Ch. 14


The next morning, Chi Hae woke up to the sound of pots and pans clashing together. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, failing to recognize the walls surrounding her. The headache that soon came after, shot pain that ricocheted over and over again.


"Ouch!" she fisted her hair.


Then the memory of last night, well actually this early morning, flashed in her head.


Chi Hae screamed, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"


Rushing to the door, L opened it to find a shocked girl curled up in a ball on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. "What's wrong, Chi Hae-ah?!"


She screamed again, pointing at her ex, "OH M-M-MY G-GAWD!" Then she covered her lips, silencing her ear-bursting screams.


"What happened?" he asked her.


She hid under the blanket. ! Why did that happen? Ugh! I’m so stupid.


Still under the blanket she spoke, “Oppa… Miahae… About yesterday…”


“Chi Hae-ah, it’s okay. Now just come out. I bet your dying inside that head of yours” he motioned his hand, like one would to a dog.


The mention about her head made her wince to the pain. The cringe of her face failed to relax as she stood up from the bed, grabbing Myungsoo’s helping hand.


Walking into the living room of the unknown place, she turned to her good friend, “Oppa, where are we?”


He walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of hangover soup and placed it on the ground, “This is Infinite’s dorm. Do you seriously think that I would take you back to the other dorm? I don’t know where your room is and while I have a of a partner?”


“Thank you. So you do understand that she’s crazy,” she smirked, slurping her soup.


“What? Do you think I’m blind or deaf?”


“Yep” Chi Hae popped the “p”.


“Chi Hae-ah…” He called out narrowing his eyes, but then turned serious.




“Were you serious about quitting?”


“Ahhh…” she sighed dropping her countenance to a new low.


“Don’t,” he interrupted her thoughts and disrupted the silence.


Chi Hae kept a straight face and continued eating.


“What? You really wanna quit?”


She started laughing, almost hysterically.


“Do you really think I would throw away all my hardwork? And let your girls win? Ha!” she stuck her tongue out.


“I’m not stupid, did you think I would actually quit?”


“Well, you sounded pretty serious before you locked lips with mine,” he smirked.


“I said I was sorry! But I had alcohol in my system, so don’t blame me! Aish, this is kind of embarrassing.” She ruffled her hair.


“Yea, I know. Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol,” they both chuckled at the song reference.


Finishing her soup, Chi Hae picked up her bowl and went back to the kitchen to wash the dish. Like a second nature, she picked up the soap and started scrubbing. After finishing up, she went back to the living room.


“Oppa, I should get going. The group is probably worried.”


“Oh right.” He stood up and grab his keys. “Want me to drive you back?”


“Naw.” She slid her arm through the sleeve of her coat, “Don’t want your fans to murder me”.


“True.” Myungsoo picked up her black hat from the table and put it on his head.


Adjusting the hat and her hand on the door knob, she greeted her friend a “good-bye” and left.


Eun Jae's eyes snapped open and she let out a short gasp of air. Tears were clouding her vision and she trembled in the strong arms of an awake Ken who rubbed her back and whispered "shh" over and over.


"O-Oppa...?" she croaked.


Ken smiled at her, thumbs caressing her cheeks and wiping any tears away. "You had a bad dream, huh?"


She nodded. "Something about Min Su-"


"Don't say his name."


Eun Jae looked up at him. She opened to question him until Ken began speaking again.


"I don't want your pretty lips saying his disgusting name ever again," he whispered.


Eun Jae smiled softly before leaning up to give him a peck. "Arraseo, oppa."


The vocalist gave his new girlfriend a soft kiss to her forehead before resting his own against it. "You know, I could get used to this."


Eun Jae let her eyes flutter closed, moving her head down into the crook of Ken's neck. He only tightened his arms around her and pulled her closer.


"I wouldn't mind waking up to your adorable face every morning," Ken continued.


"But what if you're not there when I wake up?" Eun Jae pouted.


The cheerful boy smiled at her. "Then I'll be sure to leave you handwritten notes to let you know how much I love my jagiya~"

Leo loitered on the couch of the dorm thinking about what happened earlier that morning. The thought seemed to be burned into his brain the memory continued on replay. His heart sunk and his shoulders slumped as he leaned back on the soft cushion. His head turned as he heard the door opening.




“Hyung…” Leo’s eyes dropped in disappointment.


N came to the vocalist and pat him on the shoulder, “She’ll come back. Don’t worry.” He tried to reassure Leo.


