Chapter 15: Curtain Call


Chapter 15: Curtain Call


Have you ever wondered how Zeus married Hera and how she put up with his flirtatious side and stayed with him till the end, have you ever wondered how Adonis and Aphrodite ended up? Have you ever wondered how the hell Edward and Bella became soul mates when vampires don’t even have a soul to begin with, or do they still(?), Have you ever wondered how people still manage to stay together even though there are several people that are trying to break them apart?, have you ever wondered why a pizza which is circle in shape is placed inside a box even though its square in shape?


Well my answer for those things are just simple, it’s simply because those things mentioned above is destined to be together, just like how PRISM is, we all started out differently but still here we are, tightly bonded with each other but there are things that we clearly don’t understand about each other but we just not think about those stuff anymore what matters is that we are still here, still standing together. And now how the hell did the circular pizza matched the square box?! I don’t have any answer to that simple logic. Now back to the situation at hand.


Apparently we are now back at our apartment which seemed so cramped up having 12 additional baggage coming home with us, their excuse for coming with us, they’re worried for Seo Yeon, but the true reason is that they just want to bug us and see how well have we put up. And yes, that pizza question was inspired by the pizza that we are currently munching on as of this moment.


“So, Mr. Jung is the one paying for your rent here?” Chanyeol curiously asked.


“No.” Shin answered then stuffed her face with pizza again.


“Then who’s paying the bills?” Suho asked.


“Who has a car collection?” Nam answered back then took a sip of her orange juice.


“The car collector!” Seo Yeon and Chen chorused making everyone look at them.


“Car collector seriously?” SeHun asked and sat beside Seo Yeon who at the same time stood up and ran and sat in beside me.


I looked at Seo Yeon who is now once again wearing the same Beet Red color.


“Red really suits you Shob, now turn into a mushroom will ya?” I asked sweetly as Seo Yeon cowered beside me and nodded her head.


“What’s happening with her?” Luhan asked as soon as he sat on the unoccupied space beside me.


“Just a case of UB Fever, nothing much..” I shrugged and just let the maknae lay her head on my shoulder.


“UB fever?” the boys curiously asked.


“Curiosity killed the cat..” Ai flicked her hair and the TV.


“What?” the boys once again chorused.


“If ever you find a cat killed we are not guilty..” Shin continued making them more confused.


Suho just shook his head and asked again, “Who is paying your rent here? The bills?”


“The bills are paid by all of us, well…Jin only pays 10% of the bills..” Nam answered.


“Why is she only paying 10% that is unfair to your part..” Kris this time voiced out.


“She pays for the rent, for our food, for the gas, for the car…uh…” Shin started enumerating some random things that does not really make sense. Making Nam cover in the process.


“In short Jin is our Money machine..” Ai chirped rather happily.


“And that is my only role in this group.” I coldly added, “yippie”


“She’s doing that because she’s our mom..” Nam laughed.


“You’re older than I am and why the hell am I the mom?” I asked as I slowly shifted my position making Seo Yeon more comfortable in her sleeping position.


“That. You take care of us and you always make sure that we’re happy..” Shin softly said.


“Wait-wait-wait.. you have a fever or something?” I asked.


“Why?!” Shin asked loudly.


“You just said something so…not so you..” Nam and Ai chorused as they both looked at each other.


“Hey, why don’t we have a family meeting..” Suho suggested making the boys groan.


“Why are you all groaning?” Ai asked Tao who is just sitting beside her and ate almost 3 boxes of pizza.


“We hate family meetings..” Tao answered and then took the phone on the side table and dialed, and as I predicted he ordered for more pizza.


“You are seriously going to pay for all of that.” I coldly said as I pointed at the amount of boxes beside Tao.


“Just put it in Suho hyung’s tab..” Tao smiled showing some meat stuck in his teeth.


“Eh?!” Suho shouted.


“You’re our group’s money machine..” Chen sing songed.


