A day at the hospital with a twist

Silent Love at First Sight


Heechul's POV

I'm pretty sure I passed out as I was being rushed to the hospital. I'm just laying on a ambulance bed listening to the sirens from outside. I just want to wake up and tell everyone that I am fine and that I don't need to be taken to the hospital, even if I did tell them no one would believe me because I have a bloody face. After a while I become half awake, well awake enough to move my hands and whisper atleast one thing. The only thing that came to mind was Hangeng. He is the person I want right now. "Hannie?" I say in a very low-soft tone. "Heechul I'm here, don't worry." Hangeng says as he grabs my hand. I can feel his tears dripping off of his face and on my hand. While opening my eyes half way, I move my other arm over to touch Hangeng's flawless face. "Hannie don't cry, I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt." Even though I told him not to cry I can't help to cry with him. "H-hangeng my head hurts really bad." I said holding Hangeng's hand tighter. One of the parametics looked at my bloody face. "This guy is loosing blood really fast! We have to hurry!" She yelled as she tries to wipe my face off with a wet towel.


Hangeng's POV

Oh god! Heechul is loosing to much blood. He is gunna die! I can't have him die, I would know what to do with myself anymore. "Heechul please stay awake" I say while sobbing even more. He didn't say anything after that. He just laid there stairing at me, holding my hand tightly. Suddenly the ambulance stopped. The back doors opend and 5 nurses come and take Heechul away. I got out and waited outside for Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun's mom.


Kyuhyun's POV

Holy , I hope Heechul is ok, his head was bleeding alot. I look at Sungmin who was shaking badly. I touch his shoulder with my hand and he jumped then looked at me. His eyes were red, it looked like he just cried an ocean full of tears. "Heechul will be okay Minnie, he his stronger than you think." I said. Sungmin hugged my really tightly. "Are you sure Kyu?" He said with big watery eyes. "I'm postive.


Heechul's POV

Did i mention I hate hospitals? No? Well I do. They creep the out of me with their weird smells and what not. The worst part Hangeng probably stayed outside so he can wait for the others. , I'm bleeding down my face in a scary hospital with no boyfriend. I was taken to this room...that also had a weird smell. A few doctors come in and walk towards me. "We have to cut your hair." Was the first thing he said. "I don't ing think so!!" I yell back. No one is cutting my hair. The doctor looked at me then he just tried to my the parts of my hair was covering the giant gash in my head. That's what I thought . After a good 3 minutes of getting the blood to stop flowing out of my head like a god damn river they tell my tht i would need stitches in my head. I just said whatever and they got on with their job. They told me that this wouldn't take long but they wanted to put me to sleep to ease the pain. I agreed as I slowly fall asleep.


Sungmin's POV

We just arrived at the hospital. I see Hangeng waving his hands at us. We drive around the circle to the front of the hospital where Hangeng is. We all get out of the car. "Is he okay?" I asked. Hangeng looks down at the ground and I can see tears dripping from his eyes to the ground. "T-they said that he is losing blood really fast. I don't know if he will make it, Kyuhyun's dad really did damage to Heechul's head." He said. "Oh my god." Kyuhyun's mom said. Shall we go inside since it's pretty cold out?" Kyuhyun said We walk inside and we go up to the front counter. "Do you know what room Kim Heechul was taken to?" I ask. "He was taken to room 433." SHe said.(note:look at ur phone and see what letters make up "433" that has something to do with Heechul) "Thank you very much." Kyuhyun says. We literally run to the room.


Hangeng's POV

We run up to the door and slowly open it. No one was in there except Heechul. He didn't have blood on his face anymore. Did they already take care of him? I slowly walk up to him, everyone follows. I look at his beautiful face his eyes were shut but he was breathing so I'm guessing he fell asleep. "It looks like he got stitches" Sungmin said."Yes

he is okay." I say. "Oh thank god!" Kyuhyun's mom said. I couldn't help but to laugh at Kyuhyun's mom. Then SUngmin and Kyuhyun started to laugh too.


Kyuhyun's Mom's POV

They are laughing at me. Why are they laughing at me? >.< "I'm gunna go, okay?" I said, "Okay!" They all say.


Kyuhyun's POV

I'm very relieved that Heechul is okay. I'm sure everyone is relieved.


Heechul's POV

I can hear Hangeng's voice. He is in this room. I need to talk to him. I need to hold his hand. I need to hug him. I open my eyes to semi blurred vision. I guess I took my contacts out before I was put to sleep. I attempt to look around for my glasses, but then I realized they were in my pocket...DURP. I put my glasses on and I see Hangeng,Sungmin, and Kyuhyun sitting in chairs talking. "H-hannie?" I say. He looks at me then he jumps from his seat and walks over by me. He stared into my eyes, giving me the chills. He hugs me tightly. "Heechul are you okay He asks. "Yup!" I say with a big smile on my face. We are all happy now. Then a doctor comes in. "Kim Heechul?" "Yes?" I say as I attempt to sit up staight. "You are allowed to leave now. "Sweet." I say. I get up, grab Hangeng's hand and walk out with Kyuhyun and Sungmin doing the samething behind us.


Sungmin and I walked out of the hosptital with Hangeng and Heechul. "How are we getting home?" Sungmin asks. Heechul laughs. "Do you actually think I wouldn't have a ride home for us?" Heechul says as we all look beside him and we see a black limo that says HeeHee on the side...just like his car from the time when he took me and Sungmin to the gay bar. "Are you serious?" I ask. "If I weren't serious would I have epic shades to go with my limo?" Heechul says as he pulls 2 pairs of black shades. He gives one to Hangeng and they both put them on. Honestly, that was pretty epic. We all get into the limo and drive home.


Authors Note:

Did you guys like it? I figured I'd update before i head to New York for.....SM TOWN IN NEW YORK!!!!!! If you huys are going then maybe I will see you. I'll be in section 401(far ya i know)

I have ginger hair and glasses and a asian friend with long black hair. Could that be hard to find? Maybe. I'll have green skinny jeans and a handmade Super Junior and SHINee t-shirt that says The Game and Taemin is my bias on the back. ^^ If you're going then I'll see ya there!!! Suju Fighting


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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