Chapter 11

The Tale of the Princess and EXO Knights

Ji Hyun's POV

"Be careful. More closer someone to you, more dangerous they are. Do not trust anyone". His voice just keep echoing inside my head.

Someone's closer? I am not a friendly type so I just have a few friends. Jung Ah is the closest one. Is it one of them? Or does he meant Jae Won oppa?

"No, it can't be", I said to myself as I shook my head.

"Sorry?", the cab driver asked while looked at me through the mirror. He looked surprise because of my murmur.

"No-nothing", I chuckled nervously.

He must think I'm crazy. I hit my head with my hand. These whole magical-alien-princess just made me looks crazy. Fortunately, it's over. At least for now. Tonight I just want to get over it. Tomorrow? Well, I'm going to get back to my old life; to my fiancé.

I closed my eyes for a second as I felt a little bit dizzy because of the headache. This whole thing just really messed up with my life. Without noticing, the cab is stopped. After paid the driver, I went out of the cab and walk towards my rent house which located near enough.

It was already dark. My watch shows 11.55 pm already. The cold breeze and dark alley give me a creep. But, that's not just it, I can feel someone followed me in that alley. I could not see that person's face or figure, I just can see his shadow following my footsteps. My heart is racing as I make my way home faster. I didn't turn back again until I reached my front porch and found my keys.

I can feel my heart is beating so fast that I couldn't catch my breath. My hands are sweaty and shaky that I couldn't put the key right into its hole. The keys fell and made me panic even more. I picked it up as soon as possible and try it again.

Right after I heard the click sound, I burst inside and locked the door from inside. I catched my breath for a second before I turns on the light.

"Gapjagiya!", I shouted as I notice a figure inside my house. A second later, I realized the figure was Jung Ah's. She was standing there like some kind of statue.

"Ya! You almost make me have a heartattack", I shouted at her. But, she remained silent and just looked at me with a blank face.

"Jung Ah-ya, what's wrong?", I asked her. Still no answer. This situation, once again, gave me a creep. What happened with Jung Ah? What is she doing here? How can she come inside my house at the first place? We are best friend but, I never give her any key to my house. In fact, I never give anyone the key.

I was going to approach her when I heard a movement behind me. My heart is racing once again. My first instinct is to run as fast as I can from that spot. But, instead of running, I turned around and see the figure behind me.

"Oppa", I sighed as I catches my breath. Then I realized his face is as blank as Jung Ah's. They were like freeze in that position. "Wh-what are you two doing here?", I turned around to see Jung Ah.

In that moment, Suho's warning just repeat itself in my head. My heart is racing once again as I realized this situation. I never gave both of them the key to my house, how can they even enter my house without broke any window or door?

I turned around slowly at Jae Woon oppa. His eyes were fixed at me. He's glaring at me in the way he never did, like a lion glare onto it's victim. Before I can even move, he covered my mouth and nose with a cloth. My eyes widened and I tried to scream.

"Hush", he said while press the cloth even harder. I hit his chest and hands in order to push him away. Someone came behind me and pull my hands back and tied it up. I guessed it was Jung Ah's. I was trying to break away again before I lost my consciousness. I was starting to out and my body is weakened. I have no idea what's going to happen with me. What do they want from me? People I loved, people I trusted. All the thought just vanished as fast as my consciousness vanished.

I don't know how long I've been knocked out. As the sedative fade away, I started to regain my consciousness. I opened my eyes and looks at the ceiling. It was pretty high, I'm guessing we were at some sort of warehouse or abandoned building.

"Well, it's about time you're awake", someone beside me said while the surgical lamp. I couldn't see her face because of it. But, I know exactly whose voice is it? I've been hearing this voice since high school. It belongs to my best friend, Park Jung Ah. I closed my eyes again because the light is burning my retinas. She moved the lamp and I opens my eyes once again. I can see her evil smirk which I never see in my entire life. I tried to move but my hands are both tied up beside me. 

"Jung Ah-ya. What is this? What are you doing?", I asked while try to release myself. Although I know the answer won't be the answer I've expected but, there's a part of me that hope all of this just one of the worst prank ever.

"We're just going to fix you", I heard another voices from the other side of the room. His voice is deep and calm as I remembered. Only it's sounded colder now. It's the voice I loved. At least it was. I turned around and see him make his way towards me.

"Oppa~ I-i don't understand. What do you mean? Why are you doing this?", I asked again as my tears began to rolled out from my eyes. How can he did this to me? How can they did this to me?

"Easy there", Jung Ah answered while my shoulder. "It's going to be okay". The way she calmed me down didn't comfort me like it used to be. It made me cry even more.

"If you just keep your curiosity inside, just a little bit longer, maybe we can have our happy ending. But you chose to find your past over us. Don't you have enough, honey?", Jae Won Oppa said while my cheek and erased my tears.

Past? All of the conversation with Suho just rushing back at me. So, it's true. Is it means that both of them are 'the enemy'? My eyes widened and I can feel the adrenaline rush through my vein as I realized it.

"Who-who are you?", I stuttered as I pulled away from his hand. "You're not them. Where are they? What did you do to them?"

"Ssh. They're here Ji Hyun-a. They're just the passanger and we are the pilot", Jung Ah explained with her evil smirk. No, not Jung Ah. She is someone else. My best friend and fiancé are both gone. I can't hold my tears when I think about that.

