New Dracula

The Vampire's Slave

Eun  Bi's P.O.V.

"Happy birthday," He said. It seemed like he's last words and I was afraid he would die by that time.

He became unconscious but no one except me seemed to care.

"What are you still waiting for, Eun Bi?" Siwon asked me in a gravelly voice.

What was I still waiting for? I was waiting for my words to come out. But I just can't find the right words to respond.

I turned my head to them, the vampires who took care of me for almost 3-4 months from now. They are harsh to people, and before I did not care. But why was I so caring to my slave whose a human and whose been tortured by my vampire friends?

I didn't know what to do anymore. I just wanted him out of here, where he belongs is not here in Griffin but to his family.

I turned to Oppa who was standing still glaring at me.

"Oppa," I said and continued. "Let's stop this now."

"Why?" Kyuhyun interrupted. "Its fun, don't you think?"

"Yeah right." Min Ho added.

It wasn't fun.

"This is too much. We have to bring him to a hospital." I suggested to them - still my eyes locked on to Oppa.

"Are you that worried about him?" Oppa asked me.

"He is my responsibility --- " he cut me off.

"If you want his life saved then you have to follow and do my conditions." He went on, "2 conditions without hesitation, you must follow. For his life."

"I'll do anything." I told him. I feel horrible though. I had to once again follow Taemin-oppa, and I felt afraid to listen to his conditions. "Anything." I repeated.

"1st... you become the new Dracula." He said.

Everyone ,even me, was surprised that Oppa said that . Why me? Dracula gave it to him, he trusted Oppa --- not me. Siwon, I know he wanted to be the new Dracula but Dracula didn't choose him. Why does Oppa want me to be the Dracula --- I wanted to ask him that but I couldn't. I was speechless , stunned and at the same time annoyed. He's giving me no choice, if I don't do it, then he'll probably kill Kwangmin.

"Taemin-shi, why her?" Siwon protested. "I don't agree."

"Don't bother, Siwon-shi." Taemin said still staring at me. "So what do you think about it, Eun Bi?"

I cleared my throats so that it wouldn't be obvious that I was shaking, yes I was shaking, and my hands were. "Fine." I agreed although it was against my will. "Now set Kwangmin free."

"Not yet," Oppa said. "I told you there are 2 ,didn't I?" He smirked and I glared angrily at him. It was the first time that I was angry and very annoyed to him. Then he continued. "The last is ... you have to be mine."

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"Be mine, Eun Bi. My lover, be the other part of my heart, show me you love me, only me."


"You don't want your slave to be free?"

"But ---" But I thought it was the right thing to do. I really don’t have feelings for Taemin but I am grateful he turned me into a vampire and gave me powers where I can talk to people's minds. "F ---" I was stuttered, but I tried to be calm. "Fine. Now let's bring Kwangmin to the hospital and leave him alone. Now."

* * *

Me, Sulli and Onew brought Kwangmin to the hospital, with Onew driving the car.

When we arrived there the nurses and doctors were panic to see the bruises and pale face and body of Kwangmin. I was panicking too, afraid he might be dead. If he was then, I'll really regret it so much that in the first place he became my slave.

But he was saved after all.

The nurse called his parents and before his parents came ,I came to Kwangmin's room for the last time.

I stood beside him and held his cold hand. He was still asleep but at least he was fine.

I kissed his lips, a goodbye kiss, for it will be the last time I will see him. It should be.

"Goodbye," I whispered when I moved away from his lips.

When I turned back ,about to leave, he held my hand.

I was stunned then I looked at him, he was still asleep. But he was sleep-talking.

"Eun Bi..." he called my name. "Don't leave me."

Is he really asleep? I know he was. But he knew I was leaving. I thought - he might be dreaming.

"You can't leave me." He went on ,still sleep-talking. "I need you. I need you every day, I will always need you - by my side. And...You have to return... you don't belong there..."

There - he must  be talking about the place I was staying with my Vampire Clan. But I do belong there. He's wrong.

I slip my hands from him and left in a glimpse.

I watched from outside, up the tree, watching from the window, his parents rushed in, worriedly.

I got back to where I should be. The Griffin.

I went to my room and I found Taemin there waiting for me, he was holding Dracula's mantle. He smiled widely when I stepped in. I closed the door and we walked nearer to each other.

"Here," he said. "Put it on. " And I did. I took the mantle from him and put them on. I felt different when they were on me. Somehow, I felt confident, stronger , and thirsty.

"You are now the new Dracula." He said.

"Thanks." I told him.

He then slowly and carefully pushed me to the wall then drew me towards him. We stared at each other ,our eyes locked and I felt my heart racing. He pulled me into his arms.

I felt his lips brushed my cheeks. "I love you," he whispered softly into my hair and he carefully and tenderly kissed my neck . I didn't want him to do that but I had to, it was one of his conditions. To be his.

His arms moved and circled to my waist. I silently shuddered, I wanted to push him away but it felt like something was stopping me.

He was closer now, our nose touched - until our lips touched softly.

But I wasn't thinking of him when he kissed me. My slave was on my mind. My slave was my first kiss, and he's the only person that I want. But I cannot have him, he's human ... and I'm the new Dracula.

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Chapter 41: He's alive! !!!!
sakinah27 #2
Chapter 40: wow! this story is totally amazing. its like a real story. good job. xDD
Chapter 40: Good story. Thanks for writting!!! All this story made me in suspensee all this time. Great story and great writter.
KPOP_survivor #4
love it hehe=^^= daebak
KimChi101 #5
Where did you made the video?
It's so cool! :DD
Fell in love with this fanfics!! Love chu Kwangmin-ah!!
KyeopTaemin #7
SHOCKSSSSSSSs!!! I fell in love with the trailer!!! so in' amazinggggggggggggggggg.. Btw please welcome your new reader here. hehehe joke.
oooH oooH sequel!!! yay!!! ^_^