Ch. 3






The group stood in the lines, waiting for the next train to Daehan Cinema. Eun Jae's usual happy demeanor was now at an all time low as she stood in between Ken and Chi Hae, arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Her foot tapped against the concrete platform continuously. The sound of squeals and screams of, "Oppa!" rang through her ears as fans stood meters away from them.


If they don't shut up now, I'm really going to throw the next train at them.


Chi Hae, noticing her friend's impatience tapped her on the shoulder. "Eun Jae-ah, just be a bit more pa- Whoa. Why do you look like you wanna kill someone?"


"Because I do," she answered curtly.


Looking at the impatient brunette, Ken took out a pair of headphones and plugged it into his phone. After clicking VIXX’s song “G.R.8.U”, he placed his headphones on Eun Jae’s head saying, “Just listen. We’ll tell you when it comes.”


After another twenty minutes of waiting, the sound of the train's whistle rang through the station. The happy leader of VIXX gave a small jump and clapped his hands as the train approached the station. "Are you guys ready?"


“Neh~!” the group chorused and boarded the empty train cart.


Chi Hae froze as she watched as each member sat with their mentor. She quickly grabbed Eun Jae's arm. "Yah. Eun Jae-ah. Sit with me. I cannot sit with Leo-sunbae after what happened yesterday."


Eun Jae gave her a look. "What do you mean? Just sit with him, unnie. It'll be fine," the brunette said before wriggling out of her grasp and walking towards Ken.


Chi Hae glared at her friend and took a deep breath.


It's okay, Chi Hae. You can do this.


She made her way to the empty seat beside Leo and slowly sat down before the train started to move. Chi Hae pulled out her phone and immediately began texting Eun Jae.


CH:     [Yah!

Eun Jae!

What do I do?!

What to say?!



EJ:     [Unnie just talk to him.

Just be like


Chi Hae glared at her phone, "Aish... Fine, be that way..."

On the other hand, Eun Jae was happily chatting away with Ken.


"Oppa oppa, can you sing me a song?" Eun Jae asked.


"Hmm... Which song?"


"Any song."


"Hmm... Eotteokaji~?" and he started singing, “Say Love.”





Eotteokaji? Eotteokaji is right! What the heck am I supposed to do now! Ugh why is my mentor so quiet?


I kept stealing glances at Leo beside me who was looking out of the window as the train passed many buildings. I don’t know what to do now. Everyone else is either talking to each other, sleeping, or--like the Jae-squared couple--singing. I texted Eun Jae again:






EJ: [God... It's not my fault Leo-oppa doesn't talk! Let me PEACEFULLY listen to Ken singing!]




I glared at where she was sitting and she glared back showing me that she purposely pressed the power button on her phone. Okay. That’s just great. Um. Let’s try saying something.


I gathered up my courage, “Le- Leo-ssi," finally getting his attention off the window side.


“Hmm?” Leo turned to me. “Oh. Mian. I forgot you were here, Chi Hae-ssi.”


Uh?! Forgot? When I’m right next to him the whole time? BOOM, shots fired.


Ring ring~ “We’ve arrived at Sandang station and are departing in 2 minutes” said the woman in the intercom and the train doors opened.


Oh, saved by the bell.


I called the group together, “Let’s go transfer to Line 4.” Finding the train that’s about to closed it’s doors, we ran, barely making it. Phew~ Now the next question is, how am I going to talk to my mentor? I know I seem to be crazy fangirling about this guy, but how can you not? His sweet quiet voice, his tall figure, his sharp jawline, h--


“Mianhae, I feel kind of bad for not noticing you earlier,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. Leo continued, “Are you okay?”


“Why, does it look like I’m not?”


“You spaced out earlier,” he stated and I chuckled because that’s when I fangirled about him. Then we started to talk comfortably about our passion for music and I went from calling him “Sunbaenim” to just “Sunbae”. I’m not really used to informalities, but it’s okay; step by step.





The group started making their way to the theatre, each respective pair chatting amiably with each other. The usual duo, Chi Hae and Eun Jae, stayed close to each other. But Chi Hae was a bit annoyed.


This kid...


"Oppa, I think this song is the best," Eun Jae smiled, but Ken shook his head.


"Eun Jae, this one is so stupid," Ken groaned before flicking her forehead.


"Eun Jae-ah! Show Ken-sunbae the song we listened to last night!" Chi Hae chimed in, only to be ignored by what she called the Jae-squared couple.


The ignored girl sighed as she entered the cinema lobby and went to the ticketing machine. Swiping her card, she received the twelve reserved tickets to the movie, “Secretly, Greatly”. They all agreed for a North Korean action movie, with three hot main actors (Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Hyun Woo, and Park Ki Woong), satisfying both the guys and the girls.


