Ch. 5


*Warning long chapter (and more where that came from in future chapters)*


Early in the morning, the sleepy leader was awakened by the ring of his phone. N groaned before lazily grabbing his phone. His eyes narrowed from the screen's brightness. "Aish..." he groaned again, "Who could it be at six in the goddamn morning…?” The sleepy leader yawned after reading the text, softly mumbling, “...Round one, hmm…?”


Then it hit him.


“Wait! Round one?!” he shouted as he shot up from his bed.

“We have just received important news,” N stated seriously as he paced back and forth. The group was seated in the living room, all angry and sleepy. Upon realizing what the text said, N had ran and shouted all around the dorm to get everyone up. “Round One will be a talent showcase,” he finally said, eyes holding a lot of intensity as he stared at his roommates.


“And?” Boram lifted an eyebrow as she and others yawned. “You woke us up at six in the morning to tell us that?”


“Yah,” the poor leader countered, “this is important. It means we gotta start practicing!”


“Oh, we could practice later!” Boram retorted. “We could’ve at least had three more hours of sleep!”


N pursed his lips while giving her a challenging look. “Do you really want to argue with me, Yun Boram?”


Said girl only cowered slightly in her seat, shaking her head.


“Now that we know what we gotta do, can we at least get a few more hours of sleep?” Hyuk begged.


“Andwae!” the leader curtly rejected the maknae’s request, “We need to make pairs for the talent showcase!”


Chi Hae rose her hand like a student at school, “I already thought about it and came up with pairs,” her sleepy voice cracked. “Oops.”


“Really? You’re really prepared, aren’t you?” Hongbin commended her preparedness.


“Mhmm” she hummed affirmatively. “The pairs are dancer line, Boram and Jiyoung, rap/vocal duo, Soo Hyun and Mei Yun, and lastly vocal line, Eun Jae and I. Anyone against the pairings?”


“It’s good,” the dancer line nodded to each other. The rap/vocal duo smiled to one another and gave Chi Hae a thumbs up. Eun Jae obviously accepted to be pairs with her best friend with a half nod, eyes still closed.


The dark-skinned leader stood up, “Okay then! Let’s get in our respective mentoring pairs and later practice in your performance pairs.”


“Okay~!” everyone carolled, finally awake, but groaning as their sore butts got up from the ground.


Coming out of the hotel/dorm, whatever-you-call-it, one big black van was waiting for them. They boarded the car and left heading towards the company. In their respective pairs, they separated for their individual practice. Two people with a large height difference walked side-by-side walking towards the singing practice rooms.


“Sunbae,” Chi Hae called for the quiet mentor.


“Yeah?” he replied.


She faced her mentor and asked, “What songs are we going to practice?”


“I don’t know.” Leo rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe some of our songs?”


Continuing to walk straight, the two ran into another pair in the hallway. Chi Hae’s eyes widened in surprise, while Leo’s brown orbs became stern.


“Myungsoo-oppa!” Chi Hae spoke.


Myungsoo’s cold facade that he used with his partner faded as he heard his friend's voice. “Chi Hae-ah!”


His partner's brows furrowed when she saw L smiling compared to the cold person he was a few seconds ago. Who the hell is this ? she thought watching as her mentor patted the head of the person he called “Chi Hae”.


On the other hand, Leo knew their relationship, but only to a point. He took notice on the hateful look on Myungsoo’s partner and cringed.


Chi Hae introduced herself to the unknown girl, “Annyeonghaseyo~ Seo Chi Hae-imnida,” and bowed once only receiving a scoff as a reply.


“Subin!” Myungsoo scolded, “Don’t act this way”.


“Ha! Who the hell is this ? She called you Myungsoo-OPPA when I can’t even call you Myungsoo! How did she seduce you to make you smile? Huh?!” the girl named, “Subin” spat.


“Yah!” her mentor raised his voice.


Chi Hae only kept a smile on her face holding it in. As the pair was fighting, a hand tightly gripped her wrist and she was pulled into the nearest empty practice room/recording booth. He shot the two of them a menacing glare. “Leo-sunbae…” she murmured putting her head down, “I’m sorry that you had to see that.”


The tall figure in front of her let go of her wrist and stared at her with concerned eyes. She apologizes way too much. Why did you smile when she insulted you? Don’t hide it Chi Hae. Unconsciously his hand patted her head over and over again. Leo then took the back of her head and pulled her in a tight embrace.


