Ch. 7



SHOUTOUTS TO FannyHwang and Baekxiuhxn!!! *clap clap clap*

For those of you who didn't: DO IT AND DO IT NOW! 

jkjk don't wanna force y'all

But still... since you love us and our story =D

“Okay guys!” N exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, “How should we celebrate?”


“N-oppa, I thought you said you had something planned for us,” Boram whispered to her mentor.


The childish leader only giggled. “I may have told a small lie…"


Hyuk, having listened in on their conversation, immediately stood up from his seat on the couch. “Hyung! You didn’t make any plans again?!”


“Yah, Sanghyuk! You didn’t have to shout it! Now everyone knows!” N whined.


Ravi smirked from his spot on the floor. His partner, Mei Yun, looked at him with a questioning glance.


“Oppa, what’s with that look?” she asked him hesitantly.


Ravi shook his head and winked at her. “I’ve got an idea.” He stood up and clapped his hands.


Everyone’s attention was on Ravi, their heads turned with anticipation.


“Everyone! I’ve got an idea!”


“What?” N asked with a pout.


“How about a game of Truth or Dare~?”


The group sat in a circle on the floor, legs crossed with a bottle in the middle of their circle. Ravi, still smirking, spun the bottle first.


“Since I spun the bottle, I get to ask, ‘truth or dare,’” he explained. The bottle landed on Hongbin. “Binnie, truth or dare?”




“Ayyyy~!” the other members chorused.


“Wimp!” Ravi scoffed. And then he asked, “Hongbin, who do you find attractive in this room?”


“Umm… I think Soo Hyun is cute.” And he blushed answering the question. Soo Hyun also blushed making eye contact with Hongbin. Clearing his throat, “I guess its my turn spinning, right?”  The bottle finally landed on Boram.


“Truth or Dare?”




“Oooh~!” the group awed at her bravery.


Hongbin ran to the kitchen and brought back a can of beer. He demanded handing the beer, “Yun Boram, I dare you to one-shot this”.


Chi Hae then stated, “Boram can handle her drinks. She doesn’t get tipsy.”


“Mwoh? You’ve drank together?” Hongbin asked.


“Yeah. Company parties or just drinking and I always treat her cause I’m the unnie,” Chi Hae replied. “But anyways, one-shot!” the girl started chanting and the others joined her. Within twenty seconds, Boram finished her drink.


“I’m gonna spin now!” she said flicking her wrist to spin the bottle. The bottle spun several times just to land on… Chi Hae.




It’s okay. She’ll probably make me drink too. Chi Hae thought.


Boram made eye-contact with N and he nodded back. Both of them smirked.


Boram straighten her posture and said, “Mianhae unnie! But I dare you to kiss Leo-oppa!”


“Mwoh?!” fear came upon Chi Hae not expecting Boram to ask for something so risky. What are they thinking?! Aish!


Leo’s eyes bulged slightly to the dare. When he saw her reaction, he saw her spaced out once again. We should get this over with was his thought looking at her pink lips. Sitting right next to her, his hand held the back of her head and he leaned in. A few centimeters away from her face, he whispered, “I’m sorry” and the space disappeared as he gave her a peck on the lips and pulled back leaving a small sensation.


Realizing what just happened, Chi Hae’s own eyes bulged and she touched her own lips with her fingers while remembering the sensation. She shot up from her seat, ran to the kitchen, then got a beer before coming back to sit in her spot again.


“Unnie, it’s not like that was your first kiss anyways,” Eun Jae reminded her, taking a sip from her juice box.


“EUN JAE!” Chi Hae screamed as she spun the bottle that landed on N. “N, truth or dare?”




“C'mon hyung!" Hyuk laughed.


Chi Hae took a swig from her can, thinking of a question for N. "Sunbae, do you think that we'll be able to debut?"


"Yah, unnie! What kinda question is that?! Ugh, no fun..." Boram whined with a pout before chugging down her can of beer.


N looked up a bit, pretending to be deep in thought. "Hmm... I do think you guys are more talented than most of the others. So yes. You girls will debut. I'll make sure of it." He winked.


“How would you know? You’ve never seen us really perform? Some of us haven’t even performed together at all.” Mei Yun seemed doubtful at his guarantee.


“Well, from all your personalities, I can tell you guys get along well and understanding each other is the best connection for when you perform,” the leader sincerely answered. “Now on to the next person.” The bottle landed on Ravi.




