Show Me

Hiyyaa! I was leaning on to drama but I feel like changing it. I'm messing up my own storyline, remember? keke~ I wish I can give you the satisfaction that you're asking. Goodnight!


-Taeyeon is love-


Tiffany broke down the moment Hei Ryung closed the door. She never expected such an argument just because of her visit. She just wanted to have fun without bothering her and forget that she was ignored the moment they woke up. But it seemed like she created a chaos instead.

Questions filled her mind when the incident today replayed inside her head. Who is that girl Hei Ryung seem to be afraid of? That person who she was told the latter is trying to protect her from. Does the team leader hate her that much to go to the extent of asking that friend to get rid of her? What does ‘get rid of her’ means? Kill her?

She shook her head and wiped off her tears. That would be too much if they’ll go that possibility.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She doesn’t know why she feel so hurt seeing Hei Ryung acting like that. All angry, confusing and not to mention very different than yesterday. Yes, she likes getting her attention, with all her childish antiques just to see that smile she likes so much, to hear her sweet words and be the receiver of her sweet gestures.

But they’re all fake. Forced. She thought.

Disappointed, that’s one way to describe what she feels the moment she realized that those gestures aren’t true. That they existed because Hei Ryung was forced to do so. But she can’t deny the fact that she was happy even though that only lasted for a day.

The urge of wanting those things from her aren’t exactly appealing for her right now. Not when they had another fight. Not when she knows Hei Ryung can never treat her more than a burden responsibility, a problem, an additional obligation.

But she can’t help but wonder whether somehow, Hei Ryung liked her as her. As Tiffany who maybe moody but at least true. The Tiffany who likes attention and sweet gestures. She wonders whether Hei Ryung ever liked her back.

The last thought jerked her from her seat as she clutched her chest. No….No.No.No. I don’t like her. I’m straight. I don’t like girls. She shook her head vigorously as she tried to convince herself. I can’t like her! She panicked. I must get out of here.

She stood up. Grabbed her luggage Hei Ryung safely kept inside the walk-in closet and shoved each of her things. She’s afraid of what she’s feeling and Hei Ryung’s place might not help her at all.

When everything’s set, she immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Sunny’s number.



“Heyaa. What happened to you Ahjumma?” Yuri took her eyes off the game she is playing and greeted her friend who entered the room frowning like a grounded kid.

“She’s so ungrateful!” Hei Ryung slammed her palms on the table.

“Yah!” Yuri jerked from her seat, almost dropping her phone in the process. “What the heck Ryung. Keep calm and play Clash of Clans.”

“Aish!” Hei Ryung angrily stomped her feet like a spoiled child.

“What’s with you? I’ve never seen you act like that before. Very unappealing and not to mention uncool. What happened?”

“Did you forget what happened today?!”

“Sheesh. Stop shouting. We’re in the office. You’re acting like Tiffany right now. Loud and stubborn.” She rubbed her ear.

“I’m not like her!” she unconsciously shouted.

“Keep doing that and I swear I’ll shove pink unicorns inside your mouth to shut you up.”

“I don’t like pink horses with horns.” She grumbled and harshly sat on her seat. “Tiffany likes them.” A split second smile plastered on her face when she remembered how excited Tiffany looked when they happen to pass by the stuff toy store when shopping. She then cleared and put on the frown back.

“Exactly! You’re acting like her right now, so it might as well help shut your mouth up.” Yuri rolled her eyes. “Now tell me. What happened today?”

“Everything happened right in front of your nose Yuri! Tiffany went to her company. Don’t tell me that you forgot already?!” She yelled once more. She can’t control her self today, especially when Yuri’s acting like this.

“No I didn’t forget but what’s with it?”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean, why are you so mad about it? Tiffany did nothing wrong.  I asked her, she said she worked there. There’s nothing wrong visiting the company you used to spend your everyday with. She doesn’t know that it’s that girl’s company. She is innocent, cut her some slack.” Yuri calmly said.

“You know what will happen should that team leader tell her and ask for favor. Everything that we worked and waited so hard for Miss Hwang will go to waste, Yuri! She might destroy everything should she learn Miss Hwang’s story! That team leader knows how to dig well!”

Yuri shook her head. “Aren’t you always calm? You solve things not like this. What happened to you? Why are you so panicked?”