“WHAT?!” Suho shouted once again.


“oh will you just pay for him and stop shouting can’t you see Seo Yeon is sleeping?” I asked Suho who then mouthed his apology and sat back.


“So no Family meeting right?” Sehun asked rather cheerfully.


“Yes.” Suho shortly answered as he muttered inaudible words.


“Then you’ll go home right?” I asked adding more diction in my words causing Nam and Shin to stand up and go behind the couch.

“Why are you hiding there?” Xiumin asked as soon as he noticed their reaction.


“We’re not hiding just evading..” Shin answered, “we don’t want to get tangled up in a battle of words between those two..”


“Two?” Xiumin repeated.


“Your leader versus our grumpy Jin..” Nam chuckled.


“Grumpy?...” Lay asked.


“Blame it on the Panda..” Shin chuckled with Nam.


“Hey! Don’t blame me!” Ai and Tao chorused.


“How did you become a panda?” Chen asked Ai, “ you possible like our Panda?” he laughed then eyed Tao who seemed lost in the conversation.


“Wha-a-n-n-Shin!” Ai shouted and stood up and then another set of Tag began.


“She likes me?” Tao asked right after the chase and looked at Ai who was puffing and is now turning red as a tomato.


“Shin, you are so gonna die.!” Ai shouted and chased Shin again.


“Not again..” Shin groaned and started running but this time she dragged Nam with her.


“Are you not going to stop them?” Kris asked and stood.


“Nope, they’ll just stop if they’re tired..just let them play..” I shrugged.


“They called you grumpy..” Lay innocently commented making me look at him.


“Who?” I asked as I slowly reached for a pillow but Sehun stopped me and pointed at himself.


“I’ll replace you here..” He smiled.


Okay that kid is seriously freaking me out, does he…oh no he shouldn’ issue is enough for our group..but what the hell I don’t control or own any of his emotions..which he rarely shows and its freaking me out!


“Don’t run.” Luhan gently said as he held on my wrist.


“Who told you I’m going to run?” I asked him and stood up as soon as Sehun placed Seo Yeon’s head on his lap.


“Then what are you going to do?” Luhan asked.


“Watch.” I answered as I took three pillows and threw it straight to Nam, Shin and Ai making them halt and looked at me. “Grumpy.” I smirked.


“Wah,’s a bullseye!” BaekHyun clapped.


“You think this is funny?!” Nam asked, “why don’t you try getting hit with this one?”


“Hit me with your best shot Fairy Princess…” BaekHyun cooed making Nam cringed, as it brought back the memories of her wearing that pink costume.


Nam picked up the pillow and threw it at Baekhyun but he evaded. “You Mis---“


Our eyes widened, really widened as Nam tackled him to the ground and pinned him hard on the floor. “Try calling me Fairy Princess and you’re going to die.” Nam hissed.


“Wah! Are you going to BaekHyun?” Chanyeol asked breaking the silence between all of us who just stared at Nam and BaekHyun.


“Shut up!” Shin slapped Chanyeol’s arm.


“Why are you hitting me?!” Chanyeol shouted.


“because you’re hittable?” Shin answered.


“Hittable is not even a word Shin,” Nam commented totally forgetting what she was doing.


“it is now..and..until when are you planning to sit there?” Shin answered back making Nam look at Baekhyun who was currently laying down on the floor with her sitting on top of him.


“Ay!Kabayong Bakla!”Nam shrieked and stood up.


“Huh?what did you say?”BaekHyun asked.


Nam just closed and shook her head, gazing at me and Shin.


“It’s late, and you guys still have a schedule for tomorrow right? You better go home.” I said as I shooed Sehun up and carried Seo Yeon to her room. “and oh, Luhan stay.”


All eyes landed at me, questioning my motive of making Luhan stay behind.


“What?!..wait Shin open the door to Seo Yeon’s room.”


“why is it always me who opens the door?” Shin groaned but opened the door.


