Chapter 13

The Tale of the Princess and EXO Knights

Ji Hyun's POV

I starting to gained my consciousness. I opened my eyes slowly but my head's hurt and my sight's blurred. I can see a few people looking down at me but I still can't see their faces clearly.

"Is she okay?" I can heard someone asking beside me.

I blinked again and again until I can see their faces.

"Woah!" I screamed as I recognized they are all boys and I have no idea who are they. I knew them somehow, somewhere but, I was just so shocked. I got up immediately as I feel my head hurts so much. They were all startled and back off to give me some space.

"Hey~ easy", a man before me trying to calmed me down. He has a handsome feature and pretty calm voice. He looks tall enough even when he sit beside me.

"Wh-who are you?!", I asked in panic. What happened last night. How on earth can I awake in this place with these guys around me? I started to remember. That's when it hits me. The memories of last night incident.

"You were kidnapped and anesthetized. So we brought you here. You called me remember?", another man stepped closer. I recognized his face in instant.

"Suho-ssi? H-how--", I was going to ask another question but he cut me.

"Worry not, you'll be fine now. They won't hurt you anymore", he said.

I looked up to see each of their faces. They're all have handsome and cute features, no wonder they have so many fans around the world. I can feel my cheeks reddened. 

"Where are they?", I asked.

They didn't answer for a few seconds. They just starring at each other, waiting for someone to speak up.

"We have imprisoned them. You don't have to worry about it", Suho answered finally.

"I don't understand. Why they did this to me? What have they done to Jae Won oppa and Jung Ah?", I asked continuously. I really worried about them. They are all I have in this world.

"We don't know yet. But we'll figure it out", he answered again. Seems like he is in charge of everything.

"No. I'll ask them. I want to meet them", I said. People might be think that I'm crazy for wanting this, but those people took the most precious things in my life.

"No. That's too dangerous", the man who calmed me down before, the tall one speak up finally.

"Yeah that's too dangerous. We can't let you meet them", Suho agreed.

"Oh come on, there are twelve of you. I just want to ask them a few questions", I groaned.

They were all stay quiet, thinking what should they do.

"I'm sorry", Suho said finally while shook his head.

I sighed, "All of you said that I'm your princess, now I command you to take me there". I know that's a little bit rude for the first meeting but they told me that so, let's just follow their game.

"B-but", Suho answered.

"No buts. That's my order", I cut him off before he finish his sentence. I got up of the bed while they just starring at me, speechless. "So? What are we waiting for?"

"Alright. Fine. But if something bad going to happen, you have to do what we ask you to do. Deal?", Suho asked firmly.

"Fine. Deal", I responded as I rolls my eyes and let out a sigh.

The tall one looked at Suho for a moment. I was thinking that maybe they talk telepathically in that moment before they nods at each other for agreement.

"Follow me", he said while hinted me to follow him. I can notice how worried he is through his face and voice tone. Is there any crazier moment than when someone you never know your entire life, really care about you?

I followed him walk through the corridor, followed by the rest of them behind me. The house itself looks more like a dorm where it designed mostly with wood. There are more than three bedrooms that I've seen. The living room looks modern minimalist with many entertainments features. I wonder if there's only the twelve of them in this house.

I can't look around too long because the man in front of me lead me straight to the basement where they held the prisoners. Actually I kinda surprise to see the basement which I never seen in my entire life cause korean's houses have no basement from the very beginning.

I can smell the musty smell as soon as I enters the basement. The room is so dark that I can see nothing but darkness. I stepped down the stair slowly and carefully. The man who leads the way switched the light on when he reached the basement. The lights blinding me for a moment so I tried to blink a few times to adjust my sight.

Right after my eyes adjusted with the light, I looked around and found the basement is looks like any ordinary basement where they kept their thrift stuff and some of the fans's gift, except for the cage where I can see two people I know for my entire life are imprisoned inside of it.

Seeing that my first instinct is to get closer to them. So I walk towards them but someone held my hand tightly before I move too far. I turned around and see that it was the tall one.

"Don't. Their dangerous. The people you know are gone princess", he said to warned me.

"No! It's us Ji Hyun-ah", one of the prisoners speak up. It was Jung Ah. Or was it the psycho that I met last night?

"Ji Hyun-ah. It's us. What's happened? Why they put us in this cage?", another one speak up. My dear fiancé.

"Don't you remember what happened last night?" I asked them as I hope that last night was just a nightmare. And that nightmare is over now.

"No. We don't remember anything. Last time I remember we were on our graduate party. So does she", Jae Won Oppa explained. So they are both black out all of this time. They have no idea what had happened?

"It was two years ago, Oppa", I told them. They were so shocked how fast their 'time' passed by.

"Two years? No that's impossible. It was last night", Jae Woon Oppa replied.

