The start

Stop denying and kiss me.
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Xiumin’s POV

“Fight?” I asked horrified after hearing about the news.

“Yes, we have to go now to Kai’s room to make plans.” Lay explained.

“But I don’t know how to fight. I never fought in my whole life. I don’t want to.” I lied; I know how to fight and I fought a lot of years ago. I’m strong, very very strong. I lied because of an incident that happened 2 years ago while fighting a group of guys in school. I almost killed one of them at that time by just one fist of mine so I was told to stop fighting or else I will become a murder someday.

“What are you? A girl? A chicken?” Lay spoke angrily. I couldn’t reply and I had to follow him to Kai’s room to save some of my pride as a man. We entered the room and everyone was there.

“I won’t fight. Let me out of this.” I argued as soon as I entered.

“What? Why?” Kai asked glaring at me.

“He says he doesn’t know how to fight.” Lay replied quickly.

“Ya as if we can fight too.” Kyungso said.

“I don’t care but I won’t fight. You handle it by yourself.” I had to avoid fighting no matter what.

“Woah. I didn’t you were such a chicken.” Beakhyun said pointing at me.

“I’m not a freaking chicken; I just don’t want to fight.” I was shouting from anger. They are hurting my pride.

“No one refused to join except you. We all have to be in this together. If you ran away then you will be a chicken, not a man anymore.” Chanyeol explained calmly. I thought about it and I decided to join but I will just stand and watch from a distance. I must not interfere with anyone no matter what.

“Fine!” I shouted.

They kept almost 2 hours planning for each person’s mission. Kai is the leader, Lai is the main fighter who will start the first attack, Luhan will throw kicks, Chanyeol and Beakhyun will throw fists in both the face and the stomach, Kyungso will bite, and then me, I will just be a watcher, making sure no guards pass by while them fighting. “What a stupid plan.” I thought to myself, they looked silly for me.


At 9 pm we headed to the place the guy wanted us to meet him in. It was a far corner on campus that was behind a building that probably no one knows about. Kai told me to stick right behind the building and every now and then I should steel peeks too watch for guards.  It was dark but the lights were enough for us to see that guy approach us with a bunch of other guys. They were 5. The tall guy from earlier, another tall guy with black hair that shines, I very short guy with brown hair, another short guy with brown hair too and lastly a tall one with blond hair.

“So you really came.” That tall guy said while smiling with an evil look.

“Yup, you think I would run away, HAHA!” Kai laughed loudly.

“Good for you then but don’t end up crying like a baby.” He replied.

“Who are you?” Kai asked curious to know his name.

“I’m Kris. You are Kai, right?”

“Interesting. Do you know the names of the others?” Kai asked

“I don’t but if I want to know I will know.” Kris said with great confidence.

“Good for you.” Kai’s smile faded away and he started focusing on Kris.

“How about start already and stop this boring .” Kris said glaring at us.

“Great idea.” Kai replied.

“Just a minute.” Kris said then he grabbed his cell-phone from his pocket and started playing *HOTpants* by DoubleK. Everyone from our group started laughing at how silly he is. What the hell? He is starting a fight and playing a rap song? Such a weirdo. “Don’t fu*king laugh s, rap gives me power.” Kris said with a very angry tone. We laughed even more.

Kris started approaching Kai then he threw a fist into his face and then the fight started. Everyone was blindly hitting each other like crazy people except me off course. I was having the time of my life watching them trying too hard to throw kicks and fists, but all of them couldn’t do . I enjoyed the music that Kris played.  I suddenly heard footsteps approaching us from behind the building, I looked with one eye as fast as I can and I saw a guard heading towards us.

“Guards.” I shouted while running towards the fight. Every one immediately stopped fighting and started pretending that were dancing to the music played.

“What the hell are you doing?” The guard asked when he reached behind the building.

“Having a party with our closest buddies.” Kris answered with a wide smile on his face. That guy is funny, I thought. The guard raised his eye brow, and then sighed.

“Crazy kids these days.” The guard shook his head and started walking away. Everyone started fighting again. I studied th

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 19: Im glad this chapter wasnt an cliffhanger
laili_3 #2
Chapter 19: that fact that luhan is kyungsoo' crush really shock me.... but i love this story so much since luhan had suffer from minseok. generaly when i read xiuhan, minseok is the one who suffer by luhan kekekeke
please update...
bunny5760 #3
please finish this story
bunny5760 #4
please update
bunny5760 #5
Chapter 10: hahahaha the title is so funny " I'm gay!" LOL
Ypyoloser #6
Chapter 19: I like the fluff in the story so much and also the drama. Plz update soon
thatsnotme #7
Chapter 19: I read the 19 chapters one shot and it was AWESOME. the fluff killed me. Update sooooon plz
fjjgalaxyyo #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing. I loved every bit in it.
Update please ^^
Chapter 19: "I don't care if you're a boy or an alien" Isn't that from Coffee Prince?
bora_xiuhan #10
Chapter 19: Finally Umin ah \^_^/
I love it <3