
The End Where I Begin
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Yoongi stood still at his place for a moment. The bitter truth was so difficult for him to swallow. Taehyung was Sunhee’s brother. Kim Taehyung, the boy who had been going against him for dating a girl whom he had no idea about, was actually a younger brother of the object they’d been arguing on.

And it couldn’t be worse to Yoongi himself. The guilt he’d been having since he started dating Sunhee grew infinite. The guilt wasn’t just directed towards Sunhee anymore, but doubled up to her brother, whom was one of, or probably the only friend Yoongi had. The world couldn’t be harsher than that to him.

Yoongi walked slowly to the school field. He hopped to the upper bench and sat there. He would’ve cried himself out if he could. He was way too upset on the truth that he couldn’t let out any of his mixed feelings. He really wanted to cry, but nothing came out from his eyes. He wanted to let out his anger, but he would end up wrecking the school benches there. He frustratingly grasped his hair, cursing on the unfair world which had been being unfair to him since forever.

A spark of regrets came up to the surface, for all the things he had done. He regretted to involve the ones he loved to be sacrificed by his devilish ego. He had indirectly hurt both Sunhee and Taehyung without their knowing. He had no idea what he would do later when the truth was revealed to them.

Taehyung already dared to scold him, to go against him, to call him selfish, when he actually had no idea whom the girl was. Yoongi couldn’t even picture how mad Taehyung would be when he found out that the girl was actually his sister.

The step siblings might not have the same exact blood fully flowing inside them, but the affection Yoongi just saw between them had put it all aside. The bright face of Sunhee when she hugged Taehyung kept replaying inside his head, along with Taehyung’s wide grin when he saw his sister. And Yoongi indirectly ruined them.

Yoongi loved Sunhee, but he loved Taehyung as his best friend too, as his brother. His healthy mind told him to retreat and just vanish from their lives, leaving them happy without him ruining them. Although he might be living in despair after it, Sunhee and Taehyung would live normally and happily. They would understand his condition and their lives went on without him.

But it’s not as simple as that. Taehyung had mentioned it before. Yoongi was selfish.

It’s not that he wasn’t ready to live in despair as he let Sunhee went away from him if he really chose to do it.

He wanted her. He wanted her to be his and always. Forever as his companion, staying by his side all the time.

Yoongi’s healthy mind turned into another Taehyung. His mind kept telling him over and over about what’s right and what’s wrong that made him gone crazy because of it. He was having a battle against his own self.

The sky was going darker. He already spent hours sitting still there. He needed to make a decision, crucial one.

It was then decided. The urge to keep Sunhee as his couldn’t be suppressed. He would try his best to find a way for them to be together. His evil side would heart to put Taehyung aside for that. He would heart to put Sunhee first before Taehyung. The only thing he looked up to was only Sunhee, the one who had won his whole heart in his whole life.

The one and only Lee Sunhee.


“What took you so long?” Taehyung muttered as they waited for the bus. “You have no idea how long I waited for you.”

Sunhee innocently grinned, twining her arm with his. “I’m sorry. I was at the library, doing my tasks.” She lied, keeping her promise to Yoongi.

“Library?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “I went to the library, but you weren’t there.”

“Uh… probably you just didn’t notice me or maybe I was at the toilet that time.” She went on with her alibis. “You really waited for me by doing nothing?” she somehow felt guilty for him.

Taehyung shook his head. “Nope, I did wander around helplessly at first, but then I met Jimin. So yeah, we played basketball before he finally went with Hoseok sunbae and Jungkook for their dance p

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 21: I was really surprised that SunHee stayed with him even though he killed's like she didn't care about her previous life. Or her family who's mourning for her...
rhein_1101 #2
Chapter 21: wow this is one of a kind. Dor me it's (half) happy ending
cyjames #3
Whoah what a crazy plot twist!! I totally didn't see it coming! Thanks for the great story !!!
it was strange that yoongi always stayed at the same spot but the thought that he might be a ghost never crossed my mind. but now that i think about it, it was obvious that he was a ghost!
well not that obvious, his 'friendship' with tae makes it harder to guess that he was a ghost.
i got a bad vibe about yoongi since he beat seokjin up, the way he talked about sunhee to jin was disturbing me. it's almost like he didn't actually give a with sunhee and came off as obsessed, which is kind of true at the end.
i don't know what to feel about yoongi killing sunhee.........
if the both of them happy then, yeah........
anyway, thank you for sharing the story, i enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: This reminds me of a movie actually but the ending is different. I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending thou. Great story anyway!! Keep it upppppp....
alleesor25 #6
Chapter 21: The ending made me laugh. Hahaha! But this story is way too different to all the stories i read at asianfanfic. Really. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 21: It's kinda creepy but the plot was original and you write beautifully so I'll give an upvote for that. ^^
ooh_nana #8
Mannnnn so I was right about Yoongi at the very beginning! I know this has been posted for quite a while now but I still wanted to comment on how good this was!
namjoonbabe #9
Chapter 21: Much plot twist!! I never expected yoongi to be a ghost! But nonetheless i enjoyed it!! Hehe
Chapter 21: That was a hell of a twist of story. Totally caught me off guarf. Good story <3