The cautious Chi Hae would normally push him off and apologize like crazy, but this time was different. She needed the embrace, she needed the comfort that was never given to her in the past. Thanks, sunbae, she mentally gave him her gratitude as Leo pulled back and gave one last pat on her head.


Surprisingly changing the subject, Leo spoke a little bit louder than usual, “Chi Hae, do you want sing this song?” he pulled up Silly Boy by 15& on the computer screen.


“Sure” she took one deep breath and put herself in focus for practicing, placing headphone on her head. Clicking play, Leo sat in the seat on the opposite side of Chi Hae in the recording booth.


Only an hour had gone by and Chi Hae found herself exhausted. Leo, she came to realize, was a very tough coach.


"Chi Hae-ah," he interrupted her singing again, "on this part you gotta keep your voice from wavering. Hold out the note."


She huffed and nodded stiffly. Now you talk... She was about to start the chorus all over again and try to follow Leo's instructions when the door to their practice room flew open. "Yah, Eun Jae-ah. At least knock."


Leo looked up at the brunette from his seat. She smiled as she held a bag with two boxes. "Oppa, unnie, breakfast time~"


Leo took the bag and looked inside. "Did Hakyeon buy this...?" he scowled as Chi Hae came out of the recording studio.


Eun Jae shook her head. "Nope. Soo Hyun cooked it."


Chi Hae looked up, surprised. "Soo Hyun? She should've been practicing..."


Her best friend shrugged. "Just eat that whenever you're hungry. I'll call you when it's time for lunch, arraso?"


The pair nodded.


"Bye bye~" Eun Jae sang as she skipped away. The pair took a swig of water, but Eun Jae peeked in one more time. "Ah, and Leo-oppa. Don't try to do anything funny in here with Chi Hae!" And off she went, giggling as Leo choked on his water with a blush.


Chi Hae shot her friend a dirty look before looking over at her mentor. "Let's eat?"


They ate on a table away from the recording studio, not wanting to ruin the equipment. Chi Hae quietly picked at her rice, thinking of ways to bring up a conversation.


"S-Sunbae?" He hummed. "So how was my singing?"


Without looking away from his food, Leo answered, "You have the right tone and pitch, but you have trouble holding it out during those long parts. You need to work on your breathing. Let the air out slowly. You would always waver between flat and sharp on those notes."


Chi Hae pouted and decided that singing was not the topic for her right now. Just then, her phone rang. The girl quickly grabbed it and her face lit up when she saw who it was.


"Yobosayo? Myungsoo-oppa?"


Leo frowned.


"Yeah... We're eating breakfast... Hm? ...Oh really? When? ...I'd love to! I'll ask Eun Jae too! ...Yup! ...So at two-"


Leo grabbed the phone and hung up on L before tucking the phone into his pocket. He quietly resumed eating, leaving Chi Hae stunned.


"Sunbae! Why did you do that?!"




"Sunbae! Aish... I... I was planning to hang out with Myungsoo-oppa!"




"Sunbae, please tell me why you did that,” Chi Hae pleaded.


“Practice is more important right now Chi Hae,” Leo finally said, turning to face her. She laughed when she saw his face and Leo lifted an eyebrow at her. “Why are you laughing…?”


“Leo-sunbae, I didn’t know you were such a kid till now,” Chi Hae teased. Still confused, Leo only stared at her. The girl reached out and picked a stray grain off from his cheek and popped it into . She smiled at him and Leo blushed.


“W-What are you doing…?”


“Sunbae you can’t waste food like that,” Chi Hae playfully scolded. “Every grain must not be left alone.”


Leo let out a huff and turned his head away to conceal a blush. “You’re being weird…”


The girl just smiled.

“Phew,” Chi Hae huffed as she let her headphones slide around her neck. After breakfast, the two had continued to work on Chi Hae’s vocals for another three hours. It took a while, but Leo finally let his trainee sing the entire song. Chi Hae stepped out of the recording studio and sat next to Leo.


“That was good,” Leo complimented. “I think all we need to work on now is-”


“Eotteokaji my love~”


Leo stopped and turned his head towards the door to where the harmony of his group’s song came from. He frowned. “Can’t they be quieter…?”


"Oooh, that was a nice harmony," Chi Hae cooed under her breath.


In the room next door, the Jae-squared couple sang and danced happily to VIXX's song "Say Love." They would harmonize and take solos as if they were truly performing in front of a crowd.


