{ 26 }

Broken Rules

{ 26 }


“Baekhyun?” Sulli gingerly asked, wanting to confirm whether the person in front of her locker was really Byun Baekhyun. The man in question turned around, and she was surprised to see that it was really him.


It was lunchtime, but Sulli excused herself from the group to get her things from her locker. However, she didn’t quite expect to see Baekhyun standing in front of it, seemingly waiting for her arrival. As far as she remembers, he was still on the table when she said that she’ll stop by her locker for a bit.


He smiled at her and she couldn’t help but to melt. Baekhyun never really fails to melt me like this, she thought dreamily to herself. She mentally scolded herself and quickly snapped out of her trance, not wanting him to think that she was being a retard. “Uh, yeah, Sulli…” He stuttered, his one hand flew to his nape as his gaze went downward. “Sulli…”


“Yeah?” She gently prodded. She wondered what was it that Baekhyun seemed so nervous about.


“Doyouhappentohavefreetimelater?” He questioned, his words flew out in a fast pace that Sulli didn’t understand a word of it.


She smiled at him before speaking. “Err, Baekhyun?”


He stared at her expectantly. She, on the other hand, was almost breaking into cold sweats as he kept his eyes locked on hers. Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh, I’m freaking palpitating, gosh! “I didn’t understand…”


“Oh!” Baekhyun nodded in understanding before chuckling himself. “Sorry, this is just kinda awkward for me.”


“Why is it?”


“You know, asking you if you have time later…” His eyes cutely widened, flustered. “Oh don’t think that I’m making a move on you or something, it’s just that Mihyun’s getting out of the hospital today and she’s been bugging me to contact you–”


Before she was able to stop herself, her one hand flew to his arm to calm him down as she laughed. “It’s okay, Baekhyun.” She grinned. “I’ll be there.”


Baekhyun was frozen on his feet. He doesn’t know why he was being flustered just because of seeing this innocent girl in front of him. And jeez, don’t even get me started about her smile– BYUN BAEKHYUN! He shook his head repeatedly as he reprimanded himself. What the heck are you thinking?! This is Choi Sulli, your best friend’s girlfriend! Damn it, Byun, get your together!


He kept on shaking his head that Sulli began to feel worried. “Baekhyun? What’s wrong? Do you feel sick or something?”


He tried his best not to melt in a puddle of goo as he stared at her worried face. She’s… worrying… for me… He knew it was a mistake to start liking the girlfriend of his best friend for years, but for something that was so wrong, it sure felt so right. Baekhyun have never felt this way before.


Every single thing was foreign for him. The sweaty palms, the stuttering of words, the racing of his heart, the excitement whenever she’s around… It was so otherworldly and confusing, yet so fulfilling in his heart. He wasn’t even aware when he started having these weird feelings towards this girl. Maybe it was the countless times that she laughed. He just woke up one day that he was starting to crave her presence. He wanted to be the one next to her. Actually, he just wanted to be Kim Jongin everyday. He wanted to have the right to hold her hand and kiss her cheek and walk her home. He wanted to be everything that Kai was to Sulli. It was weird, thinking of it like this, when their worlds were too far from each other.


There’s always a sharp pain on his chest whenever Kai does the things that he wanted to do. When he approached Sulli the other time, bringing her to Mihyun was just an excuse to have time with her. Sulli might not be aware of it, but all the while he was acting to himself, pretending that he was the rightful boyfriend and not the boyfriend’s best friend.


“Baekhyun?” He snapped out of his trance when Sulli called out his name.




“I was wondering…” She unconsciously bit her lip because of her shyness. “Can I bring Dongwoo oppa along?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, and he quickly noticed that she was anxious as she asked that question.


He was undecided. Truthfully, he was still mad at the said man for bringing his beloved sister to an accident. However, he was unsure on how to reject Sulli’s request. He internally sighed before nodding. “Sure.”


Sulli’s eyes widened at his response. “JEONGMAL?!” She asked, her voice high-pitched with happiness. “Omo, kamsahamnida, Baekhyun-ah!” She merrily thanked before hopping along the corridor because of happiness.


Baekhyun’s heart instantly warmed at the girl’s actions. This is so weird, he thought to himself. Why do I feel like I’m willing to give her the world just for her to act like that towards me?


He smiled to himself as he pocketed his hands. He knows that this is all so wrong, liking her. Still, it didn’t mean that he’ll stop.




Sulli ran towards the cafeteria, panting as she reached the table where CNU and their other friends were situated at. “O, what’s with the rush, kitten?” Jinyoung curiously asked as Sandeul handed her a bottled water to quench her thirst.


She sat happily at the vacant seat next to CNU to tell him the good news. “Oppa!” She giddily called out, having a hard time suppressing her happiness.


