Don't ever talk to me

Stop denying and kiss me.
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Xiumin’s POV

“What am I doing now?” I thought to myself while Luhan was kissing me. The moment he started getting closer to me I forgot about everything in this little world and without realizing I allowed him to kiss me. I had to pull myself out of this wonderful land and get back to earth, so I broke the kiss and just stared at him trying to figure out why he did that. But I couldn’t figure out anything, the feeling I got when our lips touched distracted my thoughts on anything. I pushed him away and started to run away because I know that this is no good at all. I didn’t look back even once. I was running not bothering the people I run into by mistake. My mind was too busy thinking about what just happened. I was out of breath completely so I had to stop. I looked around to find myself on the streets out of the garden already. I started walking slowly on the sidewalk not knowing where I am exactly.

“A boy just kissed me.” I started talking to myself. “And I allowed him to kiss me. I even enjoyed it.” My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I remembered that it was my first kiss. “My first kiss was with a boy!” I shouted. “What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Did I…….. I think…….. I…. fell for a boy.” I stopped walking and stared at the ground. “I think I fell for Luhan.” I took a deep breath. “No no, I didn’t.” I was even denying the truth for myself.




Luhan’s POV

Two days passed since my kiss with Minseok. We didn’t talk at all and we didn’t even meet by coincidence. I have been thinking only about Minseok and our kiss for the past 2 days. I don’t even remember what was explained in the sessions I attended. I miss him. I want to hug him. I want to tell him that I fell for him. I want to know why he didn’t stop me from kissing him. I want to spend time with him and I want to laugh with him like we used to. But I don’t have the guts to go talk to him after what happened.

Tomorrow was the first day to start with public service and this fact made me so nervous because then I will see Minseok. I don’t know how I should react when I see him. Shall say hi or just ignore? I don’t know.

It was 11:26 pm and I couldn’t sleep, so I carried myself outside the room and took a walk in the dorm hallway. I used my cell phone to light the way since all the lights are off except little ones are on but still it does not light the way. I suddenly heard someone else’s footsteps and then I found someone walking the opposite way I’m walking. I raised my phone up so I can see who exactly that person is.

It was Minseok.


I stood right in place while he kept walking towards me.

“Luhan?” Minseok asked still not sure if it is me.

“Y… Yes. It…. Is m.. me.” I replied nervously.

“Oh.” He was in front of me now, looking at me.

“Do you…. Maybe… ah… want to… go out… for a walk?” I said while still being so nervous that my voice was shaking.

“Ummmm, sure.” He answered. We walked in total silence the whole way. We went out and sat on a bench.

“So is there anything you want to say?” Minseok asked in a very cold tone.

“Ummmm.. ahhh… Iiii… I don’t know.” I just couldn’t say anything.

“You don’t know? Then why did you ask me to get out with you?” Minseok still had on the cold tone, which is so not like him.

“I’m sorry about last time.” I said so fast.

“What last time? I don’t have anything to do with you. I want to end whatever between us. Please don’t try to see me again and if by mistake we saw each other then act as if you don’t me.” Minseok said and I felt like my chest was being tightened and tears filled my eyes.

“Wait! What? Why? I said I was sorry. It was just a stupid mistake. I myself don’t know why I did that. I just…. Just please don’t let that ruin our friendship.” I said while my lips were trembling.

“What friendship? We knew each other since 2 weeks. That is nothing.” He answered more coldly.

“Nothing?! After all the secrets we shared and our endless laughs?”

“Well, I wish I never told you anything about my damn life. You are sick!! I wish I never told my deepest secrets to such a sick and thoughtless person like you. AND SUCH A GAY PERSON LIKE YOU!” He shouted. I w

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 19: Im glad this chapter wasnt an cliffhanger
laili_3 #2
Chapter 19: that fact that luhan is kyungsoo' crush really shock me.... but i love this story so much since luhan had suffer from minseok. generaly when i read xiuhan, minseok is the one who suffer by luhan kekekeke
please update...
bunny5760 #3
please finish this story
bunny5760 #4
please update
bunny5760 #5
Chapter 10: hahahaha the title is so funny " I'm gay!" LOL
Ypyoloser #6
Chapter 19: I like the fluff in the story so much and also the drama. Plz update soon
thatsnotme #7
Chapter 19: I read the 19 chapters one shot and it was AWESOME. the fluff killed me. Update sooooon plz
fjjgalaxyyo #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing. I loved every bit in it.
Update please ^^
Chapter 19: "I don't care if you're a boy or an alien" Isn't that from Coffee Prince?
bora_xiuhan #10
Chapter 19: Finally Umin ah \^_^/
I love it <3