❆ ❄ ❅ ➺ Three Wishes For A Soul || IAmAnExoFan

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Title [9/10]
Three Wishes For A Soul

I like it, it's unique and I haven't seen a title similar like that floating around AFF, so kudos to you! It gives off the feeling for a type of angst--almost magical type of story, but at first glance it wouldn't be a title that would pull me in right away. If I gave it a passing glance, I wouldn't have thought twice about it, but the more I analyze such as the idea of "three wishes" and somehow it's for an exchange of a soul, it does pull me in to some extent.

Foreword/Description [18/20]
  It's short and straight to the point, you definitely don't beat around the bush that's for sure. But I wouldn't blame you either, since it's a one shot and thus it's hard to find a description without giving away the whole plot. I like it though, it definitely is vague and interesting enough to pull in a reader easily. For your foreword, you explain the legend of Three Wishes for a Soul which explains why you picked the title. The quotes you chose for Jongin and Kyungsoo definitely left questions that were unanswered and from that standpoint, I'm ready to dive in and read it. This is just a side opinion, I don't think you need the trailer at all, especially since there are spelling mistakes within. If anything, after the trailer, it just sorta turns me off and basically gives too much away. Last but not least you provide snippets of reviews from other shops you went to, by doing this, you're able to give readers an idea of what others thought of the story. All in all, it's all neatly laid out and very nice.

Appearance [5/5]
  The poster you have the story is really beautiful, I especially love the wavering light that moves (OTL I know there's a word for this but I can't think of it...Gif? IDK //shot) The quote you have it says "I will do anything to protect you" and that really does intrigue me, because just who is the "you" you're referring to and just who says that? In addition to that, the background also matches the poster so well done.

Looking at the poster once again after I've already read the story, I find it quite fitting of the plot and it really works well. So that's good ^^

Spelling/Grammar [12/15]

 Just a quick thing, maybe you could try not repeating the words as much, for instance the word “as” – it’s used many times when you're conveying actions, and I’m not say that the way you describe things is bad or anything, it’s just that seeing that word is repetitive and a little scary if I have to be honest. I mean you could use other words such as “when” or even just changing up the sentence. I mean only reading through the first paragraphs or so and already I noticed the amount of the word "as" you use—adding on to that, it appears so many times during the entire story it made my eye start twitching because of its repetitve nature.

Actually from what I notice, you do use a lot of repeating words such as the fact you repeated the fact that Sehun and Luhan were standing in front of the hospital three times in the first few sentences. And the word “duo” to describe the two was used a lot of times as well. Change it up, try using other words to convey them.

There were however many adequate words in the story and I really liked that.

A sentence I noticed was "If he still had a spark that they could spark once more." => you could use the word "ignite" instead of "spark" again.

Also "Contemplatingly" isn’t a word, you could just use comtemplating.

Please read it over again if you have the chance, or maybe have a beta reader because there a few mistakes of punctuation here and there but as well as tenses that were used, I’m sorry I didn’t point them out specifically, but I’m not one to look too much into this sort of category.

Plot [13/15]

I think the wishes was a very original idea, and the way you portrayed the legend was enticing. It was new and refreshing, and in terms of how the plot was presented, does put you apart from most of the angst kaisoo fics  that are out there. You're able to provide information and create a relationship between Kyungsoo and Jongin so everything makes sense. How you present the past history as well as the flashbacks make it more interesting to read and the theme of the legend resonates through the whole story.

The reason however that I dock marks here is because of the predictability of your story, and how I didn't find any plot twists that really stood out (well except for the fact on how Kyungsoo dies o-o like damn) but everything you could almost already anticipate. On the other hand, you put your own voice into this story and did tell it as your own and I applaud for that because it is really nice. 

Characterization [18/20]

 Sadly in terms of fanfics, the snarling hot head Jongin that you portrayed is someone I’m very familiar with nonetheless you gave him a reason why he acts like that, and the present Jongin who is telling the story is definitely unique.

The only thing is how Luhan and Sehun are presented in the story, because while I know that Jongin and Kyungsoo are the main focuses, the other two almost seem too boring—for a lack of a better word. They’re literally there to just stimulate the plot and nothing else—because of that, they seem bland, almost vanilla like and in that sense it’s a bit disappointing.

Nonetheless, the characterization of both Kyungsoo and Jongin were nicely done, you added more layers and complexities to each of them and I congratulate you for making them into your own.

Flow [8.5/10]

 It was nicely done and perfectly paced I found, every time you switched to a new scene it was seamless, so well done! Especially considering you switched from the present and the past when Jongin was story telling. When authors try to attempt to do that type of timeline, for the most part it becomes choppy and confusing, but you were able to overcome that in your writing.

However maybe how the way Kyungsoo and Jongin met at the orphanage and how the reasons that brought them together was a  bit ridiculous since it seemed a bit rushed, if you could add more details about it such as their feelings I think it would be more understandable and reasonable.

There was also a bit of a rush towards the last wish of the legend and you could have stretched out the time between the two a bit more and made it more interesting in terms of the plot line, however this is just a suggestion.

Also the ending, was a bit of a cliffhanger in some aspects, I didn’t find it fitting and it definitely could have been elaborated upon further if I have to be honest. However you mention that you’re planning to do a side Kyungsoo story with specifics after his death and so I think by having that it will definitely bring closure to the ending you presented in this story.

Overall Enjoyment/Reviewer's Note [3.5/5]

I really did enjoy reading it, but the writing did not excite me. The ending wasn’t really an ending for me and the letter that Kyungsoo wrote—I was anticipating more than just the words you had for that. I was hoping that this story would tug on my heart strings especially with the comments and stuff like that, but that didn’t happen and it disappointed me. It was simply a satifactory read in my opinion. Nonetheless, this is all just a personal preference so pay me no mind.

Grand Total [75/100]

Reviewed by: headinthebooks101 ❆ ❄ ❅

Well, I hope you're not too offended. Remember, upvoting is not a must, but very much appreciated, so if you were satisfied with the feedback, please do so no pressure :D
And remember, these are suggestions for your improvement.
I hope you go far and wide with your writing my donut. Good luck :)

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Calling for AnabelleJosephine :)


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hunhantaeny #1
Applied as a reviewer^^
I have applied to be a reviewer~^^ thanks! can't wait to hear back~
I have applied as a reviewer :3
namzUd #4
Chapter 14: Hi:)
Finally!…was waiting for your review to come in so that I could compile all the suggestions and then update it as a whole instead of editing it again and again every time a review comes in, which is tiring (and also to stop myself from making the same mistakes in future chapters)… But thanks anyway , because I really liked your review, it was quite in depth and brought up many valid points (and some that I also realized when I reread my story last month). Thus, I am going to write an equally long response :P(which I cant post here coz of character limit)
Chapter 18: Thank you so much for the review! ^^ And no, I was not offended at all! I'm just a little disappointed with myself OTL Still, thank you for this very helpful review!
Chapter 16: Hello! I'm sorry I hadn't seen the review earlier - I'm not as active as before. Thank you so much for the honest feedback and compliments :) I'll credit as soon as I get off mobile! ^^ Thanks again and have a nice day ahead! :)
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I've applied, and goodness that was long (more so on my part because I was trying to write an adequate review). I hope you take me into consideration~