
Til' Death Do Us Part


Luna's POV.

I woke up seeing nothing but sunlight and...

Amazingly soft lips. silky hair. perfectly shaped biceps... the hell.. who is this?! Oh wait, it's Jiho. Why are you so damn perfect. Aigoo, this is bad. I really do like him now. :|

Wait. Oh .

I'm going to ing die! Those damn bops of his are going to come after me and fillet me if they know! ..wait. He's my husband first of all! Why should I feel threaten about telling him how I feel!?


EEEEEEEP. I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK. I'M THREATENED. What if I'm just day dreaming? What if what happened yesterday was just a one time thing?! AIGOO, I'm going crazy!

Zico's POV.

What is all this movement so damn early in the ing morning!? God. It's break. THERE IS NO REASON FOR THIS.

"Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god..!"


I should've known. My crazy wife and her disorder to be quiet in the morning. LKDJSAKLDJSA. She won't calm down. Was that really her first time? If it is then where has her life gone? She's 17! At her age she should've experienced that already!

& She keeps ing squirming. WHY CAN'T SHE BE LIKE A PILLOW. ARGH. RAGE.

"Oh my goodness. I'm going to be wiped right off the face of the Earth..!" Is she on the verge of crying? oh come on now! =.=

"I should just move to Tibet and shave my head and become a monk.!" ..what the ...

"Those crazy fans are going to destroy me!" Okay. Let me do that thing husband do. What was it? Confronting..? Nope, that's not it...confining..? The day anyone can confined her I'd be surprised. What was it..? CONSULTING. YEAH! That's it! Ughhh.... but I don't wanna moveee. Bed is so comfortablee.

"I need to get a new identity.." Ughhh. just let me sleeeppp.

"Maybe a whole new different life." This bed is so softttt.

"I might just move to Japan and become a star or something!" KDSJADLJASLKDJSAKLJDS, . -.-

"No! I can't be intimidated! I need to talk to him about this!" This women is trying to upset me. What is she even talking about!?

I flailed around and punched the bed irritably a few times before I finally lifted myself up to see this pretty but psychopath looking person staring at me straight in the eye.


....................................................................................................................................................I think I'm going to wet my pants.


"Why are you screaming!?"


"I was about to wake you up!"

"You dumb pickle jar! I was already awake from your crazy ideas of becoming a bald Tibetan monk/ Japanese super star!"

"What! You were awake!?"

".....I'm pretty sure we already established that."

"Aigo. JIHO." She grabbed a pillow and placed it on my chest before positioning her head on it herself.


Oh . She can't hear those abnormal beats. Play it cool.. just respond normally..

"What is it crazy?" Oops. Wrong thing to say.

"Stop calling me that."

"Fine demon spawn."

"Not that either!" She's so cute. :D

"Weren't you going to say something?" I started playing with her hair seeing how she was taking forever.


"That it? Okay. I'm going to wash my face."

"WAIT." She's breathing awfully hard. Is something wrong..? O_O

"I'm listening." I'm kind of worried now..


"I.." Her face is getting really red.

"Uh huh.." Spit it out women! You're worrying me here!

"I.. need to go to the bathroom first!" & with that she leaped off the bed and made a mad dash to the rest room and slammed the door shut.


I grabbed my chest and tried to calm myself down from what just happened. GOD, that girl makes me go crazy. I need to cool down.

“I'm going to shower then!” I yelled and made my way to the hall bathroom.

Luna's POV.

I slouched down against the sink and covered my face in shame. What was I even trying to do! He can't possible feel that way! What was trying to confess going to do?! Not like I'm anything special. It was a one-time thing anyway. Probably..

ARLKJKLSAJDAS. Luna you pabo!

Zico's POV.

Why is my face red? No. The Zico never gets red in the face when seeing an amazingly beautiful person get nervous around him.

Wait. How the hell did I just specify her? There's something wrong with me. It was that make out session last night. I'm going crazy. I can't stop thinking about those lips, those curves, I left marks!

I should go to jail for these kinds of thoughts. I am a danger to women everywhere. .___.;

You love her.

Where the hell did you come from?

Come on, admit it.

Where did you come from!?

Just say it.


Say it. Say it. Say it.


Say it before I cause those thumps again.


No. that's 100% you.

Is not!

Really? It seems to react every time you think of... Luna.



Shut up! It doesn't mean anything!

You mean the way she laughs and call your name is nothing? The fact she cried on your shoulders those nights when she had nightmares about her brother? Or the fact that you're the only one who can see right through her when she has those days and she still tries to smile for you? None of it means anything?


Admit it.

What if that's not what I'm feeling!?

Then what are you feeling?

I don't know.. Conflicted. Obsessive. Crazy. Anxious. As if the whole world will crumble if she wasn't here..

You love her!

I snapped out of my internal counseling session and look at myself in the mirror. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair thinking if I was even worthy of having those feelings for her.


Oh my goodness. You guys cannot believe how angry I am. I had to write this thing over because the site acted retarded on me and I was working on the original for an hour. I am so upset LDKJSALDJSAKLD.

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there wasn't even a plot like omg


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hai_young #1
Ahahaha daehyunand jieun and hyosung XP
and zelooooo<3
i just started becoming a BBC like 3 days ago because of the thai accident. and im sooo upset.. HUHUHU): someone needs to do sth abt this >:( block b fighting!! no matter what happens, true BBCs will always support u no matter what^^ block b fighting!!
foreverblockb #3
I agree with you :) I feel so bad for P.O oppa i hope he gets well soon!
hai_young #4
NOMGGG YOURE BACKKKK sorta.. haha. And your chapters great:)
But i feel ya about thr block b situation. saddens me to know that fellow koreans are being such arses. :(
KpOpswAg #5
I know you're right and what P.O is going will hopefully be alright I mean no one can be this disguisting toward someone for long. Those "fans" can't last this long.
tntmmm #6
What you said now, those are my feelings exactly. Block b is just getting so much and mostly because nichkhun drew all the attention to them. And yeah I respect jay park even more for talking to them and being their hyung. BLOCK B FIGHTING!!!!:)