand linked with mine. I looked at our hands laced perfectly together. I looked up at Taehyung who just smiled at me. “Thanks.” He turned to look back at the stage, our hands linked together the whole time.


So now it's time to get the Taejin story progressing~ Please leave a comment ^_^


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Chapter 12: Amazing story!
Chapter 17: Ending was so cute ^_^
kpopforlifexx #3
Chapter 17: Asdfghjkl this is so cuuuuute!!! Great job! XD
Chapter 17: this is so cute ;W;
i love taejin gosh
Chapter 17: Its finally ended? *fainted* theres not much TaeJin *cries* thnx author-nimm. Its a really good story indeed. Love it ^^ be proud of yourself :)
Chapter 17: Awww.. TaeJin's sweetness! This is the best!~ ♥
kookvkim #7
Chapter 16: Ohhh~~~~The past part so cheesy~~Oh..I cant...
Chapter 13: yes taejin. and omg that kiss on the ferris wheel is too cute and lovely. :3
Chapter 12: That was a pretty sweet break up if you ask me. don't worry Channy maybe you'll meet Baekkie? Neh? TAEJIN FOREVAH!
Jun_xi #10
Chapter 12: I love ur story! Plis countinuing! XD