My Angel


18-year-old JunQ is living a pretty normal life raising his six-year-old brother, ChaeJin after their mother died in a car crash. One day JunQ found a condo, bigger than the one helives in now AND costs less for rent, and decides to move there with ChaeJin. Thinking that this would be good for them, JunQ doesn't realize the dangers of this part of town.  JunQ soon regrets the move in fear for his own life and ChaeJin's life. But was the move all that bad? Will JunQ find someone that's perfect for him, through all of this pain and sadness? 


This story will contain some cute SeJin fluff as well as a LOT of InQ fluff~ 


Also this story will contain character death in the future.


I may ask for some fan o.c.s depending on how I feel this story should be.

I hope you all enjoy this :)


thank you you for the wonderful poster~



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Chapter 11: Interesting story overall. It's not typical and I rather enjoyed the way you had the setup of JunQ and ChaeJin being brothers; the same thing with GunWoo and SeYong. They make rather adorable siblings any which way you look at it. Poor Insoo being left alone except as a sort of adopted brother. hehe

One of my big questions currently would be, when did their mother die? Maybe I'm being picky about details, but usually, if neither of the children are 'adults,' they tend to go to a close relative. I also felt it was strange for ChaeJin to perpetually call JunQ 'Umma.' I mean, he had a mother previously, so shouldn't he still be big brother, unless ChaeJin was just an infant at the time, which would bring me back to the first question.

Beyond that, the story moved a little fast and it felt like they all became really close almost immediately. There was lots of blushing and ducking of heads and 'want to see him again' thoughts pretty much right off the bat. It was cute, but it felt a little forced. haha Moving on, I think the idea was nice though. Having JunQ meet InSoo and all that made for a good pairing and there was a lot of ground to build on between them. The fluffy bits of SeYong and ChaeJin were stupidly adorable and almost ridiculous in their extremes but some kids are like that. lol

I'm inclined to like the alternate ending more, not just because it's less depressing, but because it makes more sense in my head. I'll get to that in a second. You could certainly build a sequel off of either but I would recommend slowing things down and taking your time more. You don't have to power through the story in as short a space of time as possible. Let the characters grow and develop a bit. Feel free to give us more insight from their perspective too. Your inserts are humorous at times, but they do somewhat detract from the focus of the story.

I just saw your poster. I LOVE IT!!<3
Chapter 11: I loved this ending, too. It was sweet and cute. I would love to see a sequel to either one, and this story is great. Thank you! Saranghae<3.
Plz and thank you senpai
Chapter 10: It was a beautiful, wonderful, sad journey and I loved the story. It was beautifully written. Thank you for writing it. Saranghae<3.
Chapter 10: I really like the story. Its so cute and sad in the end, good job author-nim.
Chapter 9: I'm in shock right now...You killed them!! WOW...Nice update, though. I can't wait to see where you will go from here. My babies, though...*cries*<3<3.
Chapter 8: Yah! I was reading and you end on a damn cliff-hanger? Boo...I like how InSoo isn't shy about kissing JunQ, at all. This chapter was nice...until the cliff-hanger:( Evil. Update soon, please:)