“Because you are always near the door.” Nam answered shortly and helped me place Seo Yeon on her bed.


“Are you guys always like this?” Kai asked while he looked around the apartment that has now seemed to be spotless thanks to Ai and Nam’s agility.


“Yeah, most of the time..” Ai answered.


“But you also fight right?” D.O asked.


“We do, but Jin always makes sure that everything would be fixed before the day ends..” Shin said while walking out of Seo Yeon’s room.


“Yeah, she won’t even let us sleep if we fight, she would always find a way to fix things up, may it be words or by using brute force..” Nam voiced out as she closed the door behind us.


“When did I use brute force?” I asked.


Nam just shrugged. Shin laughed and Ai giggled at the side.


“ still have not answered my question..” Tao patted Ai’s shoulder.


“What?” Ai asked keeping eye contact with Tao.


“Do you like me?” Tao asked batting his lashes causing Ai to take a step back and open the door.


“It’s better go right? Right?” Ai muttered as she opened the door.


“But you still—“


“Tao, let’s go.” Suho said as he noticed that Ai just does not want to talk about it. “Luhan.”


“I’m staying right? We’re still going to talk..” Luhan said as he went back at the living room and sat comfortably at the couch.


As soon as they all have left well except for Luhan who is now sitting in front of me with his lips forming a smile.”So what are we going to talk about?”


“Wait.” I said as I felt certain auras radiating behind us. “Nam, Shin and Ai! The three of you better go to your rooms or I’ll seriously cut your heads off, or better yet I’ll take Carrie back.”

Right after that last threat all I heard were rushing footsteps and doors closing rather loudly.


“How did you come up with that story?” I asked him as soon as my attention went back at him.


“It happened before..” Luhan said in a gentle voice, “I really did meet a girl during my 19th birthday..”


Wait.hold your horses. He does not remember that it was really me?!. Why o why!!!!


“But I can’t see the girl’s face clearly and well that’s the only story in my brain that would fit our current situation..” Luhan said rather straightforwardly.


“So you used that story as a cover up? Then if you’d meet the girl again..what will you do?”


“We’ll stage our break up just like how we are staging our relationship as of now..”




“Stage? Then why were you at the studio? How did you know that we were there?”


“I really shouldn’t say this but I really hate lying, Mr. Kim ordered me to go that it can spark up something before your debut.”


“So those stuff that you did were just planned? Right from the start?”


“Only the one in the MBC studio..”


“Then do the other members know about this?”


“No, they think it’s real..”


“Mr. Kim, the new CEO, right? Why did he have to order you to do this?”


“Group promotion, rather than the usual teasers, he wants to promote your group through personal issues then teasers for you to gain fans and—“


“And anti fans? The other members getting close with mine, is that also planned?”


“No, it was only me that was called by Mr. Kim..”


“You better be sure about that. No one is allowed to hurt my friends or toy with them..”


“Please just act as if you don’t know anything, if Mr. Kim finds out that I told you this, he might do something with my group..”


“I understand..” I answered coldly as I stood up and went straight to the door, “I think they’re still on the lobby, you can still catch up with them.”


“Jin, I’m sorry if—“


“Just make sure that they don’t touch anyone from my group.” I answered as I closed the door in front of him.


Hearing his footsteps echoing away from out apartment I rested my back at the door frame and pinched the bridge of my nose, to be honest I easily cry, but I need to put up a strong front, I ran back to my room and rummaged my cabinet searching for a blue-black jacket that once made me believe in fairytales and happy endings, I securely locked the door and made sure that the girls are already fast asleep before I went out and took Aston for a drive to ease every freaking damn tension that piled up inside my system. I rushed and took out the keys from my pocket and started the engine,the sweet roar of Aston made me re-think of what had transided this day, One: I really thought that he knows who I am, Two: I fell for his act, Three: Now I don’t know where to freaking go. This day is really full of poop! Argh!


