❆ ❄ ❅ ➺ [Boy Version] To The Beautiful You || ArmyExoticBaby

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Title [7/10]
[Boy Version] To the Beautiful You

The fact that you used a title that has been already made into a drama, it was a very ordinary name. But, seeing how it made sense to your story and the drama was actually a hit, seeing a boy version of it can catch the audience.

Foreword/Description [10/20]

Your description is actually the plot itself, but the readers can also be curious to the story itself.Since, Lu Han can change his mind and such.
By the way, it should:

"Luhan, you don't have to do this...," says a friend of mine that was with me in China.

"I know but I have to, Tao." I said, going in line for the flight to Korea.

"I'll be back soon. Just wait, okay?" I said as I gave a quick hug to Tao as he nodded.

When we were done with our goodbyes, I went and boarded the plane.

Farewell China, I thought, looking out the window as the airplane prepared to take off...

You forgot to place the apostrophes and commas. I erased the little chit-chat. It didn't fit the excerpt. Seeing Tao trying to resist Luhan from leaving. Goodbyes is the best option I have.

Oh, foreword. You used too BIG pictures. Mind tone it down a bit? It gets distracting and it might not grab the reader's attention. Tone down the font size too. In my opinion, you might want to delete the character personalities. From the given text, I can already predict what's going to happen. That's a big no-no in writing stories. You should never give them these: "She developed feelings for him" or "He had a one-sided love towards her." Well, that is my opinion. You should tell them through your story not your character profiles.

Appearance [3/5]

For your poster, I like it. It looks fun and cheerful too. And obviously, the pairing will be the OC and Luhan. But seeing the comments on your story, all I could see was the pairing of Sulli and Luhan. Haha. Anyways, your poster is fun and cheerful in appearance but it gives the true pairing away.

This is just an extra tip: since the story itself is counted as an appearance to the readers, you might want to change your font size IN YOUR CHAPTERS. They are small to be seen and please don't enlarge the first few words in your paragraphs. I keep on looking at them when I read your text. It's distracting. If possible, the ideal font size would be 12 or 14 and the ideal font would be any kind as long as its readable.

Spelling/Grammar [8/15]

I have a question, are you using past tense or present tense? Because, in the first few paragraphs of your chapter, you used present tense and then it became past tense. You might want to use one verb tense in your story. You mostly used the past tense of a verb, so might as well stick to past tense.


You spelled catergory when it should be "category."
Han Soo Hee takes a deep breath before the mc reveals the Mama Award winner for the catergory for 'Best Female Singer'.

You spelled head when it should be 'heard.'
“Yah, you up? I’ve seen you move!” I head a strange, yet familiar voice ringing through my ears,

You spelled lending when it should be 'landing.'
I felt something, or someone slam into me, making me snap out of my deep thoughts and making me fall, lending on top of that thing.

Usage of words:

"...fixing my irritated, and soon to fall down, long auburn wig..." when it should be, "...fixing my irritating and soon to fall down, long auburn wig..."

The differences between those two is that irritated means 'itchy' to me while irritating means 'annoying' to me.

"...She was sitting/posing on a fancy, metal stool with a over-sized,..." when it should be, "...She was sitting on a fancy, metal stool with an over-sized,..."

I understand that you place 'sitting/posing' in the sentence, but isn't she already posing for the given pictorial? The readers would understand it. So just sitting will do. You also forgot to put 'n' to 'a'. Since the next letter is a vowel.

"...and seeing this really pretty female with furrowed knitted eyes brows below me...."

You might want to remove either furrowed or knitted. Since those two mean the same thing. You also might want to remove 'eyes' just 'brows' will do.

"...Reacting in an instinct, I got up from on top of this really pretty stranger and landed on my feet, not budging to help her and look down to my feet while chewing on my bottom lip and feeling a blush form on my cheeks..."
"...“Yah, it would’ve been nice if you lend me a hand!” she shouted as I saw a frown land on her face and also still saw that knitted furrowed brows, never leaving her face..."

"...Reacting instinctively, I stood up and just stood there mindlessly, not budging to help her. I looked down to my feet, chewed my bottom lip and felt a blush form on my cheeks..."
"...“Yah, it would’ve been nice if you lend me a hand!” she shouted as I saw a frown land on her lips; her furrowed brows still stuck on her face..."

If you look closely, you can see the difference between those two paragraphs. I changed some of the words because some of them have this error called 'faulty parallelism'.

"...and also making me groan with disliking and un-comfort..."

Just change 'disliking and un-comfort.' to 'an uncomfortable pain.'

"...warned and commanded the ‘doctor’, who had a long-white coat on andbblack glasses on and curly bloned-ish/brown-ish hair..."

"...warned the ‘doctor’, who wore long-white coat, black glasses and curly blond-ish/brown-ish hair..."

You might want to see the difference.

To cut it short, you use wordy words. If you know what I mean. You tend to overuse the words and therefore, confusing the readers.

Plot [11/15]
All I can say is that, I hope you'll add more fuel to the fire to keep your stories working. Since this has been made into a drama might as well change some of its story line.

Characterization [17/20]

Since you worked on the first chapter, I'd like to say, you introduced the characters really well. It was well-paced and I hope that they will all have their weaknesses.

Flow [10/10]
Like I said, I reviewed only the first chapter (since you only posted one chapter), the flow was great! I didn't have a hard time questioning a specific part over and over again.

Overall Enjoyment/Reviewer's Note [4/5]
This is a very good plot. But, I'd like to see less words to describe a person. I want you to describe the given surroundings, Luhan's feelings and his ups and downs of being a girl. Just one idea, I hope that there will be swimming classes and Luhan couldn't help but to avoid it. Haha. I hope you'll add some comedy into that idea.

Grand Total [66/100]


Hello my dearest! Your story was reviewed by Chunkee__, my new minion companion! She sure didn't disappoint and I hope the feedback will help you with your story ^^

Well, I hope you're not too offended. Remember, upvoting is not a must, but very much appreciated, so if you were satisfied with the feedback, please do so no pressure :D
And remember, these are suggestions for your improvement.
I hope you go far and wide with your writing my donut. Good luck :)

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Thank you!
Calling for AnabelleJosephine :)


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hunhantaeny #1
Applied as a reviewer^^
I have applied to be a reviewer~^^ thanks! can't wait to hear back~
I have applied as a reviewer :3
namzUd #4
Chapter 14: Hi:)
Finally!…was waiting for your review to come in so that I could compile all the suggestions and then update it as a whole instead of editing it again and again every time a review comes in, which is tiring (and also to stop myself from making the same mistakes in future chapters)… But thanks anyway , because I really liked your review, it was quite in depth and brought up many valid points (and some that I also realized when I reread my story last month). Thus, I am going to write an equally long response :P(which I cant post here coz of character limit)
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for the review! ^^ And no, I was not offended at all! I'm just a little disappointed with myself OTL Still, thank you for this very helpful review!
Chapter 16: Hello! I'm sorry I hadn't seen the review earlier - I'm not as active as before. Thank you so much for the honest feedback and compliments :) I'll credit as soon as I get off mobile! ^^ Thanks again and have a nice day ahead! :)
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I've applied, and goodness that was long (more so on my part because I was trying to write an adequate review). I hope you take me into consideration~