"Eun Jae's vocals are actually really good when she's comfortable," Chi Hae explained. "Her biggest problem is staying calm on stage and having fun."


Leo glanced at the girl next to him. "But isn't performing on of the best parts?"


She gave him a hint of a smile. "It should be. But Eun Jae overthinks everything. She thinks people will judge her, hate her, everything."


His eyes narrowed slightly. "Jaehwan should work on that with her..."


"I'm sure he will," Chi Hae assured. Down inside, Chi Hae couldn't be happier with the fact that she and her mentor were now able to speak to one another more comfortably. She smiled to herself and pressed "play" to listen to the song she sang cringing at every off-pitch note.

The group had gathered back in their dorms for lunch and to discuss their performance plans. Soo Hyun and Mei Yun had prepared a healthy lunch for their crew.


"Whoa~" Hyuk's eyes widened at all the food. "Did you two make all of this?"


The duo nodded. "Not only are we a rap and singer duo, but we're also a cooking duo," Soo Hyun joked.


“Their cooking is amazing,” Boram chewed her food.


N cringed, “Yah. Talk with your mouth close.”


“Neh N-jumma,” Boram snickered.


“ is everyone doing?” N asked curiously as he clapped his hands, “any troubles?”


“I have one, hyung.” Hyuk raised his hand, “Jiyoung won’t stop texting on her phone and she won’t listen to me.”


“What? N oppa, I listen to him!” Jiyoung defended herself, “You’re even in the room with us!”


“Ara Jiyoung-ah,” the older guy chuckled, “but you do need to stop texting.”


“At least I get work done..” she muttered taking a bite of her lunch.


“Who are you even texting maknae?” Boram asked tilting her head.


“Chingu,” Jiyoung simply answered.


“Namja? Yeoja?” Mei Yun asked. Jiyoung kept silent, picking at her food.


“It’s a boy!” Eun Jae shouted nudging the younger girl, “who is it? Do we know him? What’s his name?”


“Unnie, stop~” Jiyoung whined and coughed, “so how did your practice go? Mei Yun unnie? Soo Hyun unnie?”


“Good. We talked about a song and decided on Gone Not Around Any Longer by Sistar19 sunbaenim,” Mei Yun said.


“We’re even dancing to it too,” Soo Hyun said. Hongbin and Ravi suddenly laughed, recalling the practice session earlier on.


“They look really stiff right now, it’s pretty funny,” Hongbin giggled.


“That’s why we calmly told them to focus on the vocals and rap first,” Ravi said.


Mei Yun scoffed, “Calmly? You were laughing your off earlier.”


“Don’t you two have to dance with them?” Chi Hae asked.


“What?” Hongbin looked up.


Chi Hae only stared at them blankly, “it’s part of the choreography. Mei Yun and Soo Hyun will need two male dancers for the break.”


“And who will they be?” Eun Jae joined in pointing her fingers at the VIXX’s ‘93 Line, “You guys~”


The two of them groaned. “Wow, thanks for the enthusiasm guys,” Mei Yun said sarcastically.


“And our vocal group? What did you guys do?” N asked.


“We recorded separately,” Ken answered. “Eun Jae and I progressed a lot.”


“You guys weren’t even singing the right song,” Leo muttered. “You were doing ‘Say Love’, not ‘Silly Boy’.”


“We were warming up, Leo hyung.” Ken coughed. “How did you guys go?”


“Leo sunbae’s a hard coach,” Chi Hae pouted and he stared at her. “B-but, he’s a really good one too!”


“Nice save,” Soo Hyun chuckled.


“Well, now that we’re all done. Let’s go back to practicing,” N said.

Boram and Jiyoung - the dancing pair - were currently sitting on the floor, wiping towels to their faces.


“You girls are doing good,” N said, “ needs to flow more.”


“Oppa, we’re doing popping and b-boy - or in this case, b-girl - it’s not supposed to be smooth,” Jiyoung panted.


The boy scratched the back of his head, “I know that, I meant the transition in between. It’s too sloppy, it looks bad. Right Hyuk-ah?”


“It could use work, but it’s not terrible...just a little uncoordinated,” Hyuk said


“If these two are hard coaches, then I wonder how Leo is,” Boram muttered under her breath as she helped Jiyoung stand up. “Come on, let’s do it again.”


