
Jung Heechul is my girlfriend?!


Feeling all the stares on me, I quickly squirmed out of Heechul’s hug and smiled awkwardly, “Yea, congrats...”

But Heechul seemed to be oblivious to this all. He was just too surprised, and more like, too shocked that he passed the auditions.

Jun Young seemed to sense the awkwardness in the atmosphere, especially between Dong Jun and me, so he said, “Let’s celebrate! I will treat all of you barbequed food.”

I nodded with a grateful smile. Jun Young returned my smile.

“Hey hey, I should be the one treating!” Heechul was still unable to get over the excitement. Kwanghee grinned as he took the offer, “Okay, I’m going to make sure I buffet today!”

“Sure!” Heechul grinned too, “Why don’t you ask the others along too? I want to get to know them better.”

“Are you serious? Let me warn you, you will be broke, because we are all very big eaters.”

With that we laughed out loud. I feel relieved as I felt Dong Jun’s stare on me softening a little.


Just an hour later, the ten of us gathered at the shop round the corner. While we were waiting for the food to be served, the other members of ZE:A which will be debuting months later did a self introduction.

“Soo Young, let me start off the introduction. An official one,” Jun Young smiled, “I’m the leader of ZE:A. I’m Moon Jun Young, nice to meet you.”

I laughed softly and nodded.

“Okay okay! Me next!” Kwanghee could not wait for his turn and interrupted our conversation, “I’m the mood maker of the group, Kwanghee-imnida!”

“I’m Siwan, nice to meet you,” Siwan smiled. Despite the smile, I noticed the aloofness in his eyes that seemed to tell me that he didn’t really appreciate such gatherings with so many people around. He probably prefers to be alone. He has a really great sense of fashion though. I really like how the jeans looks so good on him.

And Kwanghee interrupted excitedly, “Soo Young, do you know that we have been friends since years ago? We’re really good friends! Love him so much!” With that Kwanghee hugged him and showed his affection to Siwan exaggeratingly, much to the dismay of the latter.

I laughed and then waited for the next person to introduce himself.

“Hi, I’m Taeheon, rapper of the group, nice to meet you,” he gave me a shy smile. Aww, I was already melting inside because he seems like a really nice and kind brother. I gave a nod and returned his smile.

Then it was Kevin.

“Hello, I’m Kevin, one of the main vocalists, great to see you.”

“Hello I’m Hyungshik, the prince of the group,” with that he bowed gentlemanly. The other members like Kwanghee immediately disapproved, “Yah, what are you doing?” I smiled, it was funny how lively this group is.

Next it was Min Woo. Before he even introduced himself, I already decided I would like him a lot. He looked so pleasant and kind.

“Hello I’m Min Woo, I’m the main dancer of the group. I choreograph most of the dances that we are practicing right now.”

Awed, I said, “Really? That’s so cool!”

Kwanghee immediately complained, “Why didn’t you say that I’m awesome too?”

Jun Young laughed and told me, “Just ignore him. He’s being such a kid.”

I laughed and I said, “Alright alright you’re awesome.”

Kwanghee was pleased and everyone laughed.

Last but not least, it’s Dong Jun’s turn.

“Hi, I’m Dong Jun, maknae of the group. Pleasure to meet you,” He took my hand and kissed it gently. Everyone immediately started to tease us and I flushed deep red.

“Yah Kim Dong Jun, I didn’t know you’re so good with girls,” Kwanghee teased.

“Nah, only her,” and that comment made me blushed harder. There was more teasing till the food finally came and I immediately buried myself in food to save myself from embarrassment. Dong Jun just smiled.

The celebration with 9 guys was awesomely fun. I had never enjoyed myself so much before, simply because they were really crazy. They played lots of guessing games and whoever loses will have to drink. Fortunately, because I’m a girl they went easy on me. Even when I lost, Heechul or Dong Jun or Min Woo would drink on my behalf. However they did not go easy on Heechul. Kwanghee kept insisting that it was Heechul’s big day so he had to drink the most. In the end, Heechul was so drunk that he could not even speak coherently.

“I... I...”

“One more shot!” Kwanghee passed him another cup, and I stopped him, “Heechul’s already drunk...”

“Nah, not yet,” Kwanghee replied, slightly slurring his words. I bet he was already half-drunk too because his cheeks were red from alcohol too, except that Heechul’s were much worse than his.

“Kwanghee,” Siwan said firmly as he removed the drinks from his hands and pushed him back into his seat, “We should be going back soon.”

“Why...? We are not...” Then Kwanghee fell asleep, his mumble no longer audible.

Min Woo and Dong Jun offered to help to send Heechul home with me, while the others helped Kwanghee back.

When we reached I realised that Heechul’s parents weren’t at home. They were away for work.

-Urgh, that will mean that I will have to take care of him.

