[3S] Pyokwon

Drabble Requests - Block B

Original Prompt: "Pyokwon AU where they switch heights"

From: Tumblr - myrandomfandomplace

Waking up, he had felt just a little off, somehow, nothing he could quite place his finger on, just… wrong.

When he had been just short of being able to reach his favorite cereal on the top shelf, he was still too groggy to find it too odd, instead just attributing it to having accidentally pushed it too far back the day before.

When Ukwon walked in, however, and he had to look up at him, as the older man grabbed down a different box of cereal without having to ask for help, he started panicking.

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charliekim #1
Chapter 44: What happens next! please tell me there will be more of this verse!
Thank you for sharing all of these amazing pieces, although short they are each womderful