Another creak came from the door and Chi Hae entered the dorm. Catching the gazes of the two oldests, she bowed at 90 degree.


“Mianhaeyo sunbae-deul,” she spoke eyes straight on the ground, not daring to lift her head even a bit.


“Chi Hae-ah!” N enthusiastically jogged to the girl, “Don’t be sorry, you’re back. That’s all that counts,” he straightened her posture with his grips on her shoulders.


“Thanks, sunbae” Chi Hae lifted the ends of her lips just a teeny-tiny bit.


N pat the top of her head, “To thank me, I think you should drop the formalities for all of us. No more ‘sunbae’” he imitated with a higher pitch voice.




“No ifs, ands, or buts,” he silenced the girl in front of him with a finger forced on her lips. He left the room before she could even object again.


Chi Hae and Leo were left in the living space. Chi Hae was unaware of the awkward tension surrounding them, but Leo was suffocating standing there.


“Taekwoon… Sorry,” she apologized again.


“It’s okay,” his quiet voice reached to her ears.


“Where are the others?” she inquired.


“At the practice rooms.”


“For dance?"


He hummed in response.


"Taekwoon... Um... What about Eun Jae...?"


His jaw tightened and he shot her an apologetic look before shaking his head. "Not here..."


She ruffled her hair in frustration then left for her room. Changing into comfortable sweats, she came back out.


“Let’s go?” she bobbed her head in towards the direction of the door. Leo hummed and stood up from the couch.

“Again!” Boram commanded clapping her hands, “5, 6, 7, 8!” She counted along with the music as her hoobaes danced, attempting to make each move sharp.


The door swung open.


“Mei Yun-ah! You’re off beat!” Chi Hae yelled strutting her way in the dance studio with her hands resting on her hips and a giant following behind her. To be honest, Chi Hae missed the girls way too much even though she left temporarily. It was as if she felt really homesick and now she was back “home”.


“Unnie!” Mei Yun ran up to her and gave her a big bear hug, “Where were you? We’re sooo worried” the younger one faked a few sobs.


Jiyoung the collapsed on the floor, “Thank you, unnie!” She sighed twice before closing her eyes.


“Jiyoung!” the other girls screamed and sat beside her.


“Thanks, for coming back. If you left us like Eun Jae…” Jiyoung continued.


“I would never leave you guys. And Eun Jae will come back. I’m sure.” Chi Hae reassured the maknae, but it seems like she has to still convince herself about that fact.


“Thanks for coming back…” Jiyoung gasped for another breath, like she was dying, “Boram unnie was torturing us…” the maknae gave her signature smirk.


“YAH!” Boram smacked Jiyoung’s thigh hard.


“OUCH! UNNIEEE!!” Jiyoung sat up on the floor and rubbed the now red spot on her thigh.


The VIXX members smiled at the small reunion of the girls, but something interrupted their thoughts, all the members’ thoughts.


The temporary silence was ended by the sound of several stomachs growling.


Wide-eyed the girls turned to their mentors.


Leo lowered his head and muttered, “Mianhae…”


“Wait, hyung that was my stomach, I think,” Hyuk stated in a questioning way as he placed his hand on his empty stomach.


“No. I thought that growl was me,” Ravi added.


“It was definitely me…” N also mumbled tilting his head in confusion.


The A-Game girls started laughing at the boys as they helped each other up from the ground.


“I guess everyone’s hungry then, right?” Chi Hae asked and earned nods from everyone.


“Since I made everybody worried, I’ll treat. Call?”


“Call~!” Both members of VIXX and A-Game chorused.


Chi Hae held on to both her hat and her phone as tried to navigate herself to the chicken place that Ravi recommended and braced herself for the high wind speeds that afternoon.


“Cold…” Leo murmured as he followed Chi Hae and crossing his arms to keep himself warm. He re-adjusted the hood on his head when Chi Hae suddenly sprinted in front of her.


Chi Hae’s eyes caught the familiar brunette in the sidewalk, linking arms with a disguised Ken. The two were across the street from where Leo and Chi Hae were and Chi Hae took the chance and ran for them. Not until a motorcycle sped toward her direction.


She was a deer caught in headlights as the motorcycle was right beside her. Her eyes widened at the close proximity that she was about to get hit. The bright lights of the motorcycle blinded her as she instinctively turned away from the light, not moving from her spot. The cold numbed Chi Hae making her frozen as a grip was placed on her shoulders and was quickly spun by her mentor. Leo pivoted his foot to get Chi Hae away from the roadside. The swift movement went all too quickly that both lost their balance and fell beside the street’s curb.