After getting their snacks, they entered the theater and sat in their assigned seating. All of them were in one row, and of course, with their partners.





I sipped my cup of fruit punch and watched the previews with a frown. I always hated how movies took forever to start. Slumping down in my seat, I sighed.


"Eun Jae-ah, sit up," Chi Hae scolded, "you'll have a bad posture if you slouch like that."


"Aish..." I muttered. "You're not my mother..." But nonetheless, I straightened up. "I wanted to watch the romantic one..."


I heard Ken chuckle beside me. "Oh c'mon, Eun Jae. There's gonna be hot guys in this one."


"But it's not like they're gonna be doing anything romantic, oppa. A girl needs her romance." He gave another chuckle before ruffling my hair.


"Arasso, I understand~"


Sighing again, I curled up in my seat. "If I fall asleep, don't wake me!"





Chi Hae relaxed once the movie started. No need to worry about herself, Eun Jae, or the poker-faced man beside her. She smiled to herself and let out a small sigh. Her brown eyes remained fixated on the large screen, admiring the actors’ sculpted muscles and glowing faces.


“God, they are so hot…” Chi Hae muttered to Eun Jae who only shrugged in response before letting out a yawn. The older one frowned a bit, rolling her eyes at her friend before reaching into the bucket of popcorn. She froze.


“Ah… Mianhae…”


Chi Hae looked up at Leo before looking back at the popcorn, only to see her hand right beside his.


“Ah! S-sunbae… I- I didn’t see you… Um…”


“No, it’s fine… Go ahead,” Leo whispered before pulling his hand out and returning to the movie.


Chi Hae mentally scolded herself before scratching her head in frustration. “Yah, Eun Ja-!” she stopped once she looked over at her friend. Eun Jae’s head hung forward, eyes closed as she slept peacefully. Her head lolled side to side every so often, but other than that, the girl didn’t stir. “Aish… Yah, Eun Jae,” Chi Hae said a little louder. But before she could shake her friend awake, Ken turned to Eun Jae first, a big smile of surprise on his face from what the screen had shown him.


“Eun Jae, did you see--oh…” the ‘cute main vocalist’ stopped himself when he saw his partner asleep. Ken smiled and shook his head before gently pulling Eun Jae’s head onto his shoulder so she could sleep more comfortably. He felt her arms wrap around his own arm as if it were a teddy bear, her head shifting slightly so she could slightly nuzzle into his neck. The vocalist’s smile only grew as he patted her head and tried to fight the blush that was starting to grow onto his cheeks. Ken looked up, only to catch Chi Hae’s eye.


“Ah… Um… I…” Chi Hae stuttered as she tried to search for the right words.


“It’s alright.” Ken winked. “I’ve got her under control.”


Maybe he cares about her. That’s sweet. Chi Hae thought turning back to the movie.




At this point in the movie, twenty-two fixed eyes were on the screen as Hyun Woo was protecting Soo Hyun from being shot by the police. Hyun Woo eventually provoked them and the police started shooting. At the edge of the rooftop, Soo Hyun decided to hug Hyun Woo, only to push them both off the roof and commit suicide. This ended the movie with all three mains dead and only a flashback of them three talking about their dreams about their next life.


Several sniffles came from especially one person. Already prepared to cry, Chi Hae had her box of tissues in hand. The lights in the theatre , revealing one sleepyhead curled up into a ball in her seat and one sobbing girl with a face full of tears. The sobbing one took some tissues from the box and wiped her face, standing up with the others.


Ken got up before checking on his partner, who was still asleep. He smiled as his hand moved closer to her face to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. But then he froze.


I can’t get too attached. I can’t. I don’t want the same thing that happened to her happen to Eun Jae. She’s too sweet to deserve it. Ken thought to himself referring to how he broke up with his girlfriend to be an idol (“Don’t Want To Be An Idol” song reference). He snapped out of his trance when N came up to them and poked Eun Jae’s cheek.


“Ahhh~! So cute~! Yah! Jaehwan-ah! You just gonna leave her here?” N asked.


“Oh. Hyung, help me get her on my back.” Ken replied as he and N got Eun Jae on Ken’s back. Eun Jae’s arms then wrapped around his neck and she snuggled her head into his shoulder. This action made him blush and he walked out of the row of seats behind Chi Hae and Leo.


Chi Hae suggested, “We should go to the roof! I love the rose garden. Call?”


“Call!” the majority of the group chimed.