“I dare you to take off your shirt and y-dance,” N demanded as he smirked.


Since majority of the group was already drunk (Hyuk, Soo Hyun, and Jiyoung were underage), they wooed with anticipation. Ravi took off his shirt without hesitation, revealing his polished six pack, and started to dance the body roll part of Eternity a few times before putting his shirt back on. As he sat down he received many “boos” from the audience. Spinning again the bottle landed on Ken.




“Hyung, I want you and your partner to make out, now,” Ravi dared Ken.


Eun Jae choked on her juice and was thrown into a fit of coughs. "W-wait," she gasped. "What?!" Then turning to Ravi, "Yah oppa! W-what the hell are you even... Are you even... What... Aish!"


Ken, letting his emotions (and alcohol) take over, leaned in close to Eun Jae. His eyes locked with hers before he slowly began to close the distance between them. He gave her lips a small peck first, then looked back into her brown orbs for some sign of consent. Eun Jae bit her lip before pecking Ken's lips back. They leaned back in and pressed their lips against each other, letting them linger longer this time. It was Ken who initiated it, moving his lips slowly against hers. When he felt Eun Jae responding nicely, he pushed harder. Their kisses got rougher, a bit messier. Ken her lips, nibbled them, and began to let go.


"Oppa..." Eun Jae gasped.


Ken's eyes snapped open and he pulled away, shoving Eun Jae back as he did so. His breaths were short and heavy from the continuous kissing. What do you think you're doing, Jaehwan...?


"M-Mianhae, Eun Jae-ah... I didn't mean to-" Ken froze when he looked up at Eun Jae. She sat there, frozen with eyes as wide as saucers. She stared at him, tears clouding her vision.


"Mianhae..." she whispered, barely audible. "Mianhae... Mianhae... I..." Her eyes cast downward, fingers curling into a fist as she began to tremble slightly. "Mianhae.... Min Suk-oppa.... I didn't mean to.... I..."


Ken's eyes widened. , look what you did... Don't let her go like the last time! He reached out for her hand. "Yah, Eun Jae-ah... I didn't mean it like that I just..."


But before he could explain himself any further, the brunette shot up and dashed out the dorm, the door slamming behind her.


Ken was about to chase after her, but one very concerned Chi Hae stopped him, “I’ll go.” She exited the dorm in pursuit, leaving everyone else confused.


“EUN JAE-AH! WHERE ARE YOU?! EUN JAE-AH!” she screamed once she was outside, looking for any sign that Eun Jae was near. The next thing she heard was sobs; she followed the sound, which led to the emergency staircase.


“Eun Jae…” the girl sat down beside Eun Jae on the step, patting her friend’s back.




I curled up into ball after slapping away the hand of whoever was there. Curling up even more, I kept sobbing. How stupid are you, Eun Jae? The way he kissed me though... It all felt too real. Too good to be true. But I had a feeling. I thought, "Maybe Ken would be different." I thought that maybe Ken wouldn't push me away. But the way he did it... The way he shoved me away like I was some monster, the look of anger and disgust, it was all too familiar. In that split second, I saw him. Lee Min Suk. The ex-boyfriend who dated me because of a sick dare. I personally loved Min Suk. I loved how he was always so straightforward and how he was so mysterious. But it never came across my mind that Lee Min Suk would enjoy hurting people through dares. He dated me for a whole year when the dare was only for three months. When I asked him why, he simply said, "It was funny watching you try so hard." Min Suk always pushed me away. Even if he was the one who initiated it, I'd still end up getting shoved to the ground.


That kiss with Ken, I thought it meant something. I thought that maybe I could trust Ken with my heart. That maybe this wasn't just some dare to him. But I guess I was wrong.




The tears flowed down her face. She couldn’t stop crying. Chi Hae couldn’t tell her that everything was going to be alright because she didn’t know. Was he going to break her heart like this? Was this going to be her second time facing someone who didn’t really care about her? Chi Hae thought that Ken had feelings for Eun Jae, but now they both couldn’t trust him.


“Eun Jae, so what are you going to do?”


“About what?” Eun Jae mumbled, struggling to even talk.


“The competition. Do you want to still compete? He is your mentor.”


“Oh, I don’t know.”


“If you don’t wanna do this anymore, I’ll quit too.”


