Wolves & Vampires Part 1

The Vampire's Slave




He held you up while holding your shoulders.

"You didn't deserve to be the Dracula," he whispered in a creepy tone.

"Siwon-shi... let me go," you pleaded.

"Prove to me, Eun Bi-ah... prove to me that you deserve to be respected!!!" Siwon yelled at you and threw you against the wall. Your back hit the wall and you fell on the floor.

"Siwon-shi... I only want peace..." tears fell down from your eyes when you looked at him.

"Peace? Then why did you kill your own family? Your own fellow vampires? Taemin and Sulli are your family, Eun-bi!"

"I didn't mean it... I'm sorry, ok?"

Suddenly, he appeared in front of you again and again raised you up and strangled you with his long hands and nails.

"Siwon-shi... stop this..." you pleaded and held his wrist trying to withdraw his grip but it was no use. He pressed his thumbs down to your throats while you struggled.

"Why did you have to come into our life? If Taemin didn't found you dead that night, our life wouldn't become like this. He wouldn't die, Sulli wouldn't die...Onew wouldn't die either!  We could have lived a normal life as vampires; we could have killed many people and animals... Taemin could have been the Dracula... not you..." he said in a gravelly voice.

You were losing air and you were choking to death.

"Siwon-shi... please we --- can talk this out..." you whispered in a choking voice. “Let me go..." 

"You will die in my hands... and your lover; he will die tonight... in Minho’s hands..."

"No! Please leave him alone, I'm begging you!"

* * *

Kwangmin came in into his room and then the door behind him shut closed without him closing it.

He looked back and was surprised. When he turned back to his bed, he saw Minho. He was startled and stepped back.

"You--" Kwangmin tried to remember the man's name but he couldn't remember his name.

"Forgot me or not? I guess you did. It's me Minho." Minho said and smiled at him. "Siwon-shi assigned me to kill you." He added.

"What?" Kwangmin asked, confused and distracted.

"To kill you." The second time Minho smiled his fangs came out sharper and his eyes turned red. Kwangmin slowly touched the door knob while watching Minho’s finger nails growing higher and sharper like fangs.

Kwangmin tried to open the door knob but it wouldn't then when Minho was about to scratch Kwangmin, Kwangmin ducked and Minho’s finger nails was stuck on the door.

Kwangmin quickly ran and jumped outside from the window.

* * *

"Siwon-shi... I love that man... So, please, don't..." your tears fell and at the same time you were gasping for air. "I love that man..." you repeated.

"He's human!" He yelled at you.

"I was once a human too!!!" You yelled back at him and this time, he let's go of you and dropped you on the floor. You gasped for air and touched your throats. "Siwon-shi, we don't need to fight.”

"Why do you love that human?" He asked you.

"I just do..." You looked up at him. "Because he makes me smile... makes me laugh... he makes me happy...because he accepts me, the real me. The vampire I... my imperfections and all...and he appreciates me for who I am. Because he's my friend. I love him... because he makes me feel safe when I'm with him... for making me feel loved... for being special... for giving me what I wanted when I didn't even ask for it... for making me feel alive... I love him because he's everything to me...He's the reason that I still want to live..."

There was silence in a moment, and then you two heard the howls of wolves.

Siwon turned back facing the window, "They're here." He said and turned back to you. He looked at you in a worried face and then unexpectedly, he helped you stood up. "The wolves is here. They said they will kill all traitors and that man... Kwangmin...The Queen said they will behead him for being an impostor."


"EunBi-ah... I want you to listen to me..." he said in a low voice while holding your right wrist and his left hand clenched into a fist. "Go find him. I don't think he can join the fight as a human... you need to turn him into a vampire if you don't want to lose him. If you really love him, and want him safe. You will turn him without doubt." He smiled and then gave you a necklace that can protect vampires from the sun. 

In a blink of an eye he disappeared from your room.

* * *

Kwangmin stepped back from the front door of his room when suddenly, someone touched his shoulder. He turned back and saw Youngmin.

"Youngmin," he called.

"You need to hide." Youngmin suggested.

"No, I don't want to.” Kwangmin demanded. "I want to fight ... I'll fight!"

"You don't have the ability to do that, you're just human! Eun Bi didn't turn you so there's no use in fighting, you'll die in seconds if they find you!"

"I don't want to be a coward anymore." Kwangmin said in a low voice.

Minho kicked Kwangmin's door and it was destroyed. Kwangmin and Youngmin looked at Minho then Youngmin blocked Minho.

"Whoa, you're alive?" Minho asked then chuckled. "This is so funny and unbelievable. I never expected this..."

"Kwangmin, get away from here." Youngmin told Kwangmin.

"I'm not leaving you." Kwangmin said.

"MinHo-shi, we don't need to fight them." A man behind Kwangmin and Youngmin said. They quickly turned to him, it was Siwon.

"What do you mean?" Minho asked.

"Were on their side so we must fight the wolves, except the other wolves who betrayed the wolf Queen." Siwon responded.

"What? Why?" Minho asked again.

