
The Sweetest Revenge


            Taeyeon could only stare wordlessly at Wooyoung. He glared back at her, his eyes wild with anger, hurt, confusion. Striding forward, he grabbed her by the arms and demanded, “Why did you have to lie to me?”

            “She was my friend. I couldn’t betray her like that.” Taeyeon whispered. Her legs buckled, and Wooyoung ended up having to support her. He stared down at her for a moment, his expression unreadable.

            Then he hugged her, holding her tight. His voice pleading, he murmured, “I’m so sorry…I was so stupid. Forgive me…and will you accept me? Please. This…this is what we are meant to have.”

            Taeyeon pulled away. Her eyes met his and she could only nod, too choked up for words. Then Wooyoung smiled and hugged her again. And this time, she finally reciprocated.

            Standing by the door, Jessica, Jay, Nickhun, Taecyeon, Yuri and Yoona smiled in triumph and gave each other hi-fives. Finally they could be happy!


            Tiffany sat down on the bench, staring at her hands. She didn’t know why she had told him that. Perhaps she just could no longer bear the knowledge that all their pain, all their suffering, was her fault. Unable to hold the tears back, she began to weep.

            Just then, someone held a tissue out to her. Tiffany looked up, startled, only to see Junsu holding the tissue out and smiling awkwardly. Hesitantly, he said, “Don’t cry. I mean, like, I may not know what you’re crying about…but you still shouldn’t cry like that. It’s not worth it.”

            Tiffany just looked up at him in silence. Then she stood up, taking the tissue and wiping away her tears, saying, “You’re right. Thanks.” She breathed in deeply, then glanced at Junsu and smiled, “Would you like to go out for lunch?”

            Junsu smiled too, “It would be a pleasure.”


            The 2PM and SNSD members stared at Wooyoung and Taeyeon. After a long moment, Seohyun asked, “Are…are you serious? You’re dating?”

            Taeyeon and Wooyoung just looked at each other and smiled. Seohyun smiled too, “Congratulations, unnie. That’s great!”

            Jessica and Jay stood up too, “We have something to tell you guys too.”

            Sooyoung rolled her eyes, “Let me guess, you guys are dating as well?”


            The other members’ jaws dropped.

            “All right. WHO ELSE HAS ANY NEWS TO INFORM US OF?” Chansung demanded, annoyed at being kept out of the loop about so many things.

            Junsu and Tiffany, Taecyeon and Yoona, and Nickhun and Yuri embarrassedly put up their hands.

            Chansung facepalmed.

            Wooyoung spoke up, “I’d just like to apologise to Jessica and Tiffany for the grief that I’ve caused them recently. I just…I just wasn’t thinking straight, I guess.”

            Jessica smiled, “That’s all right.” She looked at Jay and took his hand, “In a way, it was a blessing in disguise.”

            Tiffany took Junsu’s hand as well, “That it was.”

            And they had their happy ending.


            Junho groaned, “Great, now my members are gonna be all mushy and stuff.”

            Hyoyeon glared at him, “So? You should be happy for them!”

            “I am, I just…” Junho broke off as he realized how close Hyoyeon’s face was to his. He coughed, backing away as his face slowly turned red. Hyoyeon backed away too, suddenly embarrassed.

            “Would…would you like to go out for lunch?” Junho asked hesitantly. Hyoyeon glanced at him, “Is that a date?”

            “Well…I guess…?”

            Hyoyeon smiled suddenly, “That’s a date then.” And she strode away, leaving him staring after her.


AND THAT’S THE END! Pretty much everyone got their happy ending, and I ended with a bit of hopeful Junhyo. J

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story! Please comment, even though this is the last chapter. By the way, I’ve just recently started a new story, This is for You. It’s not 9PM, and has only three main pairings (Seungyeon & Onew, Wootae and Taeteuk) and is roughly based on TVXQ’s Before You Go MV. Please support that one by subscribing and commenting on it too! Thanks!

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 17: Yayy~ happy ending for all~~~
Chapter 17: So happy when wootae is together :D
foreversucks #3
i like the title!! :DD\\

so far its nice
I'm so Happy when I read it !!!!!
JunHyoLover #5
Seriously, you're a great writer! I loved it the way you took your story clearly and slowly. Create more of this kind of fic with the same pairings. Fighting!
yah!! -.-l<br />
its end already<br />
wish you were not end it so soon
sj9pm_wootae #8
I loved it <33333333 <br />
I had so fun reading your fanfic.... And I am not sad that it ended cuz their is another new coming soon :D.... I hope it's WooTae :) WooTae forever <3333<br />
Thanx for the lovely story. Good Work. Keep it up
Great ending<br />
<br />
I'm going to your new fic right know <br />
<br />
Hope it a wootae fic