“What is it? You look so happy, Sulli-yah.” CNU commented as a gentle smile made its way on his face.


“We will see Mihyun later today!!!” She announced happily.


To her disappointment though, CNU didn’t look excited for the news. His smile was even wiped away from his face.


“Dongwoo oppa?” Sulli cautiously called out. “Aren’t… you happy?”


CNU sighed before placing his attention on the food in front of him. Sulli looked at their other friends, hoping to get an explanation why CNU’s acting like the way he was, but all of them only shrugged.


“Oppa?” Sulli repeated.


CNU brought his gaze up and looked directly at Sulli. “Sulli, don’t mind us anymore, okay? I– I’ll settle everything with Mihyun already, so don’t bother yourself with our situation.” He explained.


“What do you mean ‘you’ll settle everything with Mihyun’?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.




“No, oppa! I want to know!” She demanded. “I saw Mihyun last time… She asked me about you. She wanted to see you, oppa.” Her voice softened. “I hope you won’t disappoint her.” She stood up before walking over to the EXO’s table, her mood fluctuating.


Kai immediately noticed the sudden change of mood with his girlfriend. He sighed before taking her hand in his and facing her. “Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.


She sighed, and left it at that. He already understands that her mood was foul. He held her head and made her rest on his shoulder, his one hand still holding hers. His other hand was gently caressing her hair, soothing her. “It’s okay, Jinnie. I’m here.” He kept on whispering, not caring even though almost everyone in the cafeteria was looking at them.


Sulli’s confusion, on the other hand, kept on growing. Just a while ago, she was really happy being with Baekhyun, what with him inviting her to see his sister, but with Kai right now… She couldn’t understand why Kai was the only one who was able to calm her down like this. Not Gongchan. Not Soojung. Not any of her friends but Kai.




“Kai,” she called out as he was putting his things inside his bag.


“Hmm?” He answered, his attention still on his stuffs.


“I won’t be able to walk home with you today.”


The tanned boy’s gaze shot up to her. “What?”


“I said I won’t be–”


“What– I mean, why?!” He questioned, his voice an octave higher. He was questioning himself for being so protective, but he cannot stop himself.


“I’ll do my homework at Gongchan’s place.” As soon as the words flew out of , she held her breath. WHY DID I LIE?!?! She thought. I SHOULDN’T HAVE LIEDDDDD!!!


Pabo, it’s because you know that he might get mad again, her inner voice answered her question.


What? Kai would get mad?


Aigoo. Have you forgotten that you and Kai almost fought last time you guys KISSED because you suddenly disappeared?


Sulli’s cheeks instantly reddened at the memory of their first kiss but she held herself. Of course. She doesn’t want him to worry about her again. There’s nothing to worry about, anyway.


“I’ll drop you off–”


“NO!” She vehemently disagreed, and Kai’s eyebrows met each other in annoyance. Ugh, this girl’s seriously giving me a heart attack! What am I supposed to do now?! I’m so worried for her! I can’t stand it when she’s not anywhere near me!!! He whined to himself.


“Kai, I’ll be fine, okay?” She added in a soft voice before planting a kiss on his cheek. “See you later.” She walked towards Gongchan, wanting her boyfriend to believe that she’s really going to her best friend’s house.


“Yah Jinri, why are you blocking my way?” Gongchan asked, irritated. He feels so exhausted for the day. All he wants to do is to run towards the safety of his room and glue his back on his bed. Both CNU and Soojung were acting weird, and he doesn’t need Sulli to add to his insurmountable stress. Jinyoung gave him a task to find out what’s wrong with Soojung while the leader would talk to CNU. Gongchan tried his best to extract information from Jung Soojung but the girl’s tougher than a CIA agent. They only went in circles, resulting to his stress. He was really concerned as to why she suddenly acted like that. He wanted to ask for Sulli’s help, but well, it looks like she’s busy herself.


Sulli smiled widely at him. “Check if Kai’s still around.” She murmured under her breath.


Gongchan swept the room with his look even though he was confused. “He’s not around, why?”


“Nothing,” she answered before smiling at him. “See you, Chan Chan!” She waved before running out of their classroom.


Gongchan clucked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, shaking his head. All of my friends are slowly giving in to retardation, he thought as he observed Soojung blankly looking outside the classroom’s door where some of the EXO boys were still loitering around. She did look stressed, there were bags pooling under her eyes and it looks like she’ll cry any minute. He shook his head as he noticed her mechanically picking up her things and walking towards the door. He puffed his breath before running over to her, slinging his arm over her shoulders to prevent her from crashing with someone else.


“Mianhaeyo,” he apologized at Xiumin whom Soojung almost crashed into. Gongchan tightened his hold on his friend as he got her books from her arms, leading the way out of the building.