"Wh-what do you want from me?", I asked with tears rolled out from my eyes.

"As I said. We're going to fix you", he answered while turned back to take something. "Human's brain have a short memory storage. With a little 'disturbance', you won't remember anything about this and your past. Then finally, we can get back to our marriage", he explained while turned back at me with scalpel in his hand.

"N-no. Please don't do this", I begged him as I struggled to release myself. But, they tied me tight, I can barely move my body. I turned to my left side and see Jung Ah already on her move to inject me with a sedative.

"I won't lie. This is going to hurt like hell", Jung Ah said to warned me. I turned to my right side and see Jae Won oppa already prepared his scalpel to land on my head.

In that moment, I can't think of anything. The best thing I can do is scream and scream, begging them to stop.

"Stop", I screamed as loud as I can while closed my eyes. I know it won't do any good. The pain will come in any second now while the sedative still not injected into my vein yet. I wait and wait but, there is no pain. I just heard they both coughs like they've been chocked. I opens my eyes and seeing both of them look like chocked of water. The water keeps getting out of their mouth like they've been drowned.

Jae Won oppa took a step back and let go of his scalpel. It landed near my right hand. Without thinking any further, I reached out for it. I used the scalpel to cut the rope that tight my hand into the bed, starting with my right hand, left hand, and then my legs. It was fast enough, fortunately. I got off the bed and looked around to find anything meanwhile both of them still chocking on the ground.

My eyes catch the bag in the corner. My bag. I ran towards it and found my phone in it. I took it out and run as fast as I can from that place. I was right. This place is an abandoned building. It has a long corridors with many doors and broken windows. It was dark but the moonlight is bright enough to let me see through the corridors.

I ran and ran while trying to dial 119. I doubt before I hit the dial button. Without thinking anymore, I erased the number and searched another number through my dialed list. There it is, Suho's number. I hit the dial button and ran towards a room to hide inside. Without realizing, my body is shaking. I can only hope he'll pick it up. I sat down behind the door and curled up like a baby in the womb.

"Jaebal... jaebal...", I whispered.

"Yeobeoseyo? Who is this?", he yawned after answering. Of course, it's midnight already; dawn probably.

"Suho-ssi. He-help me", I whispered while my tears kept roll down my face. "They... they've got me".

"What?! Do you know where you are right now?", he asked worriedly.

"I don't know. They anesthetized me before they brought me here. I'm scared. I-", I stopped when I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Honey, where are you? Come out, come out, wherever you are", Jae Won oppa shouted through the corridors as he steps toward my hiding spot.

"They're here", I whispered.

"Calm down. Now explain to me anything around you; what do you see, heard, smell, anything", he asked in hurry.

I looked around and then explained it to him, "There are many broken windows and--". Someone pushed the phone from my hand. It landed far enough from me. I looked up and I can see both of them standing there.

"Get up! Now!", Jung Ah shouted at me harshly.

I stood up, "Don't hurt me. Please... I-".

Before I can't even finish, her hand landed on my cheek, slapped me hard enough that made me almost fall on my feet. The taste of blood filled my mouth as I feel the pain. I guessed it will left a print for a few days.

"Stop it! We want her alive. Now give me the sedative", Jae Won oppa said to her before she kick me. He hold my face with one hand and make me face him. I want to hit him but, Jung Ah hold my hand before I can even move. "Well well, seems like your knights won't be here to save you this time, Princess", he laughed evilly while injected my neck with the sedative.

"Let her go!", someone shouted in the dark. Am I dreaming? Is this sedative caused a hallucination? Before I can think any further, I could feel both of they're grip weakened. I opened my eyes and saw both of them thrown across the room by unseen force.

I turned to the voice to see its source but, the sedative didn't take so long to take away my consciousness. My sight blurred slowly after I saw someone step out of the dark. The sedative kept working as I saw another one behind the first one. And another one and another one. There are many of them or is it just the hallucination? I began to weaken as I fell onto the ground. For a second, I think I will hit the ground hardly. Instead, I landed on something more comfortable. It was warm. In my last moment of consciousness, I could hear they're calling my name. Not my name exactly. They called me, 'Princess'.

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Taelin #1
Chapter 15: that's sad i really don't want her acting like that i hope she'll get her memory back soon , gomawoo author-nim i really love your story but pls don't forget about us and update soon , hwaitiing
Chapter 13: Daebak story! Love it, update soon, author-nim :-)
Taelin #3
Chapter 13: As great as always gomawoo author.nim
Sooyong #4
Chapter 13: Excited for more!! Nice story!! Thanks for updating!!
Taelin #5
Chapter 11: hehe , it is actually a good story and i love it , i'm excited to know more , hwaiting author-nim
Taelin #6
Chapter 9: woow , i'm being so excited here , i hope you can update soon author-nim , hwaiting and cheer up
lydcarol #7
Thank you for your comments and i'm so sorry for the late update. I'm just so busy these days. I will try to update as often as I can. Please keep stay tune for another update~ ^^
exodaily #8
Chapter 7: I really like this story, please update soon
Taelin #9
Chapter 7: woow , i don't know if the story is still new but i really like it and author-nim don't be sad i think the others didn't discover it yet but pls continue it is a great story