The maknae took a deep breath and stood in the middle of the dance floor, her arms crossed. After her little b-girl routine, she moved to the side and Boram replaced her. The older girl started popping like no one’s business, breaking to her right as Jiyoung cartwheeled to her left. The music then came to a halt and a new track played. The two dancers moved to the beat of the music, ending their little performance strongly.


[Jiyoung : x | Boram : x | Both : x]


“What do you think this time?” Boram asked her expression irritated as she saw the serious look on N’s face.


“Good, you two worked well this time,” N said satisfied. “Now, if you both only work on your expressions-”


“Oh hell no, I’m done for the day,” Boram scoffed getting her things.


“Yah! Yun Boram-”


“Oppa, let her go,” Jiyoung panted collapsing on the floor. Hyuk handed his trainee a water bottle, sitting down next to her, “Boram unnie isn’t someone you should mess with when she’s angry.”


“What did I do?” N said innocently, “Round 1 is coming up and you girls can’t lack if you want to debut.”


“Were your mentors like this too when you oppas were trainees?” Jiyoung asked, “Oppa, we need rest too…besides, you of all people know that it’s hard dancing.”


“Where is she going?” N crossed his arms ignoring her question.


“Unnie? Probably back to the room to take a shower and sleep.” Jiyoung shrugged, “don’t even think about chasing after her to come back and practice.”


“Oh Jiyoung-”


“I’m going to do my part again oppa, watch over me closely okay? So you can correct me,” Jiyoung stood up.


“Jiyoung-ah, take a break for at least 5 minutes,” Hyuk said worriedly.


The girl shook her head, “play the music, oppa.”

“-Yah! Stop laughing!” Soo Hyun whined at Ravi and Hongbin who were in the corner, giggling like little school girls.


“I am literally this close to smacking both of you,” Mei Yun crossed her arms. The boys stood up and walked towards them.


“You girls need to loosen up,” Ravi said. “You two are like metal sticks, you need to surrender yourself to the music.”


“We’re not dancers though,” Soo Hyun said.


Hongbin then awkwardly coughed, “but you two are striving to be in a girl group. Yeah, you all have different roles, but dancing is one of the important parts of being an idol. So whether you two are dancers or not, you can’t be this stiff.”


“Then why don’t you help us then, mentors?” Mei Yun challenged, “what are we doing wrong?”


“Let’s start with the beginning,” Ravi clapped his hands. “When your shoulders go right, your goes left. You don’t just slide over.”


“Think like you’re doing a body wave, only sitting down,” Hongbin said.


“And your knees go the same direction as your shoulders.” Ravi piped in.


The two mentors kept correcting their trainees to the smallest mistake. It took at least half an hour to finish the first chorus


“Ugh! Dancing!” Soo Hyun complained, “how do Boram and Jiyoung do this?”


“They don’t have two left feet,” Hongbin shrugged.


“Rude and uncalled for,” the girl scoffed before hitting him.


“C’mon,” Ravi said pulling Mei Yun up from the floor, “One more time.”


“I’m tired,” Mei Yun whined.


“How about after this, we’ll return to singing and rapping again,” Ravi said.


Mei Yun was about to accept his offer, when Soo Hyun raised her hand, “add some ice cream in that and we have a deal.”


“Arasso,” Hongbin nodded, “Ravi will pay.”


“Bwoh?” Ravi said, turning to the boy.


“Let’s start, girls,” Hongbin smiled turning on the music before singing along, “ooh ooh~”


“Hajimasayo, Lee Hongbin-ssi.” Ravi said covering the boy’s mouth.


The two girls sat down on the bench, focusing on their movements that their mentors raved on and on about. One common thing ran through their mind as they improvised the whole song: ice cream.


The ‘93 Line of VIXX stared at them when the song finished, wondering where the sudden dance confidence came from.


“Are you two playing with us?” Hongbin crossed his arms, “how did you suddenly dance like that?”


“Was it good?” Soo Hyun asked.


“Good? It was great! Why didn’t you do that earlier?” Ravi asked.


“I was thinking about ice cream, I want mango by the way,” Mei Yun panted putting a hand on her hip.


Soo Hyun laughed, “you were thinking of ice cream too?!”


“So what I’m getting at cream made you girls dance better?” Hongbin tilted his head.


“I guess,” Soo Hyun shrugged. “Choco and vanilla for me please~”

“-when you hold out the high notes, your voice is getting unstable.” Leo said as he crossed his arms, “Chi Hae, sing again.”