Parking my car near the Han river and silently wallowing in self-pity I stood by the river bank and started swaying my body left to right, I freaking don’t care if I’ll fall at least the cold water could probably wake me up from this sweet nightmare.


“You-you’re not planning to jump there right? You might come out as a popsicle stick.” A voice behind me interrupted my wallowing thoughts.


“Of course not!” I answered as I turned around and tried to see his face, but doing the exact opposite of what I should do, I just took a step back to only to see his silhouette and cause my balance to fail me.

And I think it was just out of his instinct that he pulled me right back up before I fell in the water.


“Really? Because from what I just saw you intended to do that..” he chuckled as he held me tightly.


I felt that my face was already heating up so I slightly pushed him back only causing him to pull me back against him. “If you want to push me away just don’t do it here, if I’ll let you go when you push me you might fall..” he said as he turned both of us around and in an instant we we’re standing on the pathwalk.


“T-Thanks..” I stuttered.


“no problem kiddo!” he said as he ruffled my hair.


“Wha-?! I’m not a dog and I’m not a kid!” I shouted and made him stop ruffling my hair. “plus you’re messing up my hair! Don’t you know how long it takes me to brush my hair?!”


He looked at me and smiled, “Now you’re not in a foul mood, care to share your problem? I might not be a good adviser but I’m a good listener..”


“Hah! Tough luck, I don’t even know you.” I said as I backed away.


“Name is HanSol” He smiled and offered me his hand. “Hey! I’m not planning anything!”


“Then why are you so defensive?”


“You’re looking at me as if I am planning something bad..”


“You’re not? Oh..then that’s great!”


“You thought I was going to do something bad am I right?”




“Really? Your expression does not seem to match what you’re saying…”


“I’m telling you the truth! You don’t look like a , a smuggler or a thief, you’re just weird..offering me your listening skills..”


“So we’re good?” He laughed, “ And I just don’t want to see a girl planning to kill herself just because of something that she could share.. and I felt that you’re crying..”


“Look I am not planning to kill myself, and I am incapable of killing myself, I’m too beautiful to do that..” I stopped talking, ok my vain side came out, “Uh..forget the last one,.. and uhmm..I am not crying..”


“Yes you were..” He smiled at me gently and sat on the grass. “You were crying on the inside..”


I looked at him and he seemed sincere, I smiled, after the longest time, I smiled genuinely at a stranger that I just met. He’s the second stranger that I genuinely smiled at, I decided to just let it all out at him at least he doesn’t know me personally right? Taking off my jacket he looked at me with wide eyes..


“Hey, you’re not planning to me right?” He joked as I threw him the jacket and he placed it beside him for me to just sit on it.


“A normal person in their right state of mind won’t even dare lay a single finger on you..” I answered and sat beside him.


“So if you suddenly turn abnormal you would me?”


“What the hell?!”


“I’m just joking..hahaha..” He laughed again causing me to smile at him. “So hit me with your problems..”


I took a deep breath and swallowed hard as I began to tell him my side of the story but completely hiding the identities of the persons involved with my life, he was just silent as he studied my part and just continued to listen, after I was done with my share he stood up and smiled at me, helping me up as I stood up he suddenly whispered, “Be Strong, he might come to his senses..”


“What if he won’t?”


“Then just give him a straight jab and an uppercut..that might wake him up..”


“you’re mean!”


“What? might work..wanna grab some tea?”


“Right now?” I asked as I looked at the time in my watch, 11:49pm..and shoot! Harpers interview will be tomorrow!


“What’s wrong?” He asked as he saw the change in my mood.


“Nothing, tea? Let’s go!” I chirped in happily as we walked towards Aston.


“Wa-tha-that’s your car?” he asked as he saw the headlights blink as I clicked the remote.


“Yes, now if you want to walk to the nearest Tea shop which is about an hour long walk then it’s your choice, but I’m going to use my car.”


“Ok,’ll drive.”


