
The End Where I Begin
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“We’re here for a visit,” Namjoon answered Jin’s expression which showing a negative acceptance at their appearance in front of his place that evening. Jin opened the door wider for Hoseok and Namjoon to come in after letting out a sigh.

“What happened, Hyung?” asked Hoseok as they walked behind Jin towards the living room.

“He was beaten by Sunhee noona's boyfriend yesterday.” It was Jungkook, suddenly came out of his room which they passed by with a towel slinging on his shoulder.

Jin glared at the younger boy right away. “Just shut up if you know nothing,” he snarled.

“Sunhee’s boyfriend? She has one?” Namjoon frowned.

“Don’t listen to him,” Jin muttered. Jungkook rolled his eyes and left to the bathroom.

They were then on the living room, continuing their talk. “So, what happened?” Hoseok repeated his question since there wasn’t any exact answer yet.

Jin clicked his tongue. “I broke into a fight,” he answered shortly.

“How could it happen? With whom?” Hoseok started interrogating right away.

“I can’t tell you about it,” he sighed. “Well, it’s not that important though.”

“It’s not that bad, right?” Hoseok made sure.

Jin hissed. “If I’m still alive then it’s not that bad.” It was kind of ironic since he actually almost died from it although he managed to stay alive in the end.

“Was it really Sunhee’s boyfriend?” Namjoon innocently questioned, turning to look at both of them.

Hoseok rolled his eyes while Jin smacked Namjoon with a cushion. “I told you not to listen to that brat!” he scolded him.

“But, does she really have one?” Namjoon’s curiosity was unstoppable.

Hoseok shrugged. “Well, I’m actually curious about that as well. Does she?” he asked Jin too.

“Ya! Did you come here to visit me or to gossip about her?!” he barked.

The two grinned awkwardly. “Sorry, Hyung.”

“We’re curious why you didn’t come to school without telling us,” told Hoseok.

“You know what, Hyung? Sunhee seemed worried. She couldn’t stop glancing towards us. I think she’s looking for you,” Namjoon said.

Jin sighed, thinking. Sunhee would never do that. She was avoiding him all along. There’s no way for her to care about him. Instead, maybe she had wished him to be dead after all he had done to her. Moreover she already had Yoongi. That Yoongi. Then his worries on them came back to the surface again. I have to watch over her.

“You two should stop talking about her. I already gave up on her,” he regretfully stated.

Their eyes undoubtedly widened right away from his statement. “What?!”

“Woah, that girl is really something. She made Kim Seokjin gave up on a girl for the first time,” Namjoon mindlessly commented. “You really did?”

“What’s wrong, Hyung?” Hoseok was surprised with his decision.

Jin shrugged. “There’s no way I can make her fall for me. There’s no way I can get her either.”

“It’s because she already has a boyfriend.” Jungkook chimed as he walked back to his room while wiping his face using the towel.

“Ya! You’re getting on my nerves, really!” Jin shouted at his brother who was laughing all along. Finished letting out his annoyance, Jin turned to his friends. “Look, don’t listen to that bastard. But from now on, let’s just stay away from her, okay?”

The two were agape, but in the end they gave positive nods. “Okay.” Hoseok shrugged.

“Wait.” Jin was shocked on his own as he was already drowned thinking. “What date is it today?” he glanced between the two of them.

“7th? Is it?” Namjoon tried to answer through another question since he wasn’t sure either.

Jin freeze when Hoseok agreed on Namjoon’s answer after having a look on his phone. He gulped nervously as he tried to calm his heartbeat down. It’s coming.


Sunhee’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Jin went into the class on the next day. Although he was wearing a dust mask, she could still tell that it was him from those sharp eyes. They exchanged gazes in a flash before he walked to his seat on the opposite side of the class. At least she was relieved that he hadn’t said anything yet sin

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 21: I was really surprised that SunHee stayed with him even though he killed's like she didn't care about her previous life. Or her family who's mourning for her...
rhein_1101 #2
Chapter 21: wow this is one of a kind. Dor me it's (half) happy ending
cyjames #3
Whoah what a crazy plot twist!! I totally didn't see it coming! Thanks for the great story !!!
it was strange that yoongi always stayed at the same spot but the thought that he might be a ghost never crossed my mind. but now that i think about it, it was obvious that he was a ghost!
well not that obvious, his 'friendship' with tae makes it harder to guess that he was a ghost.
i got a bad vibe about yoongi since he beat seokjin up, the way he talked about sunhee to jin was disturbing me. it's almost like he didn't actually give a with sunhee and came off as obsessed, which is kind of true at the end.
i don't know what to feel about yoongi killing sunhee.........
if the both of them happy then, yeah........
anyway, thank you for sharing the story, i enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: This reminds me of a movie actually but the ending is different. I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending thou. Great story anyway!! Keep it upppppp....
alleesor25 #6
Chapter 21: The ending made me laugh. Hahaha! But this story is way too different to all the stories i read at asianfanfic. Really. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 21: It's kinda creepy but the plot was original and you write beautifully so I'll give an upvote for that. ^^
ooh_nana #8
Mannnnn so I was right about Yoongi at the very beginning! I know this has been posted for quite a while now but I still wanted to comment on how good this was!
namjoonbabe #9
Chapter 21: Much plot twist!! I never expected yoongi to be a ghost! But nonetheless i enjoyed it!! Hehe
Chapter 21: That was a hell of a twist of story. Totally caught me off guarf. Good story <3