"You don't need to hear the explanations. We must move on now, the wolves had killed the helmsman and the ship's not moving." Siwon turned back from them and then Minho followed him.

Youngmin looked at his brother giving him an eye sign not to join the war and then left him there. Kwangmin thought for a moment, "I can't just stand here. I will fight until the end... To protect EunBi."

* * *

Kwangmin looked for you and when he reached the middle of the ship, he saw the other vampires, also with Youngmin, MinWoo, Jeongmin and Hyunseong.

He watched them as they were glaring at the enemies, the Queen in her human form and other wolves with her.

You just came behind Kwangmin and you were so happy to see him safe.

"Kwangmin!!!" You called him and he looked at you.

"EunBi-ah!" He called you back and smiled.

"Well, well, well..." you heard the wolf queen interrupted. You and Kwangmin looked at her. "So, the impostor is here. How dare you pretend to be my son? You'll pay for that, human."

Your fist clenches tightly, hiding the necklace in your hand.

"I'm not your son." Youngmin interrupted.

The queen glared at Youngmin. "Youngmin-ah, what are you talking about? I'm your mother!"

"No. I'm a human... and Kwangmin is my brother. You don't need to lie. We all know the fact."

The Queen was shocked but she just sighed and chuckled. "So you know now huh... Your real mother abandoned you just for her other son. Isn't that funny?"

"She didn't abandon me.”

"Then what do you call it, Youngmin?"

Youngmin was speechless.

"See? You just don't want to accept the fact. Your real mother abandoned you for that guy!" she pointed at Kwangmin. "To save your twin, he abandoned you there. And I was the one who saved you." He stopped pointing at Kwangmin and glared at Youngmin. "So, come back to me Youngmin. You don't belong to them, you belong to me."

"No. I won't." Youngmin refused.

"You leave me no choice, Youngmin." The Queen said and pressed her lips together to keep away from exploding. She turned to her servants, the wolves and gave them the sign to start the fight. Then the wolves raised their heads and pointed to the clouds in the night sky then they growled. The wolves attacked your friends and also a wolf attacked you.

Kwangmin just stood there. He tried to help you but he was stopped by the Queen.

"You can't get away from me, young man." The Queen said in an unpleasant voice.

Kwangmin kicked her stomach and ran away from her. He took a broken glass that came from a broken window and finally, scratched the Queen's arm with the glass. She screamed involuntarily in a loud shrill voice. Her wolf hairs commenced and as she stared at Kwangmin, her eyes were full of madness.

The queen transformed herself into her wolf form and then she jumped over Kwangmin but Kwangmin kicked her over and falls back to feet. Kwangmin crouched and moved a distance far from the wolf queen.  Afterwards, the wolf queen stood up again and Kwangmin and they both fell underwater.

You saw them fell together so you smashed the wolf against the wall .You flip him and threw him on the ground. When the wolf was about to attack you, you dodge and finish it with a broken glass which ripped its head off. Blood covered the ground. You looked around and saw everyone fighting with different wolves.

You ran near the side of the ship and suddenly the ship began drowning.

You decided to jump off the ship. You pulled yourself underwater and saw blood. Bubbles came out of your mouth when you saw blood underwater, then you resurfaced and gasped for air. There was a wooden boat floating and then when you turned back you saw Kwangmin resurfaced and gasping for breath. You two were distance far from each other. You were happy to see him safe and for once, you looked at the necklace in your hands and you were ready to turn him into a vampire.

"Kwangmin-ah!!" you called him and he looked at you.

"EunBi-ah!!!" He called you and slowly, he goes to you.

"You're safe!" You said gladly and giggled.

You didn't know that someone was behind you. It was the wolf queen. She was now in a human form; she was holding a wooden stake and raising it behind you. Kwangmin saw it and you noticed the fear in his eyes.

"Kwangmin-ah, what's wrong???" You asked him and then he looked back at you.

"Behind you!"

You turn around and saw the Queen behind you, facing her stake at you. Your eyes widened and you dropped the necklace you were holding.

"EunBi-ah!!!" Kwangmin kept on shouting your name but you were stiffened. He swims and swims faster to get to you, but still ... you were glued into your spot, unable to move, as if you were hypnotize by the Queen.


A/N: Chapter 37 done!

So what do you think about this chappy?

I hope you like it!

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It's going to end soon : )

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Chapter 41: He's alive! !!!!
sakinah27 #2
Chapter 40: wow! this story is totally amazing. its like a real story. good job. xDD
Chapter 40: Good story. Thanks for writting!!! All this story made me in suspensee all this time. Great story and great writter.
KPOP_survivor #4
love it hehe=^^= daebak
KimChi101 #5
Where did you made the video?
It's so cool! :DD
Fell in love with this fanfics!! Love chu Kwangmin-ah!!
KyeopTaemin #7
SHOCKSSSSSSSs!!! I fell in love with the trailer!!! so in' amazinggggggggggggggggg.. Btw please welcome your new reader here. hehehe joke.
oooH oooH sequel!!! yay!!! ^_^