“That’s what I plan to do, now hop on.” I stopped midway, “and please don’t touch anything inside Aston or I might just push you off my car and make your death look like an accident..”


He nodded, “I think I’m the first one that you—oh..right..I’ll shut up now..”


The whole ride was loud as he kept on cracking up jokes making me laugh until tears came out of my eyes, yes, I know that I don’t even let the girls ride with me if I’m using Aston, but what choice do I really have, I can’t leave Aston out in the cold and walk with him!


As soon as we arrive on the tea shop, that was probably the time that I saw his face clearly, I did not pay attention to how he looked like when we were talking so just don’t judge me. He has this ash gray hair, and dark brown orbs, his nose and jawline are quite define and I think if I saw how he looked like before I wouldn’t argue with him anymore..


The time just passed by and we just sat there and talked, he never asked anything personal aside from my name, and he just chose to share his life story with me, he barred his soul and told me everything so that we could have something that we talked about, like his soldier collection when he was a kid, his life long dream, his first love and all the drama. It was already 3am when we decided to part ways he just told me that he’ll just walk back to where he is staying and that I can always run to him whenever I have something in my brain that would cause me to sway that way in the Han river. Yeah, as if we’ll meet again..



6am was the call time for Harpers, and I was there on the venue an hour earlier, reason? I did not sleep, but thanks to the power of BB cream my panda circles we’re covered up and I was ready for the shoot and for the interview. Everything went on smoothly, I mean during the photoshoot, everything just went on smoothly, but during the interview, that is where my brain wanted to back out, all the questions that was thrown at me reminded me how stupid I was for even believing that what he did the past few days was true, I swallowed hard, and reminded myself that what I am doing is for the girls, for my dream, for our dream and for my happiness. I answered the questions without a flaw and our stories matched, but like him I also left one thing out and it was his jacket and the ring that we exchanged.


As soon as I arrived in the apartment, Nam bombarded me with questions,


“Where have you been?!” She asked as she paced back and forth, “I woke up at 3am and you were not in your room!”


“Nam, calm down.” Shin said as she held Nam back, Seo Yeon and Ai on the other hand was sitting beside me and giving me water.


“I was worried Jin! When I went down on the basement Aston was clearly not there, and you didn’t even bother to leave a note!” Nam continued.


“Nam..” I called out her name but she just shushed me.


“I, I thought you left us..” She ended her lines. “We..we heard everything..last night..”


My eyes shot wide open, I did not know what to say I want to hide it from them, I want to make them see the things normally.


“Nam and I went out of our room and overheard what you were talking about..we..”Shin started.


“Please..just don’t mind it, I’m wearing the crown for our group and I must bear the consequence..I..I just need you guys to be by my matter what..” I said while I looked at them.


“So how do you plan on facing him?” Ai asked as she stood up.


“Just like the way that I did in the past, just minus the dreaming moments..” I chuckled.


“Ok..” the girls answered.


“Just act normally around them..act like you don’t know anything..ok?”


They nodded.


“Now let me catch some Z’s, I’m drained, I’ll tell you guys everything that had happened during Harpers when I wake up..” I said as I stood up and walked towards my room.


“Wait! Where did you go last night?” Nam shouted, she really wouldn’t let that issue pass right?..


“Han river, Tea house..” I answered.


“You went to a tea house all alone and stayed there?..All Alone?” Nam said.


“You never go to a tea house and stay that long if you’re alone!” Shin shouted


I looked back at them and smiled as I placed a finger on my lips and said, “Se-Cret!” after that I just closed the door of my room and locked it.


Several days passed by and the issue died down, or might I say mellowed down, the fans managed to tuck it in and understand Luhan’s request, but the thing that changed is that I began to go to the building separately with Aston while the girls uses Carrie. We just acted like nothing happened, and EXO continued to hang around with us, but once we’re alone, that is where my walls automatically rises up and blocks Luhan from my world, I don’t ignore him, I just act like he’s not around plus we barely talk so nothing really has changed, and only the girls know what was really happening.