“It’s her that we are talking about Yuri. You know how she do things. There’s nothing I can’t be calm of.” She clenched her jaw.

“Yet you fell in love with her.”

She clenched her fist. That much she can’t deny. They were best friends after all. Yuri, Hei Ryung and Her. And that team leader? She’s just the typical know-it-all employee who up on her to get a higher position. But Tiffany’s too better than her that’s why she ended up only as the assistant Team leader.

Maybe Tiffany’s sudden visit alarmed her. Hei Ryung thought.

The three of them – Yuri, Hei Ryung and her – were always together. And no matter how spoiled that girl is - throwing tantrums when she can’t get what she wants and make evil plans to achieve her likes - Hei Ryung can’t deny that she is very kind to people she likes and is very sweet.

“I thought you’re over her?”

Yuri cut her thought.


“And here I thought Tiffany’s presence made you forget her. She made you break your life rules after all.” Yuri said, still with that calm voice.

She was my first love Yuri. No one can make me forget her that easily.” She said. Though she knows that Yuri was right. From the time Tiffany entered her life, she had never thought of her even once.

“Is that why you can’t treat Tiffany right?”

“I treated her right.” She glared at Yuri.

“But I bet you yelled at her when you sent her home, did you?”

“Because I was mad and afraid of what will happen! She’s so ungrateful! If you were there, you might say the same thing!”

“She was innocent this time, Ryungie. She didn’t bother you. She silently entertained herself because you aren’t there. Yet you yelled at her. Do you think she’ll ever understand?”

“I explained to her the possibilities of her action! I even mentioned her and that team leader’s connection!”

“Did you explain to her who she is?”

“I did say that, didn’t I?!” she impatiently said every word.



“Including your history with her?”

She frowned. “Why would I share that?”

“Because that’ll help her understand better. If you told her your history, she might as well ask what kind of person she is and that she’ll know that she is in danger should the team leader ask for her help.”

Hei Ryung didn’t respond. She knows that her friend is right.

“Oh well. That would be better if you tell her calmly. Not like this. Angry and stubborn and stupid.”

“Hey! Watch it!”

“I’m right though.” Yuri leaned her head on the couch’s headrest. “Talk to her when you get home.”

Hei Ryung face palmed herself. “Too late. She might not be there anymore.”

“What?!” Yuri snapped her head up.

“I kinda told her to…you know…leave.”

“Kim Hei Ryung!” Yuri glared at her.

“What? She said she regretted meeting me and staying in my home!”

Yuri shook her head in exasperation. “I can’t believe you.”

“What now?!”

“She was mad Ryung! Those words aren’t what she meant! You know better than that!”

“I was mad too!”

Yuri sighed. “I’m outta here. I need that calm Hei Ryung who thinks first before acting.” She stood up. “I’m expecting Tiffany to be back. You can’t leave her like this. She’s pregnant Ryung. You know she needs you.”

“Is that my problem?”

“That’s yours the moment you let her stay in your home.” Yuri intensely looked at Hei Ryung. “But if you can’t help her, then I might take your part. I think I’ll do better than you. Both in treating her and helping her.”

Hei Ryung frowned. She never saw Yuri acting like this. “Do you like her?”

“No. But I know how to treat people right. I know someone who needs help when I see one. If she came up to me and ask, I might have helped her as much as I can.”

“Are you challenging me Yuri?”

“Are you challenged Ryung?”

She smirked. “I must say I like competence. You can’t get her Yuri. I know her better than you.”

“You should’ve used that to treat her better Ryung.” Yuri then extended her hand. “May the best wins.”

Hei Ryung accepted the hand. “I’m very sure I will.”

“Let’s see about that.”




Hei Ryung never felt so tired. She literally crashed the moment she saw her bed. She after all, still attended that so called hiring for personal driver she suggested.

“This is the hardest hiring, a driver can and will experience. Facing you for an interview? Nerve wracking. But the salary is making up for it.” Jessica teasingly told her.

Truth is, she doesn’t need a driver. But she still did it for Tiffany. She made that plan even before their argument anyway.

She felt disappointed though. She never crossed a person with a tattooed hand. It came out harder than she expected. It greatly affected her mood as well, making her impatient and snappy.

