Dad's Home

Silent Love at First Sight

ok so kyuhyun's pov will be extremely long. it's pretty much the whole story in there, but DON"T SKIP SUNGMIN'S POV!! its important. PLease Enjoy this short chapter. I've been really busy but i'm actually trying to get a chapter a day even though most of them will be small, short's still a update right? ^^


Sungmin's POV

Kyuhyun is making me blush like crazy. I'm trying to cover my face so no ones sees me....but I think Heechul aready found out as he pointed at me then pretended to laugh. >.> I heard a car pull up the driveway, and I saw headlights through the window. "Oh, Kyuhyun your Dad is home." Kyuhyun's mom said. "Umm Mom? Can I not speak to Dad about this?" Kyuhyun asked. "Kyuhyun you know that would just makes things worse later on." His mom replied. "Well can you just tell him?" "No."She said. Now I'm completely terrified. Even Heechul is starting to shake.


Kyuhyun's POV

I can't believe this right now. I really don't want to tell him. He is like one of those homophopic retards and he always makes fun of them. I can't imagine what he will do when his son is the homo. My dad opens the door to 4 guys sitting on the couch. "Hi Kyuhyun and Heechul...who are your friends?" My dad asked. Heechul stares at me, he signaled me that he would tell him first. I was scared for him but I just nodded back. "Umm, this is actually my boyfriend Hangeng...we have been together for 3 years. Hangeng actually got up! "Hi, nice to meet you." Hangeng said. My dad freakin pushed Hangeng to the ground. He looked like he was about to beat the out of him! I have to do something. "Uhh Dad, this is my boyfriend Sungmin!" I yelled. OH sit what did I just do?! My dad just turns around and stares at me. "Your boyfriend? Are you ing kidding me Kyuhyun?! MY OWN SON IS GAY?!" He glared at Sungmin then started walking toward him. I already know that I can't do anything now but I still tried. I attempted to hold him back but he pushed me back and I hit my back on the table which knocked down a tea cup. "No one in the Cho family has ever been gay, I always though that his family would be one of those good ones and that everyone would stay straight. But nooo, we had to take you to that stupid school and you HAD to meet him!" He pointed directly at Sungmin. "It's all your fault!" my dad yelled. My dad punched Sungmin in the stomach..Hard. Sungmin just screamed in pain. Hangeng and Heechul tried to push him back but it was no use he slammed Heechul's face into the wall and pushed Hangeng back next to me, also hitting the table. He tirns around facing Sungmin again. I never liked homos and I'll never EVER like you! He pulled out a pocket knife raised it in the air. It looked like the blade was just sharpened. "DIE!"He yelled. I can't just let my father kill SUngmin!! "DAD STOP!!!!" I yelled. He didn't even look back at me. I couldnt get up to save him. I had to just sit there and watch him stab Sungmin. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the next scene. I hear a loud scream..and a gun shot..but the scream... it wasn't from was from my dad?! I open my eyes and I see a gunshot wound in my dad's back. I looked at Heechul who was about to pass out. Before he did passout his last words were..."Mission is a Success"

------------------------------------ you guys like the suprise twist in this? I was watching sad videos but i think it turned out ok. Once again it's not edited because I'm a lazy bum. Thank you and Goodnight!!!! Love all my subscribers!!!

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Chapter 16: daebakkk <3
omg is his tragedy?
nice story :D
Heechul killed Kyuhyun's dad cuz his dad was gunna kill Sungmin.
Awwww it was about to get ty but then turned into a fluff....... me likey~~~~~!!!!!!!!
Uuwwwuuuaaah~ sooo cute~ :3
I was about to be so~ mad if Sungmin ended up in an accident =|
Omo that was scary~~ keep it up X9
chocolat_hyuk #9
Awesome! Keep updating! ♥