“Yah! Are you okay?!” Leo worriedly cupped her face with his hand. His cold hand tingled her cheek, but definitely warmed her up.


She blinked a few times and nodded, “Yea… Thanks…” the shock was still there, but she jolted up for a totally different reason.


“Taekwoon, we need to get Eun Jae!” Chi Hae panicked pulling him up from the ground and dragged him across the street to follow the two missing member of the team.


“Eun Jae? Where?”


“Ugh… I just saw her and Ken…” she furrowed her brows.


Chi Hae walked in the direction she saw them going and scanned the windows of the small shops along the road. Many of them were small businesses and restaurants.


Leo, on the other hand, was worried about Chi Hae’s condition, despite of his now twisted ankle. He endured the pain as he slowly limped behind the fast-paced Chi Hae.


The door chimed once as Chi Hae walked in, immediately plopping in the nearest seat after ordering the chicken for her members.


“Aish. I lost her..”


The door chimed once again.


“Taekwoon... What happened?” Chi Hae watched as Leo limped in.


“Ani…” Leo shook his head as he took a seat.


“Taekwoon… Was that from earlier?” Chi Hae inquired, looking down at his foot to see a swollen limb poking out of the cuff of his pants. He nodded.


“Gwechana. I just need to breathe,” Leo spoke as he wiped some of his own sweat.


Chi Hae didn’t hesitate to run to the counter to ask for ice and some water to give to Leo. She kneeled to apply the cold pack against his ankle, earning a muffled swear as Leo bit his lip.


Taking her hand, Leo held it to tell her that he’ll apply it himself. Albeit he was to speak, what he couldn’t in front of the brown orbs that finally met his own gaze. The awkward silence filled the empty chicken shop as both stared into each others’ eyes and his hand softly grasping hers.


Intervening in on the scene, “Three orders of Spicy Dak Bal and five orders Spicy Barbecue Chicken for Seo-sshi.”


Flinching back, Chi Hae removed her hand and straightened her posture to run to the lady holding a large bag of chicken.


Leo’s quick reflexes let him catch the ice pack that was going to fall out of Chi Hae’s grip. Re-applying it to his wound, his mind began to warn him, She’s taken Taekwoon. She’s taken.


“Taekwoon!” He jumped in the seat a bit, “Let’s go?” He hummed in response.

After the long practice and finishing their food, it was eleven when they arrived at the dorm and all slept into the night. Now it was eleven and everyone has only just woken up and gathered in the living area.


“So are we gonna practice again?” Jiyoung’s whiny tone made to all their ears.


“Probably,” Hyuk answered nonchalantly.


“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” The voice they can recognize immediately as the elder one, startled everyone, “WHAT IS THIS?????!!!!!!!” N held his phone for dear life and it seemed like he shook a bit.


“What is it?” Boram took a peek at his screen, “HOLY !”


“WHAT?” Jiyoung got impatient and took a look at it herself, “OH MY GAWD…”


“Please tell us instead of being shocked yourselves,” Hongbin pleaded.






OKAY THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I WROTE SINCE SCHOOL STARTED TT^TT (It's already been like a month.) But you hate me still right? I still didn't really resolve Leo's matter huehuehue =P Don't worry! He will be happier soon!


And please be the father of my children TT^TT

But lemme just mention say that Beautiful Liar is so beautiful TT^TT UH MAH GAWD. I might just make a piano arrangement cuz I love it so much. Like no joke. 


^Me trying to play piano XD^


LEH SKINSHIP KILLS ME! Uh ma gawd. Leo what the hell are you doing

I will try to write ASAP as always and see you next time! Oh and please subscribe, comment, and/or upvote! And if some of you should continue commenting! I like talking to you guys and it motivates me more! =D


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saranghaejaejoong1 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue and let Leo be happy please it hurts me when he has pain they are going to give him a depression and trauma and that . The story is so interesting and awesome but please just let Leo be happy with Chi Hae and Ken and Eun jae
MyLion92 #2
Chapter 15: ㅠ^ㅠ I wish Leo would be happy~~ T^T
Chapter 14: WHAF THE DJXK NO
Chapter 12: ahh author-nim FINALLY u updated

everytime i open my aff i always wait for this story to be updated.. AND YES FINALLY

i love it and keep writing this!!!

Chapter 11: Hahaha x3
I noticed that Chi Hae the one who told Ken about Eun Jae's past and Eun Jae told Leo Chi Hae's