Be Back And I Will Kill You

The Vampire's Slave

Kwangmin woke up after feeling something on his throat. Someone was trying to kill him.

He opened his eyes to see who it was.

"You should die!" The guy who was choking him to death yelled at him.

"Onew?" He asked trying to take away the tight grip of Onew from his throats.

"You don’t know how much Sulli have suffered because of you," His tears fell from Kwangmin's face. "She could have died because of you. But you always ignore her."

"I -- I" Kwangmin was stuttered.

"Listen - I like her. Knowing that she likes you, I can still take it. But seeing her getting hurt because of you , I can't take it anymore! I just want you to die, I'd choose you over a bunch of chickens! I bet!"

"Let me go!" Kwangmin kicked the stomach of Onew and Onew dropped on the floor. Kwangmin jumped off the bed and stepped back. "I'm sorry about what happened to her arms. "

"Sorry?" He glared at Kwangmin then stood up. "You think sorry is enough?"

"I --- I don’t know." He looked away. "Look - I don’t have feelings for her. I didn't even ask her to save me. I didn't ask her to be with me. I didn't ask her to like me!" He turned back to Onew. "All I want is Eun Bi back. "

"She will never come back. She doesn't belong here."

"Yes she does. She doesn't belong in Griffin, she belongs here!"

"How many times do they have to tell you that she is a vampire? And vampires are not for humans. Eun Bi is not for you, Sulli is not for you. Just go have your fun life with human girls, you don't need seductive vampire girls." Then he turned his back from Kwangmin.

"I'm going back."

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to be beside Eun Bi. So I am going back, even if it means to be her slave once again."

He glared at Kwangmin. "What are you thinking? Do you really want to die?"

"I don’t care about what might happen to me. I just want Eun Bi back."

"That's too bad. She's changed. " He smirked. "I heard Taemin making a potion for her. A dark potion that covers the warm heart with dark soul. "

"What are you talking about?"

"Maybe if you come back, she won’t be like before anymore. I'm only warning you."

Kwangmin was speechless. Then Onew continued.

"Be back and I will kill you. I promise you that." after that he disappeared in a glimpse.

Kwangmin sat on the couch thinking too much. He then opened his drawer and took a pen and a paper.

He wrote there :

Mom and Dad,

         I'm sorry but I have to leave. I have something important to do. Don't worry, this has nothing to do with the girl who almost killed me in the carnival, Dad. And Mom, I'm not looking for my lost classmate in the woods, so don't even try looking for me there. Sorry.

Please don't follow me and don't look for me. I will only come back when I finished what I have to finish.

                                                                      Your Son,                                                                                                                                     


When it was 4am in the morning, Kwangmin packed his things and take a peek at his car outside. The same car he used when he went to the woods. Then he placed his letter on a table and left silently.

He's going back to Griffin. He's going to be a slave again. And this time, I should succeed. He said on his mind.

"I don't care if he tries to kill me," he murmured to himself, he was talking about Onew. "I don't care if Taemin and Eun Bi kisses each other. The most important thing is that... I should get her back. Slave or not, I should not fail this."

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Chapter 41: He's alive! !!!!
sakinah27 #2
Chapter 40: wow! this story is totally amazing. its like a real story. good job. xDD
Chapter 40: Good story. Thanks for writting!!! All this story made me in suspensee all this time. Great story and great writter.
KPOP_survivor #4
love it hehe=^^= daebak
KimChi101 #5
Where did you made the video?
It's so cool! :DD
Fell in love with this fanfics!! Love chu Kwangmin-ah!!
KyeopTaemin #7
SHOCKSSSSSSSs!!! I fell in love with the trailer!!! so in' amazinggggggggggggggggg.. Btw please welcome your new reader here. hehehe joke.
oooH oooH sequel!!! yay!!! ^_^