ANOTHER NOT AN UPDATE =/ (regarding VIXX Showcase in Chicago)


Hey guys! I guess you're pretty mad at me for not updating, sooooo.... whoops. But I will update in the next few days before going on a longer hiatus starting December, due to early finals. =/

But like the previous post said, yes ExoticMei4 and I went to the VIXX Showcase for Chicago in the Star Plaza Theatre. I'll share the experience with you guys!

So we arrive there in Merriville, IN (so much for Chicagoland area) at around 3:30 and we saw a limo pulling into the theatre parking lot. YASS It was VIXX and we were freaking out, but we didn't get to see their faces yet, due to the fact we were still in the car looking for the hotel D=.


Here's a verryyyy blurry pic of them entering.

Our hotel was rigth across the street to the entrance so we got there and someone walked up to us like, "Uh. I came here alone. Do mind if I stay with you guys?" And we we're like SUREEEE! So we made a new friend =3 yas. And we stayed there for like 2 hours and 30 minutes because they were running late. The merchandise line was a blob again, like the B.A.P concert and we also had to get tickets for hi-touch because we won the raffle TT^TT. 

The showcase was soooooooooo sooooo amazing. They were and are and will be sooo beautiful. We were a few rows away from the stage and we were chanting our asses off. But in the beginning of the showcase they introduced themselves and asked how was their first performances which was Error and Voodoo Doll. I excitedly said "JJang!" with two thumbs up in the air and I feel like I made eye contact with N =3. I again made I contact with him during "Only U" too. Seriously, Cha ing Hakyeon STAWP. 

I'm totally Leo-biased, but I paid the most attention to N =/. But Leo's high notes and his singing is the best. We made eye contact with him during "Only U" too. I swear he was like, "Oh little children are here!" =/ When they talked to us (with a translator), they said they will come back and Ken stepped out and said, "JINJA??!!" and that killed me XDD! 


So after the concert we waited for the hi touch with VIXX and we went to the end of the line because we were hopefully gonna get a chance to take a picture with them. But the security were asses and made us put our phones away. But walking up to them was soooo nerve-wrecking TT^TT. The order of the hi touch was Hongbin, Hyuk, Ken, N, Leo, and Ravi.

Okay Hongbin: I was too amazed with his ing face to even say. I forgot to say annyeonghaseyo or even sareanghaeyo to any of them. But seriously Hongbin was too handsome for life. I cannot! 

Hyuk: His hair was so perfect that day. It was pulled up and I high fived him. He smiled dorkily also.

Ken: HIS SMILE. IT WAS TOO BRIGHT. He was smiling like the dork he is.

N: Okay again. Cha ing Hakyeon. Stawp getting on my feels. I swear he wasn't my first bias for nothing. So I wore a "Sorry for Party Rocking" hat with the Running Man logo in the front and the visor really low and everytime I high fived the guys before him, my head was tilting down lower and lower out of nervousness. When I finally got to N, I high fived him, but he stayed there and bent forward and tilted his head to see my face. I was smiling like a dork. I'm like "Why N?! Why did you have to care about seeing you fans' faces?!" ugh so embrassing, but he was too perfect. 

Next was Leo: Oh gawd. First his hair. His hair was so luscious and beautiful. His hair was styled long and parted for his face. It was too beautiful. And it was so cute the way everytime he high fives, he bows. He bows and high fives me bending to bow and his hand landed on mine and stayed there for like 3 seconds before dropping his hand down, like literally dropping. His hand.... It was so soft and soooo warm. I sound like a creep, but it was. It truly was. I love you Leo =3

Finally Ravi: It was a quick high five and he said "thank you". He's so polite. They all are. And he gave his signature smile. And his short hair. I don't know about you, but he looks hot in it.

I was kind of hiding my face under my snapback because I was really smiling like a dork and I was soo nervous to meet them. All their hands are warm =3, but I regret not savoring the moment more. But I swear. VIXX was probably like looking at us and were like, "Omg there are little kids here!" Lol our shortness is sad. They are too tall for us and for life.


But let me rage a bit. FIRST OF ALL LIMELIGHT AT ORGANIZATION! First they pushed the concert 30 minutes, which I understand because VIXX came a little bit late, but the show started 47 minutes late instead. NEXT, the lines were terrible. They really should've organized lines using cords or something, because we were all getting squished.

Third, the translator . She left out the more heartwarming message they said in Korean and just repeated the same line in English to make it seem longer. For instance, Hongbin said in Korean, "I am glad to be in Chicago. We will come back and hopefully come back with a better and cooler performance to stage. Please wait for us.", but the translator said, "I hope we will come back and perform better. We will come back and have a better performance." ARE YOU SERIOUS? We all saw that N could understand some of the English being said and he was cringing because he knew some of the translations were wrong. Hyuk knew some were wrong too. Many fans noticed that N was pissed off at her. After a quick Q & A she MC-ed, She just left the stage and N said something and he looked back, wondering where the the translator was. ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE I WANT THEM TO HUG ME. She was like "I want this one to give me a hug." SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEIR NAMES OH MY GAWD. Sure the translator is cute with her asian accent, but her translating and MC skills . 

LASTLY, VIXX DIDN'T PERFORM SUPER HERO OR STARLIGHT! THEY SHOULD'VE AT LEAST PERFORMED THEIR DEBUT SONG! But I heard the concert was cut short =/. If it was, Imma kill Limelight. Btw, if you ever plan on going to a concert sponsored by Limelight, let me say to you good luck =P 


But in the end, the showcase and the hi-touch was a blast. I am suffering a lot from a sore throat and post-concert depression. They are so handsome and I miss them desperately TT^TT. B.A.P's concert took me a month to get over. I swear VIXX will take way more. I will update before December and after finals, I will be back again. Please wait for me. =D

VIXX I LOVE YOU PLEASE COME BACK! (Their picture after hi touch)

10805317_594559250672144_1699338948_n.jpPICTURE CREDS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THEM!


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saranghaejaejoong1 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue and let Leo be happy please it hurts me when he has pain they are going to give him a depression and trauma and that . The story is so interesting and awesome but please just let Leo be happy with Chi Hae and Ken and Eun jae
MyLion92 #2
Chapter 15: ㅠ^ㅠ I wish Leo would be happy~~ T^T
Chapter 14: WHAF THE DJXK NO
Chapter 12: ahh author-nim FINALLY u updated

everytime i open my aff i always wait for this story to be updated.. AND YES FINALLY

i love it and keep writing this!!!

Chapter 11: Hahaha x3
I noticed that Chi Hae the one who told Ken about Eun Jae's past and Eun Jae told Leo Chi Hae's