“No, I won’t quit. I’ll stay, you can’t give up your dream because of me.” She stood up. “Let’s go back.” Eun Jae was trying to be strong, but her friend could see through her facade.


“Okay, I’ll ask Leo to switch rooms with you for tonight,” Chi Hae suggested.


“Gomawo unnie.” The younger one hugged her best friend.


The both of them got back to the dorm and everyone was in their rooms ready to sleep. Ken, who was waiting for Eun Jae, stood up as the both of them arrived at the door. Ignoring Ken, Eun Jae went straight to Chi Hae’s room. Chi Hae shook her head at Ken, indicating that Eun Jae was not okay.

Half an hour later, Eun Jae (and the everybody else) was sleeping and Chi Hae was wide awake, thinking about Ken and Eun Jae. Finally, Chi Hae got up from the bed and went into the living room just to see Jaehwan lying awake on the couch, deep in thought.


“Sunbae…” she called out to him. “I need to ask you something.”


“Hmm?” he looked up from the ground, “What is it.”


“Do you like Eun Jae?” she straightforwardly asked wanting to hear the answer she wanted.


The twenty-two year old flinched to the question. Honestly, he didn't know exactly how he felt. But one thing was for sure, he did not want to lose her. “Yes,” he replied.


“Then you’ll need to know this…” Chi Hae told Ken about her past with Min Suk, how he dated her for a dare, how he pushed her away, and how it connected to him, who did the same actions.


“Ah … Chi Hae, I-I didn’t know.”


“I understand that, so please talk to her tomorrow so she can forgive you.”


“I’m sorry. All I did was push her away because I didn’t want her to get hurt, like how I did..." Ken trailed off and turned away from Chi Hae. His hands curled into fists as the memories flooded his mind.


Chi Hae understood what he was trying to say and sighed. “You need to tell her that. I'll leave her alone for now so just go in and when she wakes up, talk it out.”


“Thanks...” he stood up and walked to the room where Eun Jae was sleeping in. Looking at her sleeping, Ken saw the tear marks on her face. He grazed his fingers over the marks around her eyes and gently kissed her eyelids, hoping that she wouldn’t wake up. Pulling a chair at the side of the bed, he held Eun Jae’s hand. "I'm sorry Eun Jae," he whispered, "You just remind me of her so much..." After a few moments of watching over the girl, Ken eventually drifted off into a deep sleep, his head beside hers.


On the other hand, Chi Hae was wide awake and hungry. Opening the fridge, she took out some vegetables, leftover kimchi, and rice. Slicing the vegetables, she heated up the frying pan and then poured all the ingredients into the pan. The pan sizzled harshly.


Ah! I might wake the others! Her brown orbs enlarged at the realization, so she closed the door to the kitchen. As she continued to stir the ingredients, the kitchen door opened again.


“Ah… Leo-sunbae. I woke you up, didn’t I?” she asked the figure that was walking towards her.


He nodded and looked at what she was making, “Kimchi fried rice?”




“Aren’t the trainees supposed to diet?” he questioned.


“I’m an exception because I lose weight easily. High metabolism FOR THE WINNN!” she cheered holding up a peace sign.




Chi Hae turned off the stove and poured the fried rice into a big bowl. “Want some?” She took a spoon and scooped up some rice, then holding it up to him she said, "Say ahh~"


Leo stared at the spoon then back at her with eyes slightly larger than then usually were. Hesitantly, he leaned in and opened his mouth to allow her to feed him the rice. "Good..." he said softly after finishing his bite.


Chi Hae smiled and set the spoon back down. "I'll go get us some bowls." She began to make her way towards the cabinets but stopped. "Maybe Ken-sunbae wants some too..." The girl spun around and headed towards her room where Eun Jae was sleeping. She opened the door slowly and peaked in. "Sunbae..? Would you like some kimchi rice?" When there was no answer, Chi Hae stepped inside. "Sunba-" She cut herself off when she saw Eun Jae and Ken sleeping peacefully, hands joined tightly. Chi Hae sighed softly and smiled. She found a spare blanket in one of the closets and wrapped it around Ken.


Meanwhile, Leo took the liberty of setting the kitchen table. He set two bowls down with spoons and chopsticks. When Chi Hae returned, he looked up.


"Oh, you set the table?" she said in surprise.


He nodded.


"Thanks Leo-sunbae... You really didn't have to-"


"But I have to... Because I'm eating the food you made..."


