Awkward atmosphere

Stop denying and kiss me.
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Luhan’s POV

“That was my confession.” Minseok said after he was done while looking into my eyes.

It is for me.

He finally confessed.

Minseok really did have feelings for me just like how I did.

My heart won’t stop beating rapidly. My sweat glands were on fire.  I found myself on cloud nine. I was smiling so wide that I almost dislocated my jaw.

I waited for Minseok to free himself from the crowd gathered around him. I wanted to be alone with him. I sent him a kakotalk message.

Girlsdaylovaa: I will wait for outside, same bench as the last time. Don’t be late Baozi. (7:16)

I stepped out of the entrance as soon as I took one last peek at Minseok. I found myself reciting the song Minseok just sang for me while moving my hands and feet to the rhythm of the music with a huge smile on my face. I reached the bench and sat while admiring the kindness of the world to me. After few minutes, I found Minseok running towards me but then suddenly he stopped few meters away from me. I stood up immediately. Our eyes locked and we couldn’t move for a while.

“Luhan.” Minseok called out my name but I can barely hear him, since he was far from me.

“Minseok.” I responded back loudly so he can hear me.

“It was for you.” He was still away.

“I know.” I said while biting my lower lip from nervousness. I need to hold him right now. I need to touch him. I need him to be so close to me right now. I want to lock my lips with his right now. I want to embrace him.

“Luhan, I think about you a lot.” He shouted loudly enough for me to hear it clearly. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I ran to him. I was only few centimeters away from him now. I clasped his right arm while pressing my other hand to his chest. I pushed him hardly to the streetlight next to us.

“Luhan, what are you doing?” Minseok asked while looking at me in fear. I ignored his question and started bending my neck while staring at his red smooth lips which made me go crazy. “Luhan stop.” Minseok distracted me. I looked through his eyes but still so close to him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I don’t want to do this.”


“I don’t know but it is just not right.”

“You already confessed.”

“Ya but I’m not sure yet.. I don’t…”

“Minseok, stop denying already. Just let me kiss you.” I said while showing love in my eyes to Minseok. He bit his lips and gently nodded. I found Minseok’s warm hand touch my neck and I felt chills in that exact spot. His hand was so soft that made my breath grow rapidly. He moved his fingers through my hair and that’s when I crushed my lips through his. I felt his other hand embrace my back warmly. This time I felt him kissing back softly. This was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced in my whole life. I pressed my chest to his chest gently and placed both of hands of his face. The palm of my hands was covering his warm cheeks and my thumbs were slowly brushing his ears.

I forgot every little thing in this world. My mind only had Minseok in that exact moment.

Our kiss broke when someone interpreted us by clearing his throat. We jumped from our places. I looked around and I saw Kyungso staring at us.

“What are you guys doing?” He said while raising his left eyebrow.

We quickly moved away from each other.

I couldn’t stand still from embarrassment. I was swinging slighting.

“Were you guys kissing?” Kyungso asked. We couldn’t say anything from embarrassment.

“Ahhh…… ummmmm…… weee…..” I didn’t know what to say.

“Ha ha.. we got you Kyungso. It…. Ummmm… was a prank.  Ha ha ha.” Minseok said while laughing so awkwardly.

“You think I will believe that? I saw you guys kissing each other and you were holding each other tightly.”

“Ya…. It was a prank on you.” Minseok was still talking and laughing awkwardly.

“Dude, do you see me stupid or something?” Kyungso wouldn’t believe him.

“No Kyungso, it was a prank. Really. We saw you coming from afar so we thought it would be fun to prank you.” I lied.

“Whatever.” Kyungso rolled his eyes and started walking away. We rushed towards him.

“You don’t believe us?” Minseok asked him.

“I don’t.”

“Okay whatever, but don’t tell anyone.” Minseok just ruined everything. I glared at him.

“Oh so it is not a prank.” Kyungso said while smiling evilly.

“No it is, but I just don’t anyone to know.”

“Stop lying already. I caught you guys kissing.”

“JUST DON’T TELL ANYONE” Minseok shouted. He got angry.

“Why? Because you are afraid people would look down at you because you are gay?”


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 19: Im glad this chapter wasnt an cliffhanger
laili_3 #2
Chapter 19: that fact that luhan is kyungsoo' crush really shock me.... but i love this story so much since luhan had suffer from minseok. generaly when i read xiuhan, minseok is the one who suffer by luhan kekekeke
please update...
bunny5760 #3
please finish this story
bunny5760 #4
please update
bunny5760 #5
Chapter 10: hahahaha the title is so funny " I'm gay!" LOL
Ypyoloser #6
Chapter 19: I like the fluff in the story so much and also the drama. Plz update soon
thatsnotme #7
Chapter 19: I read the 19 chapters one shot and it was AWESOME. the fluff killed me. Update sooooon plz
fjjgalaxyyo #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing. I loved every bit in it.
Update please ^^
Chapter 19: "I don't care if you're a boy or an alien" Isn't that from Coffee Prince?
bora_xiuhan #10
Chapter 19: Finally Umin ah \^_^/
I love it <3