“B-but, how am I supposed to fix…-”


“Sing again so I can see what you’re doing wrong,” Leo instructed playing the track from the beginning. The girl took a swig of water and started over, feeling conscious every time she looked up at her mentor. His gaze was strong and serious as he listened and watched intently to her sing.


Chi Hae’s voice cracked at the last note and she turned a dark color of red.


“I know why your voice is unstable,” Leo answered as Chi Hae sat down on the couch. “You’re too tense.”


“How do I fix that?” Chi Hae asked with a bit of disbelief. Leo stood up and put his hands on her shoulders, making her tense up even more. He put a bit of pressure on her joints, “S-Sunbae, what are you doing?”


“I told you, you’re too tense. Relax a bit,” Leo said massaging her shoulders. “When you’re relaxed, singing comes to you easier.”


“Omomo! What’s going on in here?” Eun Jae said opening the door. The girl giggled and Leo pulled his hands away.


“I want a massage too, hyung~” Ken sang going over to hug the older boy. Leo scowled and pushed him off, “why were you giving Chi Hae a massage?”


“I was trying to help her relax, her vocals are strained,” Leo answered.


“I know another way that you can help her relax,” Ken winked knowingly poking Leo’s stomach.


Eun Jae’s widened before she laughed out loud. “Hah! Unnie wouldn’t let Leo-oppa even come close to that,” she nodded to her friend, “She’s a .”


“Oppa~” Ken moaned jumping on Leo’s back, “give me a massage juseyo~”


“You’re an idiot,” Leo mumbled. “Get off me Jaehwan, Chi Hae and I are actually working here.”


“Yeah, working on some-”


“Why aren’t you guys doing anything?” Chi Hae cut in, “Cha Eun Jae, have you practiced the song?”


“Of course I have, unnie.” Eun Jae nodded and beamed at her. She rubbed her stomach. “But I’m hungry now…” The brunette tugged on her mentor’s sleeve, “Oppa, buy me something~”


“Let’s hear you two sing together first,” Leo said and Eun Jae pouted. The younger girl cutely stomped over to him, tugging his sleeve.


“Leo oppa~ Baegopa! Please oppa? Oh?” Eun Jae whined swinging his arm, “Oppa, byeong~”


“C’mon hyung, how can you say no to that face?” Ken said.


“I’ll love you forever if you give me food,” Eun Jae smiled at him, “Taekwoon-oppa~”


Leo sighed, “Eun Jae-ah, we need to practice for the first round.”


“Don’t make me mad, oppa. I am dangerous when I’m mad,” she crossed her arms, the pout still evident on her face.


“That’s actually true,” Chi Hae spoke up, “when Eun Jae’s mad, an angel dies.”


“Isn’t uri Eun Jae an angel though?” Ken asked putting an arm around her.


Eun Jae stared at him blankly and moved his arm away before hugging Leo’s waist “The hell are you talking about, Lee Jaehwan?”


“Where did the oppa go?” Ken scoffed.


“Oppa, jebal~” Eun Jae whined ignoring her mentor.


“Aish, fine.” Leo grumbled taking out his wallet, “Ken-ah, let’s go get them some food.”


“Can we come with?” Chi Hae asked.


“Andwae,” Leo answered. “While you two are waiting, go work on your harmonies.”


The girls nodded, Chi Hae smiling and Eun Jae pouting, “Neh~” they harmonized.


Leo just rolled his eyes and left with Ken.

These nine chingus (Boram is sleeping already and Mei Yun and Soo Hyun went out for ice cream) were limping, dragging, or being dragged back into their dorm. Half of them died on the couch, and the other half collapsed on the floor. The heat of summer was adding on to their suffering selves because of practicing.


“I’m going to shower,” the sore Chi Hae spoke out to the graveyard hanging a towel and clothes on her shoulder. The living dead hummed in response as the girl walked into the bathroom. Behind the closed doors, she heard the group arguing on who should go next, and who will take the other two bathrooms in the dorm.


Chi Hae turned the knob of the shower and changed into the clothes she brought into the bathroom. Is this too revealing? she thought looking into the mirror to see her reflection in a sports bra and a pair of spandex. I don’t wanna wear a t-shirt… Oh well… I bet the guys won’t mind since it’s the same thing as a bathing suit. And she walked out of the bathroom.