Chi Hae blinked before smiling at him softly. "It's really okay... You didn't have to..."


That smile... Leo thought. He found himself strangely attracted to her whenever she smiled. He caught himself staring at her lips and fought the blush that dared to creep onto his cheeks.


"Sunbae?" Chi Hae approached him. "A-are you okay?"


Leo blinked. He nodded.


"Let's eat then, okay?"


Again, Leo nodded.

Leo woke up to find himself sitting on the couch. He yawned and fluttered his eyes a bit. Seeing how he was the first to be awake, the dark haired vocalist decided to make breakfast. However, he found himself unable to stand because of a certain girl who had fallen asleep on his lap. The dark eyes widened slightly when he saw Chi Hae.


How did this... What happened...? How... Oh, right... Leo remembered how they had  decided to watch some T.V after their late night snack. She must've fallen over then...


"C-Chi Hae-ssi..." He gave her a shoulder a little shake.


"Mm...?" Chi Hae mumbled as she began to wake up. Her eyes met with Leo's, jolting her to her senses. Chi Hae shot up from his lap and began to bow repeatedly. "Mianhae! Mianhae sunbae! I didn't mean to!"


"It's okay," he reassured her. "How about we just make breakfast for everyone...?"


After calming herself down, Chi Hae nodded. "Y-yeah... That sounds good..."


As they made their way to the kitchen, they both heard a soft whimper. Chi Hae, instantly recognizing it as Eun Jae, quickly rushed to the door of her room and peaked in. Ken, also hearing the whimpers, woke up to see Eun Jae squirming around in her sleep.


"Why...?" she cried softly in her sleep, "Why Min Suk..."


Chi Hae was about to run in to comfort her friend, but stopped when she saw Ken. The vocalist slowly made his way into Eun Jae's bed and pulled her close beside him. He her hair softly, rubbing circles into her hand with the pad of his thumb.


"Shhh..." he whispered. "Min Suk isn't here, Eun Jae... He won't hurt you again..."


Eun Jae's arms wrapped around Ken's torso, and she buried her face into his chest. The usually bubbly boy only pulled her closer as he began to softly sing a lullaby.


"Don't worry," Leo's voice startled Chi Hae. "Jaehwan will take care of her..."


"But... They just met..." She was still hesitant to "give" Eun Jae to someone else.


"She reminds Jaehwan of the girl he used to love... That's why I know... Jaehwan won't let anything happen to her..." Leo's eyes locked with Chi Hae, and all the girl could do was stare into the dark depths of his eyes. "Trust me, Chi Hae."


She swallowed the lump in and nodded once. "Don't worry, sunbae... I trust you."


Thanks to the peeps who subscribed!!! There's more and more of you now!!!

To be honest, I haven't wrote with my co-authors in like forever =/ but we all have lives to take care of. So whatever... I'm still doing monthly updates though. I'm still writing during english class though =D even though I should really bring my grade up ( I have a B, I feel like I'm failing =/). 


BUTTTT... Good news!!! VIXX IS COMING TO MY TOWN CHICAGO YASSSSSSSSSSS in November for their Hex Sign World Tour!!!! Saving dat money doeeee!!! If it doesn't happen, I'm probably going to Chinatown to slap my source that told me this. That's always fun!



Oops I mean these faces...






Gawd the gifs are endless...

And another thing: I'm getting into WINNER and Team B/iKon SOOOOO MUCH again ever since the new survival show Mix and Match started. I finally downloaded Team B's on my phone and I feel like crying every-damn-time, but it's music. GOT TO APPRECIATE! Umg B.I. my bby!!




So adorbs =3


You know you should subscribe/upvote/comment. Cuz you love us and our story and VIXX and us again =3

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saranghaejaejoong1 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue and let Leo be happy please it hurts me when he has pain they are going to give him a depression and trauma and that . The story is so interesting and awesome but please just let Leo be happy with Chi Hae and Ken and Eun jae
MyLion92 #2
Chapter 15: ㅠ^ㅠ I wish Leo would be happy~~ T^T
Chapter 14: WHAF THE DJXK NO
Chapter 12: ahh author-nim FINALLY u updated

everytime i open my aff i always wait for this story to be updated.. AND YES FINALLY

i love it and keep writing this!!!

Chapter 11: Hahaha x3
I noticed that Chi Hae the one who told Ken about Eun Jae's past and Eun Jae told Leo Chi Hae's