Weird feelings

Stop denying and kiss me.
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There will be conversations on Kakkotalk. Minseok’s kakkootalk display name is musicfreak and luhan’s kakkotalk display name is girlsdaylovaa.



Xiumin’s POV

*Everybody, Every everybody* My ringtone woke me up. “Hello?” I didn’t bother looking at the number of the person who was calling me since I was half awake.

“How are you son?” I recognized my father’s voice immediately.

“Just fine.” I didn’t even bother to ask how was he.

“Good. I hope you arrived safely yesterday. Ah, I bet you need some money.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I don’t need any.” Just then, I remembered the guy I bumped into yesterday, I owe him a shirt. “oh wait, I think I do need some.”

“Okay then I will send your sister with the money after 30 minutes at the main gate, okay?”

“Okay thank you, bye.” I hanged up quickly.

My sister is the closest person to me in the universe; she is only 2 years younger than me. We know every single detail about each other. I even told her about the first girl I had a crush on, who were her best friend, and she told me about her first kiss with my enemy in school, I was really angry at that time that I didn’t speak with her for about 2 days because of kissing my enemy but what made me even more angry was that I didn’t even have a first kiss while I’m the older brother.

I unlocked my cell phone to see what the time is now. It is 7:21 am now, its too early for my first session this morning but I had to get up already to meet my sister.

After getting fully dressed at 7:34 am, I opened the door and the moment my foot stepped outside the room, the room in front of me was being unlocked, then someone went out, I looked at his face out of curiosity. It was the guy I bumped into yesterday. Our eyes met suddenly, and then he raised his right hand waving to me and smiled. I bowed and smiled.

“Hey, that’s your room?” He asked while approaching me slowly.

“Yup, that’s yours? I asked while pointing at the room he went out of.

“Yes yes. Now there is really no way you would run away.” He said while having a half smile on. He finally reached me and we only had about 1 meter gap between us.

“haha ya. But where are you going so early?”

“I’m going for a walk; I usually like to walk while listening to music at the morning.” He answered while staring at me, he didn’t even blink.

“I like walks too, I’m an exercise freak.” We giggled.

“You busy?” He asked still looking right through my eyes. I try to break that eye contact but I just couldn’t, I felt the urge of just looking through his eyes.

“For now, I’m not.”

“Good then let’s have a walk together, maybe?” he asked while having his right lip edge smile slightly which made me look at his lips for a quit period of time.

“Sure.” I causally answered while having on a wide smile.


Luhan’s POV

We started walking slowly through the dorm haul in complete silence.

“So what department are you in?” I tried to break the ice talking about boring .

“Engineering, you?” I stole a peek of his face while he was answering.


“Great, seems like we are stuck together.” We giggled. “What major are you? I’m computer engineering.”

“Oh, I’m chemical engineering.”

“So do you have a girlfriend?” He asked out of nowhere.

“Nah, I don’t have time. I’m busy studying my off, you?


We talked about the university while having a walk for about 15 minutes then he said he had to go somewhere. Without even noticing for the second time we didn’t ask for each other’s names. I completed walking but this time with some loud beats in my ears. I kept thinking about him, that guy. He is beautiful in a way that made my heart skip its beats a little. I started to wonder why I’m I like this. It is really weird since I’m thinking of a guy. “I like girls, don’t I?” I murmured to myself. “, am I gay?” Just thinking about that made my chest tight. “No, no.” I shouted. I shook my head right and left trying to get that thought the hell out of head. I increased my speed and started running slowly but even this and that didn’t work. I’m still thinking about him. “WHY?” I shouted looking at the light blue sky covered with pure white clouds furiously. “Why are you making me think of a guy?” I asked the God who is right up there. I also was really curious why the hell am I thinking of someone I just met yesterday and we didn’t even talk much. I was going crazy wondering what the hell is wrong with me.


Xiumin’s POV

I ran looking at my watch, its 8:12 now. , I’m late. My father will kill me if he know I kept yoona(My sister) waiting for a while. Why did I lie saying I’m not busy? I d

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 19: Im glad this chapter wasnt an cliffhanger
laili_3 #2
Chapter 19: that fact that luhan is kyungsoo' crush really shock me.... but i love this story so much since luhan had suffer from minseok. generaly when i read xiuhan, minseok is the one who suffer by luhan kekekeke
please update...
bunny5760 #3
please finish this story
bunny5760 #4
please update
bunny5760 #5
Chapter 10: hahahaha the title is so funny " I'm gay!" LOL
Ypyoloser #6
Chapter 19: I like the fluff in the story so much and also the drama. Plz update soon
thatsnotme #7
Chapter 19: I read the 19 chapters one shot and it was AWESOME. the fluff killed me. Update sooooon plz
fjjgalaxyyo #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing. I loved every bit in it.
Update please ^^
Chapter 19: "I don't care if you're a boy or an alien" Isn't that from Coffee Prince?
bora_xiuhan #10
Chapter 19: Finally Umin ah \^_^/
I love it <3