The group split into two because the elevator could not hold all of them. They also agreed that one group goes to Starbucks on the first floor to buy drinks while the other go already to the roof. The Starbucks group was the N-Boram, Hongbin-Soo Hyun, and Hyuk-Jiyoung pairs while the other three pairs, Ravi-Mei Yun, Leo-Chi Hae, and the Eunhwan couple went straight to the garden.


Arriving at the rooftop rose garden, the three groups chose tables to sit at. As the sun hit Eun Jae’s face, her eyes fluttered open, wondering where she was. Ken noticed movement on his back and he turned his head, meeting an awakened Eun Jae.


“Good morning,” he greeted.


“Mm... The movie ended?”




Eun Jae yawned. “Thanks oppa. I can get off now,” she said getting off his back and rubbing her eyes lightly. “Where are the others?”


“They are getting us Starbucks. Don’t worry, I asked them to get you hot chocolate,” Chi Hae answered.


The brunette nodded, and yawning again, let her head drop back onto Ken's shoulder. He just smiled and ruffled her hair.





I sat in the chair next to Leo and Eun Jae and began reminiscing about the past. The smell of roses felt all too familiar.


There was a reason I suggested this place, other than hanging out and watching a movie. I came here too often back in the days of high school with my ex-boyfriend, Myungsoo. I sighed just thinking about him. We came here on many dates, sharing many happy memories. I touched my stud earrings, remembering that he gave me rose-shaped earrings because I loved these roses.


It’s not that I still like him--we ended our relationship with a good reason, but we are still close friends. The reason was that he was the prince of the school, and that backfired when I started dating him. His fangirls at the school went crazy when they found out. He didn’t like me getting hurt, so simple as that we broke up and friend-zoned each other. I know it sounds fake, but I really got over my feelings and he got over his no matter what anyone thinks.


I sighed once again. Then smiled remembering that he and the other Infinite members also came for the idol project. Maybe we, with Eun Jae, can hang again like old times.





As Chi Hae was thinking to herself, she didn’t notice the one pair of eyes that continued to stay on her.


What is she thinking about making her sigh? Leo wondered. This time she smiled. She’s pretty when she smiles like that. She looks like she’s glowing. A small smile crept onto his face.


Snapping them out of their trances, Hyuk came running in with two drinks. He brought one to Ravi. “Here, hyung.” The others followed with the rest of their drinks. They sat there on the roof, indulging the sweet smell of roses and chit-chatted with one another.


Eun Jae, knowing that Chi Hae spaced out earlier, began interrogating her. “Chi Hae.”




“Were you thinking about him earlier?” She knew about her friend’s ex because they all went to the same high school.


The older one started choking, “You knew?”


“Yeah. It seemed obvious since we came here,” the brunette replied, taking another sip of her frappuccino.


What they didn’t notice was that the table had gotten quiet and everybody else was listening in.


“Who?” Hongbin suddenly asked the two girls.


“Um… Uh…” Chi Hae flustered.


“Her ex-boyfriend,” Eun Jae stated.


“Really?” they all exclaimed. But a specific someone’s eyebrows met. Leo, cringing, twitched at the thought of Chi Hae’s boyfriend. Even though he was her ex, he knew that that ex-boyfriend of hers made her smile back then.


Changing the subject, Eun Jae suggested that they should get back, since the sun was about to set. Chi Hae mouthed, “Thank you” to her friend as they made their way back.


The tired group arrived home. After washing up, they all exchanged their ‘good nights’ before sleeping, unaware of the future struggles of this gruesome idol project.

A/N Here's chapter 3 guys~ We'll try to update as much as we can. But with school getting closer, updates might get slower. We'll try or best to update each chapter as soon as possible, so stick around with us okay~? Sang kyuu~


A/N Adding something from Mei. Hope you guys liked this chapter <3

But can we please talk about Kemy for a sec?? Right after I found out that her diss track was to Bom. I was like...

Then I was like...

But I was also like...

Finally, I was like

"Your career's dead"



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saranghaejaejoong1 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue and let Leo be happy please it hurts me when he has pain they are going to give him a depression and trauma and that . The story is so interesting and awesome but please just let Leo be happy with Chi Hae and Ken and Eun jae
MyLion92 #2
Chapter 15: ㅠ^ㅠ I wish Leo would be happy~~ T^T
Chapter 14: WHAF THE DJXK NO
Chapter 12: ahh author-nim FINALLY u updated

everytime i open my aff i always wait for this story to be updated.. AND YES FINALLY

i love it and keep writing this!!!

Chapter 11: Hahaha x3
I noticed that Chi Hae the one who told Ken about Eun Jae's past and Eun Jae told Leo Chi Hae's