“Hey..” Chanyeol called our attention, “You’ll be performing ‘What is Love’ and ‘Love and Girls’ during the SMTown showcase right?”


We nodded, and Chanyeol smiled, he taught us how we could be more familiar with the song’s beat and tempo, while the others taught us every basic thing about their song, Luhan also coached us with the dance breaks.


“You should move your—“ He said as he touched my arm but I pulled it away from him.


“You can just teach me without touching me right?” I asked making him look at me.


He replied with a nod.





Baekhyun’s laugh then automatically filled the entire practice room.


“Daebak! This is your first couple fight photo!” Baekhyun laughed hard but Nam on the other hand confiscated the latter’s phone and deleted the photo, “what gives?”


“Give them their privacy will ya.” Nam answered and walked back to Shin and Ai, Seo Yeon on the other hand was nowhere to be found.



“Unnie!” Seo Yeon’s voice echoed inside the practice room, “guess who I ran into..” she giggled.


“Why is she giggling?” SeHun asked in an irritated tone.


“Gig-oh ehm gee…!!!” Shin, Nam and Ai squealed as Jeno appeared from Seo Yeon’s back and waved.


“Annyeong!” Jeno greeted cheerfully and entered the practice room but as soon as he noticed EXO he stopped talking informally.


“Just ignore them,,” Shin cooed. “Jenooooooo”


“Is it just me or has she gone all softie when Jeno appeared..” Chanyeol asked Baekhyun who was still stoned right after Nam’s gesture.


“ the way..I’m with someone..and uhmm..Hyung..” Jeno called and a familiar ash haired boy entered the room.


“Annyeong-haseyo HanSol imnida” He greeted as soon as he stepped inside.


Our gazes met and I think or maybe I was thinking too much but Luhan was staring at me then at HanSol.

“YOU?!” Hansol and I both shouted.


“Crybaby!” Hansol instantly cheered and ran towards me and ruffled my hair, “did you cry again? Why are your eyes puffy? Did someone bully you? wait…why are you here?”


“Stop messing up my hair!” I shouted at him, “ the answers for your random questions is no, and I’m part of SM plus I’m PRISM’s leader..”


“Oh……” He said but then he smiled again and for the nth time he messed my hair up causing me to laugh at him and making everyone inside the room look at us.



And I am now in a deep trouble, Nam and Shin’s eyes is now glinting with questions….

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14 streak #1
Chapter 19: I love how like in every chapter there's someone saying ”I’m going to kill you” or ”Do you want to die?”. By the end of this story we’re probably all dead... Hahaha xD
14 streak #2
Chapter 18: It's like okay you're going to debut in China then now we’re getting a Bahamian Tan. Wow that is one short ride. Hahaha xD
14 streak #3
Chapter 18: Eomma you're leaving us?!? Wae???
14 streak #4
Chapter 15: And the almighty cutieee Jeno is back!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 14: Your dad sent us 5 freaking cars?!?!!! Ok...the first time I read this I thought it was just Carrie and Aston but 4 fudgemuckin AMs and 1 Porsche. Does that mean we get one car per person. *grins*
14 streak #6
Chapter 13: You know eomma you can just download your scandal photo, print it out and we’all frame it for you then hang it on our living room. Hahaha
14 streak #7
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: But if Baekhyun would call me ”pretty” while wearing it then I'd freakingly wear it for a whole week. Like freakingfudgemuckinblueberrycheesecake he just called me pretty?!?!?
14 streak #8
Chapter 12: I really like cute things and frills and glitters but I wouldn't dare wear one that involves all of it in one outfit and the tutu too... Dayum what the hell would that dress look like.
14 streak #9
Chapter 12: I swear I heard that door slammed in my head.
14 streak #10
Chapter 11: I feel like we should record this song one day... Like we really really really need to record this someday....