Xiumin, on the other hand, was busy observing their maknae. The youngest boy had a faraway look on his face even though he’s making it appear like he was listening intently on the conversation. Xiumin’s eyes dragged lower and he saw the fist which was formed on Sehun’s hands.


He secretly smiled to himself.


“GUYS!” Chanyeol suddenly piped up, not caring if he steals the attention of the whole building. “Have you seen Baekhyun?”


“Nah-uh,” Tao answered. “He was in a hurry. I think he’s going to the hospital?”


“Really?” Suho asked. “Oh yeah! Today’s the day of Mihyun’s release!” He remembered, snapping his fingers.


“Why don’t we go there, then?” Chen suggested with a smile. “You know, I’ll surprise Mihyun again–”


“Stop talking, Chen.” Lay quickly answered, blocking the prankster’s lame surprise. “But I agree that we should go. It’s been a while, anyway. And we didn’t even bring her anything the last time we went.”


Most of the boys started nodding their heads. “Of course!” Luhan quipped. “Let’s go buy her food first– wait, where’s Kai?”


“Bathroom,” Kris responded. “He looks pissed.”


Kyungsoo shook his head in annoyance. “Aigoo. Just a while ago he was having the time of his life with Sulli and now he’s suddenly pissed. Weird kid.”


“Of course he’s weird, he inherited that from you D.O. omma.” Chen wickedly retorted. Kyungsoo didn’t even bother answering to him.


After a while, they saw Kai walking towards them. “Oh, he’s here! Let’s go!” Chanyeol happily shouted as he slung his arms over the two maknaes who were both rocking the face look.




After buying fruits and other nutritious foods for Mihyun, the boys all proceeded towards the youngest Byun’s private suite. Since the bodyguards already knew them, they didn’t bother notifying Baekhyun about the boys’ appearance.


“SURPRI– Sulli?” Chen curiously stated.


Upon hearing her name, Kai instantly turned and found out that his hyung was right. It was indeed his girlfriend inside the room, sitting next to Byun Baekhyun near Mihyun’s bed. He felt an unexplainable pain growing on his chest, clenching his heart and tearing it to a million pieces.


She even lied to me… He thought to himself. She… likes Baekhyun hyung.


Their eyes met and he saw the surprise on her eyes.


…And I ing like Choi Sulli.


She swallowed an imaginary lump on before standing up. “Kai–” She called out, but the said boy was already on his way out of the hospital.


Damn it, why does it hurt this much?



A/N: OMONA! *gasp* Kai and Baekhyun finally admitted their feelings, but...

What about Sulli???

And omg this chapter is the giveaway for those who are curious about Sehunnie's girlfr--- oh no, I'm not supposed to reveal it. ;PP Anyway, I just wanna acknowledge Chiboe for guessing that Soojung is Sehunnie's *drum rolls* GIRLFRIEND (there, I said it).

Anyway, I'm planning on writing their side story, but I'm not yet sure (not anytime soon though). I have an outline of the plot in my brain but I can't iron it out yet. I just really ship SeStal too much kekeke ~~

Comments juseyoooo?~~

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Chapter 32: Farewell, till next time, Authornim!

I'm really having a blast reading this FF...
I hope you won't stop making EXOlli FF...
Thank you ❤️
Chapter 31: My heart is happy for KaiLli, yet broken for BaekLli...
Things go wrong sometimes...
Ah, this is what we call life... Right?
Chapter 30: Is the picture still there? ㅠㅠ

I'm happy for them ❤️❤️
Chapter 28: Their time finally meets...
Aaaaaaah, my heart... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 27: Aw, Baekhyun... Why I also want to see you with Sulli too?
And it happens again, Kai... ㅠㅠ Honestly, I am also wondering why she lies?

That's SeStal! Does Sehun feel jealous of Gong Chansik? LOL ❤️
Chapter 26: He just needs a push... Thank you, Jinri!
Wait, doesn't Taemin wonder why Sulli goes home to the Kims?
No? Oh, okay... XD
Chapter 25: Ah, really I'm so in love with this FF...
Authornim, please don't stop making KaiLli and BaekLli FF... Or if I can suggest, please make a ChanLli or HunLli one... :D
You're jjang! ❤️
Chapter 23: I'm in heaven... Aaaaah, how I wish the kiss could be longer and deeper... *melted heart detected*
But, wait, our BaekLli is just too adorable... I love them too... ❤️
Chapter 22: I can smell SeStal somehow... (^o^)
Thanks to Soojung nice action by dragging Jinyoung into the picture and unintentionally making Jongin mad, maybe later we can witness some heartfluttering moments of our KaiLli...
Aaah, Baek, why you only notice Sulli recently? It's a loss, you know... ㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: Dururumdururum~
My heart beats like crazy ❤️