Rise and Shine

Silent Love at First Sight

Hello I am back from my writers block. Oh Yea!! Enjoy this unedited chapter. Even though this is a super short chapter....sorry. I just really behind on homework and sleep.


The Next Day


Kyuhyun's POV

I woke up the next day with Sungmin asleep and clinging on to me for dear life while holding his little stuffed bunny. I just lay me head back down and casually put my arm around Sungmin and look at his adorable, sparkling face. How can someone like me end up dating the sweetest guy ever? Was it luck? fate? As I ask myself these questions I notice Sungmin slowly waking up, He makes a soft moan and rubs his eyes. He looks at me and smiles brightly. "Good Morning Kyu!" He says cutely. "Good Morning Minnie." I replied. We both got up and walked downstairs and aleady we could smell something amazing cooking, but as we got closer it started to smell burnt. I look in the kitchen to only find Hangeng teaching Heechul how to make pancakes. "Heechul is burning everthing he attemps to make." I say to Sungmin. "Well do you just wanna go to a restaurant and eat there?" Sungmin asked, I nodded and we headed upstairs to take a shower (not together).


30 minutes later


Sungmin's POV

We were dressed and ready to go. Before we headed downstairs Kyuhyun had to make sure the living room was "hanchul free". (lol) He gave me a hand signal which ment it was all clear. I giggled and walked toward him. He smiled at me then called me a dork. I just grabbed his hand and we walked outside, "It's a nice day out." I said. "Indeed it is my Minnie, indeed it is." Kyuhyun said while staring straight into my eyes. It looked like he was looking into my soul. My heart started beating faster as he stopped walking and he took a step closer to me. I backed up for some reason and of course I lose my balance and I fall backwards. My hand was released from Kyuhyun's hand and I continue to fall backwards, I look to the side and I see a speeding car coming.(Sungmin is falling backwards on to a road.) Am I seriously going to die like this? Tears start to fall from my eyes, "KYUHYUN!!!!!!" I scream as I try to reach for his hand. There was no luck. I really am going to die. I close my eyes because I can't stand this scary scene anymore. Before I fell completely I feel a arm around my stomach and I am in motion but I am not moving my legs. Then I just hear a car horn run right past my ear. I was on my feet again and I slowly open my eyes to see Kyuhyun out of breath. "Are you okay, Minnie?" Kyuhyun asked, "Yes...Thank you." I replied. I hugged him tightly, then we walked down this street....still looking for a place to eat.


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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