Clearly displeased by that notion (because I thought that I might really go crazy if I were to be around him anymore), I sulked slightly as I opened the door. Min Woo and Dong Jun helped Heechul to his room and lay him gently on his bed.

“djfsdffjksdfk…” Heechul started mumbling gibberish again.

I sighed and went to get a wet towel to clean his face. Without a warning, he started throwing up all over. Shocked, I shouted, “Yah, Jung Heechul!”

Of course he wouldn’t care. It’s not as if he was listening. After throwing up, he talked gibberish again, before fall real deep asleep this time.

Dismayed with the sight right before me, I sighed as I went to take a new set of clothes from his wardrobe. Dong Jun offered to help him to change.

I thanked him and so Min Woo and I waited outside the room. That was only when I had a chance to really talk to Min Woo.

“Problematic, huh?” Min Woo gave a small laugh as he sat down on the sofa. I sat down beside him and sighed, “I bet he’s going to get a real bad hangover tomorrow morning. To think he dared to drink so much for a first – timer, chhh.”

“This is the first time he’s drinking?” Min Woo was clearly surprised.

“Nah, not really, we drank before, but it was just for fun. Heechul wouldn’t dare to bring me out for a drink, cause’ I’m a girl,” I gave a bitter smile as I replied.

“That’s why he offered to drink on behalf of you just now? He’s sure protective of you, huh?” Min Woo smiled.

“Yeah, we grew up together; I guess that has become almost instinctive for him to protect me like my older brother?” I joked.

Min Woo laughed, “Nah, it’s more than that.”

Surprised, I asked, “What do you mean?”

“Him liking you?” It was more of a statement than a question.

I blushed and tried to rebut, “How’s that possible?”

“Maybe I’m not too sure about that. But I’m dead sure that you like him,” Min Woo smiled.

Shocked, I was lost for words, “I….!!! Are you crazy?! He’s-”

I almost blurted out the truth about Heechul being a gay and that I will never like him because of that (which is very untrue) when Dong Jun came into the living room.

Min Woo looked up and asked, “You’re done?”

Dong Jun nodded. He turned to me and smiled, “All done, don’t worry. Oh, and, I’ve left the dirty clothes in the bathroom.”

“Thanks,” I replied with a smile.

“Alright then, it’s getting late. We should be all be leaving soon,” Min Woo stood up and smiled at me.

I returned his smile and said, “Okay, let’s go.”

The three of us left. When we were splitting ways, we waved each other goodbye. Before turning to leave, Dong Jun mouthed me “Saranghaeyo” and I blushed. Min Woo must have seen it because I caught him smiling to himself and turned away immediately, which made me blush harder.

I waved Dong Jun goodbye again and turned to leave. Heat was still burning my cheeks when the thought of Dong Jun mouthing “Saranghaeyo” wouldn’t leave me.

I was walking mindlessly through the gate into my house when I suddenly remembered that Heechul’s dirty clothes needed to be cleaned and I totally forgot about them.

‘Shucks, what should I do?’ I muttered to myself. Then, I decided I should go back to wash them as Heechul’s parents were away; his house would probably stink if I don’t.

Before long, I was back in Heechul’s house again. I could hear his faint snoring. A smile crept up my lips unknowingly.

I threw Heechul’s dirty clothes into the washing machine and added extra washing powder to ensure that they will come out clean and nice-smelling.

Still a little worried for Heechul, I slipped into his room to check on him. His breathing was normal and quite shallow, when it suddenly deepened. He started talking gibberish again, but I could make out some words in between. I think he needed water.

I rushed back with a cup of water and helped him to it. His breathing gradually returned to normal again and I gave a sigh of relief. Squirming, I wanted to get my arm out from under Heechul but to my surprise, and shock in fact, he made a sudden movement to pull me onto the bed and hugged his arms around me tightly.


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Chapter 22: You should do a sequel for like jun young and min woo with a girl, that's like an off shoot of this story. that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: This story is so CUTE!! I totally ignored my HW. to finish reading this.lol. It's just too good!
P_frog10 #3
Chapter 22: cuteness overload~~~ I'm totally ♥ this story. Jung HeeChul in this story is just so right.... I'm rolling and giggling by myself while reading this!! XD thanks for such a great story!
Chapter 21: OK. I am going crazy just imagining it happenning . OuO
KPoper10 #5
Who is the guy that you used in your picture for this chapter? He's very handsome :))
porkadobo #6
I read this fanfic a year ago, I'm sure with that. Then right now, 2 years after,
Im gonna read this again ;))
This the third time i read it and i swear i never get sick of it! Ma fav FANFICS! Gosh u did really GOOD work on this story! *.* Im ur fan <3 kekeke THANKS FOR WRITING THIS AWESOME FANFICS!
Great story! It's cute too :D<br />
Keep up the good work!
Jelokan #9
your story is very nice .& ur writing skill is good too ..<br />