She was hoping that Tiffany’s nags and/or childishness can make her forget her stress. But that hope crashed the moment she entered the very quiet house.

There’s no Tiffany greeting her with a wide smile. No Tiffany watching TV. No Tiffany asking for a midnight snack. No Tiffany bothering her when she tries to finish her work at home. No Tiffany whining how bored she is and asks to play a game on her phone. No Tiffany singing her lung out whenever her favorite song is played. No Tiffany squealing like a high school girl when watching a love story, or crying when watching a drama.

There’s no Tiffany that she’ll secretly carry on the bed whenever she fell asleep on the couch after watching a movie. No Tiffany hovering over her from the side of the couch that she usually sleeps on to wish her a good morning.

And most of all. No Tiffany clinging to her when she feels so sleepy, telling her how she smelt so good even after work and drift off to sleep.

The last thought reminded her of yesterday. The first time she held Tiffany in her arms when she slept.

She unconsciously buried her face on the pillow and smelled her scent. She let it linger on her nose for a minute and stopped when she was about to hug the pillow tight.

She sat up. “Now I’m sniffing pillows?!” She groaned then stood up.

A hot shower might help her relax.

She got herself a new set of blankets. She has no will to change the bed sheet and the pillowcase no matter how her brain tell her to do so.

She tossed and turned. Tiffany’s lingering scent and her thoughts just can’t make her sleep.

Ironic because I’m supposed to be tired. She groaned. Where the heck is she might be now?

She stared at the ceiling. Thinking which place Tiffany is staying. Sunny’s or Jessica’s. She gasped. “Did she really went home and decided to tell her father? He’ll be back soon after all.” She said to no one in particular.

She hastily sat up and grabbed her phone to call Tiffany. But the moment she saw her name, she was again torn in calling her or letting her be.

If she’ll call her, she doesn’t know what to say because they just had argument this morning and she doesn’t know how to make up for it. However, if she’ll let her be, Yuri might take the chance and loss hers.

So, she decided to stick on the safer side.

Text her. She clicked the messaging app then cleared . Her thumbs are hovering the keypad.

What should I tell her? Just then, her eyes caught sight of a pair of pink slippers just below her.

Miss Hwang, you forgot your slippers.” she typed.

“That doesn’t sound so…nice. Does it?” she deleted it and frowned.

Why did you leave, Miss Hwang?” She typed again and deleted it once more. “Stupid. You told her to leave.”

She fidgeted on her phone. Trying to think of a nice approach. She bit her lip and uneasily tapped her thumbs together.

A groan escaped on when she can’t think of something. She threw herself on the bed. Holding the phone on the other hand.

She sighed and tried once more. “My bed smells like you.”


“That sound so erted. Ugh!”

She typed again. “I miss you. Come home?

She stared at the message for a good minute. Berating whether or not to send the message. She has never tried expressing herself to anyone like this before. Not even to her.

“Aish!” She deleted the message and threw the phone beside her. “Why is it so hard to text her?!”

Just then, her phone vibrated. She immediately sat up and eagerly opened the message. Hoping that it’s Tiffany. But her expectation crashed when she saw the name. It is Yuri asking where she is and whether she has come home after the interview she conducted. Apparently, the latter excused herself because she has to attend the meeting Hei Ryung is supposed to join.

“I’m home. You should too. Rest Yul.”

“Okay. You too buddy. Don’t forget about Tiffany. :p”

“I won’t. Goodluck to you buddy. XD”

She groaned for nth time. This is pure pressure.

And so an idea came in her mind. She stick to the safer and more reasonable approach.

Good Evening Miss Hwang. I have to tell you something about your case before I completely get my hands off it. I’m hoping we can meet as soon as possible.”

She reread the message over and over again before sending it. Tiffany hasn’t gone for more than a night and here she is, feeling like they were days apart.

“I hate this feeling.” She mumbled, lied down and closed her eyes.

Her phone vibrated.

She sat up again.


Just email it to me. Thanks.” The message read.

“What?!” That was the most professional message she had ever received from Tiffany.

The coldest and most authoritative message she thought she had ever read in her entire life. Exaggeration, which she knew how she is acting but she can’t help but feel rejected. Here she is, trying her best to think of a nice approach but all she got is a six words reply telling her to just email her? No I miss you or something?

