Chapter 1: Heartbroken from the Start, but Turns Out Okay in the End

Silent Love at First Sight

Sungmin's POV

I've always loved Kyuhyun ever since the day i met him, but it was always tough for me to talk to him. Plus when i first met him I wasn't really nice to him for some reason.


flashback: first day of school

Class we have a new student today.

"Hi, I'm Cho Kyuhyun, I'm in my 3rd year of High School and I can't wait to meet all of you." The moment he said that i had to say "Why are you in your 3rd year of high school if your a year younger than all of us? Are you trying to make all of us feel dumb? You should just leave and go were you belong!!" Even though I didn't mean any of it...I said it... well more like shouted it infront of everyone and made a complete idiot out of Kyuhyun.

End of Flashback


I regret saying those words to him ever since that day. He always gave me a glare in the hallways now or an evil look. I can't really complain because he looks so hot when he does that. I tried talking to him a few days ago but the only thing he said was "Get away from me you stupid bunny!" It ws so harsh but I wouldn't blame him for calling me that. I just want to have one normal conversation with the guy I will always love.


Kyuhyun's POV

Oh my God!! I can't say anything to that cute bunny without it being so mean!! He was the one who started everything from the moment I stepped into that classroom, but when he spoke all I heard was his soft, unique voice....yelling at me. -_- How do I talk to him normally? All I want is his cute smiling face to actually look at me without a glare(even though I can't take his glare seriously because he is so adorable). Why does this world hate me so much?!! Well school is almost over so I'll try talking to him. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be a fail..again. I found Sungmin sitting on a bench hold a bunny..he looks so cute. "Hey Sungmin, umm can i ask you something?" "Sure"


Sungmin's POV

"Sure." Umm why is Kyuhyun talking to me? Why is my heart pounding? Well at least he didn't say something mean..yet. Well, I hope it's something not mean.


Kyuhyun's POV

Well, I know that I haven't said nice things to you ever since we met, I really never mean't any of that. I only said those things because I was scared to speak to you normally, honestly I fell in love with you on the first day of school. I didn't want to tell you because you made fun of me, but it doesn't matter now. What I'm trying to say is, Will you be my "girlfriend"?


Sungmin's POV

Holy Crap!! Did he just ask me out?! Umm what do I do? What do I say back? I always thought he hated me. In the end I said "Of course Kyuhyun!" with the biggest smile on my face, like it was the greatest day ever...and it was. 

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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