"Yeah and today we just woke up in this cage with these guys questioned us everything we don't know. They even threatened us if we don't answer their question", Jung Ah complained about the boys's 'service'.

"You don't recognize them?", I asked Jung Ah again. Remembering that she is in love with this boy band makes it impossible for her to pretend they don't like them now.

"How in the hell I can know them. For me now, they just some freak boys that put me in the cage. Now can you please let us out of this cage Lee Ji Hyun? I really can lose my mind inside of this thing", Jung Ah kept babbling.

I'm certain now that they are back so, I stepped forward but my hand is still held tightly. I turned around and gives him a 'let me go' look as I try to release myself.

"Their lying princess. They tried to manipulate you again. Don't trust them", he said while hold my hand more tightly causing a pain in my wrist.

"Let me go!", I yelled at him as I try to release myself.

"Princess, you make a deal to do what we ask", Suho speak up between the eleventh of them. 

"I promised to do what you asked if something bad is going to happen. Now there's nothing happened so... BACK OFF!", I yelled again. This time I succeeded to release myself and also pushed them. Not just him. Them.

They just pushed away by unseen force. Far enough that the men in back line hit the wall. I looked at my right hand for a moment before I put them back at the same position as before to hold them there. They try to move forward but they were like blocked by this force. What happened to me? Is this what they called magic?

"Just back off. I don't want to hurt you", I said as I take step forward to the cage. I can hear their babbles behind me, trying to stop me. I didn't care about it and just observed the cage. It was locked.

"Use your power, Ji Hyun", Jae Won Oppa said to me while I forced to unlock the lock with my bare hand.

Without thinking, I use my left hand to open the door with the same 'magic' I used to the exo members. The lock is unlocked in the split second and just fall onto the ground.

I opened the cage and help both of them got out of it. As soon as they got off, I put my hands around Jung Ah. 

"Jung Ah-ya~", I hugged her tightly. I'm so happy that they are both survived and now everything will be back to normal.

Just as I think about how can Jae Woon oppa know about my power, I heard Jung Ah said, "You should learn to trust your knights, Princess". Before I react to her words, Jae Won Oppa already got his hand on my neck. He's holding a sharp thing that I think is a knife or something. Everything happened so fast. My heart's hurt, knowing that they betrayed me again, that I fooled again.

"Princess..", I can hear the exo members yelling.

"Stay back or I'll kill her instantly", he threatened them. "And don't ever think of doing your tricks cause I'll cut before you even think of it. And believe me, if I do, your trick or hers can't save her from death", I know that's not just a threat.

"Why did you do this? Where's Jae Woon oppa and Jung Ah?", I asked them while tears rolled down my eyes.

"They're gone, Princess. Don't you understand? They can't be saved", Jung Ah answered beside me. Or what should I call her? I cried hearing that. The people I loved is gone?

"Now you will let us go upstairs", Jae Won oppa said as he drags me with him.

"We'll let you go. Just don't hurt her", the tall one shouted at the two of them.

"We won't if you all behave", Jung Ah said while Jae Won oppa keep dragged me out of the basement. Lock the exo members down there.

Jung Ah went off to find a phone while I cried out loud in the hand of someone I used to love, someone I used to know.

Few minutes after that, I can hear a car stopped in front of the house. I want to scream but stopped by the pain in my neck. He stabbed my neck. I can feel the blood flowed down my neck and my head starts to spinning. I realize that in a few moment I'll lose consciousness and will blood to death.

"Goodbye Princess. We'll meet again", he whispered in my ears before dropped my head onto the floor. I can see both of them stepped away in my last moment before my sight get blurred.

Is this it? Am I going to die?


Finally this is the new chapter, i'm so sorry for late update. been busy since the start of this semester. I hope I can update the next chapters soon.

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Taelin #1
Chapter 15: that's sad i really don't want her acting like that i hope she'll get her memory back soon , gomawoo author-nim i really love your story but pls don't forget about us and update soon , hwaitiing
Chapter 13: Daebak story! Love it, update soon, author-nim :-)
Taelin #3
Chapter 13: As great as always gomawoo author.nim
Sooyong #4
Chapter 13: Excited for more!! Nice story!! Thanks for updating!!
Taelin #5
Chapter 11: hehe , it is actually a good story and i love it , i'm excited to know more , hwaiting author-nim
Taelin #6
Chapter 9: woow , i'm being so excited here , i hope you can update soon author-nim , hwaiting and cheer up
lydcarol #7
Thank you for your comments and i'm so sorry for the late update. I'm just so busy these days. I will try to update as often as I can. Please keep stay tune for another update~ ^^
exodaily #8
Chapter 7: I really like this story, please update soon
Taelin #9
Chapter 7: woow , i don't know if the story is still new but i really like it and author-nim don't be sad i think the others didn't discover it yet but pls continue it is a great story