It would be better if we’ll talk. The details will be explained thoroughly.” She pushed on.

The reply took longer.


She checked the time. 9:00pm, it read. “Do you have time tonight?

Please say yes.

Can’t. Tomorrow.”


Tomorrow would be fine but I’m afraid I have meetings to attend. This is the only free-time I have.” She reasoned.

No reply.

Miss Hwang?


Yes! She had her fist up. “At that café you bought me. Where are you? I’ll pick you up.”

No need.”


Oh-kay. See you.”

She hastily changed her clothes and instantly grabbed her keys and phone.

She made her way to the basement and was about to enter her car when her phone rang.

It’s Sunny.

“Hello? Sunny?”

“Hi Hei Ryung. Do you mind waiting for a bit? I just got home.”

“Err…What do you mean?” she had to ask. Why would she wait for Sunny when she is to meet Tiffany?

“Tiffany just said we’ll meet tonight to talk about her case thingy.”

“I asked her to meet me tonight.” She corrected

“Oh.” A pause. “Wait…Ryung?”


“There’s no update about it yet. Are you going to tell her about that hiring thingy instead?”

“No! I mean…” She face palmed herself. She forgot that it was Jessica and Sunny who prepared for that hiring event she had today. And Sunny knows every detail about Tiffany’s case. They meet a lot because of that anyway. “Don’t tell her yet.”

“I see.” Sunny took a deep breath. “Mind if I ask you something?”


“She called me to fetch her this morning. Why was she crying and why did she bring her luggage?”

She inhaled sharply when she heard the word cry. “S-she cried?”

“Yes. And then there’s that mumbling about not wanting to see you ever again. What happened?”

“Ouch. This would take some work…” she grimaced. “She didn’t tell you?”

“She didn’t. I tried to ask but she won’t talk about it so I just bought her home. What happened? Did you two had a fight?”

“*sigh* something like that.”

“I see. She locked herself inside the room. Good thing my sister and parents aren’t home. They might ask me why Tiffany’s tummy look so bloated.” She chuckled.

Hei Ryung sighed in relief for the umpteenth time. “Tough luck. What time will your parents be home?”

“Tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’ll pick her up tomorrow. For now, can you please take good care of her? Sleep near her if possible? She has the tendency to get sleepless.”

“I know and I will if she’ll ever open the door. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Help me convince her to come home with me?”

“Sure. You got my back.” Sunny laughed.

“Silly. Thanks Sunny.”

“No problem. Uhm, Ryung?”


“Whatever it is that you’re arguing, please settle it? This kind of Tiffany is the same Tiffany who we encountered when she revealed that she is pregnant. Scary in some extent and sad to look at.”

“I’ll try my best. You’ll help me anyway.”

Sunny laughed. “So confident.”

“I got your back, remember?” she grinned.

“Aigoo…Goodnight Ryung.”

“Night Sunny. Greet her for me.”

“Sure. Bye.”





Tiffany heard Sunny’s muffled voice from behind the door. She just stayed seated on the large mattress. Chin on her knees. She’s not crying anymore.

“Hei Ryung decided to cancel tonight because she suddenly felt tired.” Sunny reasoned.

Have she eaten her dinner though? She has the tendency to forget it when she’s too busy. She thought.

“Oh. And she wished you goodnight.”

She shook her head. I must not come near her. I don’t like her. I don’t like girls. I don’t like Hei Ryung. She chanted to convince herself.

“Goodnight Fany. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”

No. I don’t want to talk about her. She silently protested.

“Goodnight Soonkyu.”

Just then, her phone vibrated signaling for an incoming message.

It’s from Hei Ryung. “Goodnight and sleep tight Miss Hwang.” It read.

Another message appeared. “And I’m sorry about today.”

And another message “Just so you know…”

She waited for the next message which took longer than the first three.

She gasped. Her eyes widened when she read it.


I miss you, Tiffany TT_TT Please come back home? :(


She has to cover from squealing when she read and reread the message for the nth time. Shifting her eyes to the sender and the message, making sure that she didn’t misread it and that she hadn’t mistaken it from someone.

She called me by my name! And there then she know…



Oh bummer. I really hate you Kim Hei Ryung.


But her bright smile said otherwise.

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