The Date Part 2

Silent Love at First Sight

Kyuhyun's POV

I can't believe that Heechul is taking me and Sungmin to a gay bar. "You can bring someone with you if you want to, okay Kyuhyun and Sungmin?" Heechul said with a evil grin. I wasn't planning to bring someone with us but Sungmin asked if Heechul could pick up Ryeowook and Yesung. I really didn't care if they came, as long as my Minnie is happy. :) We drove down Sungmin's street to pick Wookie and Yesung up. When Ryeowook entered the car he gave Sungmin a hug. When he did that my heart felt like it got stabbed a thousand times. So I guess this is the feeling of jealousy. I just can't help being crushed when I see Sungmin hug other people. I could see that Yesung was jealous as well. Damn it! Why won't they just let go of eachother!!


Sungmin's POV

When Ryeowook entered the car he gave me a big hug. "Sungmin!!" Wookie yelled. I looked at Kyuhyun, he looked like he was about to cry. I pulled Wookie away from me as I scooted closer to Kyuhyun. I did that for 2 reasons. 1. It was getting crowded in the backseat, and 2. I wanted to be closer to him. Even Yesung looked relieved when Ryeowook and I stopped hugging. "Aww" I thought to myself. "Are we almost there Heechul?" Kyuhyun asked. "Yea, we will be there in about 15-20 minutes." Heechul replied. Kyuhyun looked worried, I have never seen him like this before. I reached for Kyuhyun's hand, he looked at me then held my hand. His hand was so soft, it felt like I was touching a soft pillow. We held hands through the rest of the car ride until we arrived at the gar bar.


Kyuhyun's POV

We arrivied at the gay bar, It was called Rainbow Dragon. I couldn't help but laugh at the name, for some reason Heechul looked pissed at me for laughing, he usually laughs with me. We opened the door and you wouldn't believe who I saw in there...greeting us saying "Welcome to Rainbow Dragon." Everyone's mouth dropped except Heecul's. I guess he knew who the owner was before hand. "H-angeng?" Ryeowook said while hiding behind Yesung. Yea...the owner is Hangeng/Hankyung. That is why we can go in this bar, that is why Heechul wanted to go. I look around to see if I know other people, and of course I find Eunhyuk and Donghae dancing with eachother and Kangin and Leeteuk drunk and kissing. I grab Sungmin's hand and take him to an empty table. Trying to ignore the fact that Heechul and Hangeng are no longer in the bar and that we are in a gay bar. Sungmin seemed to like it here. He said it was a cool place, despite the fact that it's not a common place to be at on a first date. "Dou you want to dance Sungmin?"


Sungmin's POV

"Do you want to dance Sungmin?" Kyuhyun asked. "^^ Sure!" I said cutely. We walked to the dance floor. Right when we stepped foot on the dance floor a slow song played. I looked up at Kyuhyun and he looked at me then put his hands around my waist. I blushed so badly. I couldn't help it, dancing with Kyuhyun has to be the best thing ever. My heart slowly beats faster every second as Kyuhyun puts me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist like a hug. I love being with Kyuhyun, it's like a dream come true. When the song ended we sat next to eachother on this bench thing. I laid my head on his shoulder. My head didn't last long on my shoulder as Kyuhyun looks at me then lifts my head and kisses me. My whole body felt like it bursted into flames. It doesn't even seem that there are other people here, like Kyuhyun and I are the only 2 people here. He finally let go of my lips and giggled. "What?" I said while looking at him. "You blush to easily Minnie, it's so adorable."Kyuhyun said as he giggled. "It's your fault for making me blush!" Kyuhyun hugged me and kissed me on my cheek. "Let's go Sungmin." He said while helping me up like a gentlemen and we held hands all the way to the car. I texted Wookie and told him and Yesung we were leaving but he said that Yesung's house wasnt far from here so they would go to his house afterwards. We entered the car and Heechul was starting the car while waving goodbye to Hangeng.


Kyuhyun's POV

We were sitting in the car and about five minutes later Sungmin falls asleep on me. "He looks so aborable right now." I thought to myself. We finally made it to Heechul's house...or where I'm presently living and I brung Sungmin with me. I carried him in and set him on my bed. I played Starcraft for about a hour then I joined Sungmin and fell asleep next to him.



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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