Will Tears Break Us Apart

Silent Love at First Sight


Kyuhyun's POV

I started to cry as well because I was watching Sungmin cry. I really dont know if Heechul and Hangeng's plan will work, they don't know how my parents are with me and school... My parents are very strict about me getting the best education."Kyuhyun?" "what is it Minnie?" I said. "Y-you can go to that school... I want you to get the best education ever so you can be the greatest videogame designer and singer ever. I'm sure that your parents will be very proud of you and they won't hate me for holding you back in your education." Sungmin said while wiping his eyes. I was really suprised and kinda irritated that he said that. "Sungmin...why would you say that?!" I said kinda angerly...oh I think I just yelled at him.


Sungmin's POV

Kyuhyun...yelled at me. He never yelled at me, or raised his voice. "I- I just....thought you would be happy." "WHY IN THE HELL WOUKD I BE HAPPY IF I AM AWAY FROM THE PERSON I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD?!!" "I can't believe yoou said that Sungmin that almost made me want to break up with you!" Kyuhyun yelled. I completely froze.."No! Kyuhyun please don't break up with me!!! I'm sorry, I'm just overwhelmed by all of this an-" "AND WHAT? YOU THINK IT WILL BE BETTER IF I LEAVE??" "NO!!! Kyuhyun!!!" "Then why would you even say that?" "Do you secrectly hate me?" Kyuhyun said. "No, Kyuhyun I love you! I will always love you!" I seriously couldn't stop crying. I felt like I was about to die. "Kyuhyun please stop yelling at me. I take everything back. I really do love you, I never want to leave you EVER!" I said.


Kyuhyun's POV

Annnnd I'm crying...again. God I feel like such a wussy!! I guess I can forgive Sungmin...actually what the heck am I saying?! Ofcourse I can forgive Sungmin. I hugged Sungmin tightly, he looked shocked that I hugged him. "I'm sorry Minnie, I didn't mean to go off on you. Please forgive my stupidity.=D" "I'm such a child, I didn't mean to scream, I know that you were overwhelmed and I probably made worse." I said. "You can punch me or ki---" "Kyuhyun shush, just promise me that I will forever be yours. Okay?" Sungmin said. I kissed Sungmin. "I promise." I replied.



Narraration Time

That's the end of chapter 6 *actually shorter than I imagined* >.>

Okay so Kyuhyun and Sungmin are all better now. They are going to go along with Hanchul's plan...whatever that may be. ^^ Anyways, the next chapter will be about the plan and you'll get to meet Kyuhyun's parents!!!!! YAY



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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