The door swung open and the girl yelled, “Next!” The room was empty with the exception of N drying his hair with a towel and Leo getting some shut eye with a towel hanging around his neck. “Where are the others?” she inquired.


“Eun Jae and Mei Yun are showering while the others are eating in the kit-” he got interrupted as he saw the girl in her attire. His eyes slightly bulged as he shook Leo to wake up. The tall figure blinked his eyes until his blurry vision cleared, showing his partner in nothing but a sports bra and spandex.


“Y-Yah,” N started, pointing a shaky finger at her, “Mi-Micheoseo? Put on some clothes! Aish…”


Leo just stared.


"Does it really matter?" Chi Hae said.


N threw his towel at her. "Of course it matters, you pabo-ya!"


"Change, right now." Leo said quietly awkwardly coughing as he shielded his eyes.


"Oppa-deul~" Jiyoung chimed coming into the living room, "Boram unnie says to eat before we finish it all."


"I'm going to take a shower," Leo said. "I'll eat later, and you. Change into some legitimate clothing."


"Wahh, Chi Hae unnie. Your abs are forming," the maknae winked. "Good job!"


"You have better abs than me Jiyoung-ah," the older girl replied.


Jiyoung only laughed, rubbing her stomach, "b-girling gets you somewhere."


"Go change!" N nagged, "ppali!"


"Is oppa blushing?" Jiyoung teased as she jumped on his back, "oh! You are!"


"Yah, you little brat." N said, "kaja, let's eat."


"Ohh! Hakyeon oppa-"


"Shh! Shhh!"  He hushed running towards the kitchen.

"-do I look okay?!" Eun Jae panicked, "unnie! My hair! My makeup! What if I forget the lyrics? What if my voice cracks?! UNNIE I CAN'T PERFORM. I'M DONE! I QUIT! I'M OUT-"


"Yah!" Chi Hae shouted, "Jeongsincharyeo!"


Hongbin stared at her shocked, "What happened to you?"


"She's in panic mode," Soo Hyun said stretching her muscles.


"It's normal," Mei Yun said casually. Eun Jae paced around the floor, stopping in front of the mirror to apply more eyeliner.


"Oh?" N said standing behind her, "you messed up a bit here-"


"EODI?!" Eun Jae shouted only to stop fussing when she heard N cracking up behind her. "Yah Cha Hak Yeon!"


"That was mean," Boram chuckled giving her mentor a high five, "well done."


" you all," Eun Jae glared.


Ken only put his hands on her shoulders, massaging them gently, "Just relax Eun Jae-ah."


"Don't touch me," she said coldly.


Ken pouted and shook his head. “Nope. I am going to help you relax.” He continued to massage her shoulders and neck, ignoring Eun Jae’s constant mumbles of, “I swear to god, I’m gonna kill you.”


Chi Hae walked over and stood in front of her friend. “You’re over thinking it,” she said. “Breathe. Our song is nearly perfect.”


The brunette looked up at her, eyes blazing with anger. “Why isn’t it perfect?!”


Leo sighed from his spot in the corner of the dressing room. “Nothing can be perfect,” he said clearly. “You two will do fine.”


Before Eun Jae could retort, one of the staff members opened the door. “A-Game?”


They all looked up.


“You’re on.”

I know... I know... FINALLY CHAPTER 5 right?

Sorry, school started (like 2 weeks ago, only this week for our jungkook-biased) so like we don't have much time to write. So, I here today at 5 a.m where I live, posting this. I was supposed to post this chappie like 2-3 days ago, but I forgot... whoops... I swear I will plan a sleepover with my two co-authors and have like a ulitmate writer's block. It might take a while to update again -.-


How I feel about school:


*Shoots self* #HimchanStyle


Kinda depressing doe... this gif

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saranghaejaejoong1 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue and let Leo be happy please it hurts me when he has pain they are going to give him a depression and trauma and that . The story is so interesting and awesome but please just let Leo be happy with Chi Hae and Ken and Eun jae
MyLion92 #2
Chapter 15: ㅠ^ㅠ I wish Leo would be happy~~ T^T
Chapter 14: WHAF THE DJXK NO
Chapter 12: ahh author-nim FINALLY u updated

everytime i open my aff i always wait for this story to be updated.. AND YES FINALLY

i love it and keep writing this!!!

Chapter 11: Hahaha x3
I noticed that Chi Hae the one who told Ken about Eun Jae's past and Eun Jae told Leo Chi Hae's