Blooming Love

The Sweetest Revenge


            “Omo, Taecyeon-oppa! What’s wrong?” Yoona stared at Taecyeon, who stood panting heavily at SNSD’s front door.

            Taecyeon, too tired to speak, just indicated to be let in.

            Confused, Yoona moved aside for Taecyeon, who immediately slumped onto the sofa. When he finally regained his breath, he said, “I need to talk to Jessica. And Taeyeon. Now.”

            “The unnies are out…what’s wrong?” Yoona asked gently.

            Before Taecyeon could reply, someone called, “Who’s here?”

            Yuri came trotting into their living room, and she stared at Taecyeon, “Hey Taecyeon, didn’t you go home already?”

            Taecyeon didn’t answer. Instead he stared, openmouthed, at the person who entered after Yuri, “Khun!”

            Nickhun blushed a deep red, “Hyung, it’s not what you think, I just-” Before he could continue, Taecyeon interrupted him, “Look, that doesn’t matter right now. I need to talk to you.” He dragged Nickhun to one side and, in a low undertone, explained everything to him.

            Nickhun’s expression would have been comical, if the situation hadn’t been so serious. His face slowly changed from confusion to disbelief and finally to utter shock.

            “No way. Wooyoung-hyung would never be such a bastard.” Nickhun immediately said, “You must have heard wrongly or something.”

            Taecyeon looked at him exasperatedly, “Look, Khun, I know what I heard. I don’t know what the hell is going on right now, but we have to tell the girls.”

            Nickhun shook his head worriedly, “I don’t think you should. At least, not yet. It…it could be a misunderstanding or something. We should clear things up with the hyungs first.”

            Taecyeon threw his hands into the air, saying exasperatedly, “If this really is some evil plot, they wouldn’t just tell us, would they?”

            “I still think we should wait for more proof. Do you have any idea how screwed things would be if we’re wrong and this is just a misunderstanding?”

            Taecyeon hesitated. He tried to imagine what would happen, but failed. His mind didn’t seem to be working very well today. Finally, he said, “All right. But anymore confirmation, and I’m just going straight to them.”

            Nickhun nodded, “Agreed.”

            Then a gleam came into Taecyeon’s eyes and he asked playfully, “Now, just what were you doing in SNSD’s dorm?”

            All Nickhun could do was blush in embarrassment.


            Jay waited impatiently for Jessica. They were on their first (or second, counting the first one that totally failed) date, and Jay was once again waiting for Jessica. This time, though, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to flirt with a bunch of girls again.

            “There’s my mum!”

            Jay turned as he heard a voice shout.

            A boy with tear streaks all over his face was running towards his mother, who was holding out her hands to hug him. Behind him stood Jessica. The mother caught her son up in an embrace and walked towards Jessica, thanking her profusely for helping her lost son. Jessica just smiled and shook her head, saying it was nothing. As the duo turned to leave, Jessica waved to them, a warm, beautiful smile on her face.

            Beautiful? Am I crazy or what?

            Jay hit himself. What was he thinking? Did he just call her beautiful? No goddamn way. But then again, that smile really had been…

            “Why’re you hitting yourself?” Jessica asked, staring at Jay like he was insane.

            “Oh. Nothing much.” Jay arranged his features into a smile and held out his hand, “Shall we go?”

            Jessica smiled again, her blinding, beautiful smile (she seemed to be in a good mood) and took his hand.


            Jang Wooyoung sat at his desk, staring unseeingly at the wall. His fists were clenched, his nails digging deep into his flesh, drawing little droplets of blood. He was so close to teaching her a lesson, to having his vengeance. Soon.



Hey guys, I felt guilty for not updating for such a long time, so I decided to do two chapters in one day instead. As promised, Jay is slowly changing, but Wooyoung just goes deeper and deeper into his revenge...

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 17: Yayy~ happy ending for all~~~
Chapter 17: So happy when wootae is together :D
foreversucks #3
i like the title!! :DD\\

so far its nice
I'm so Happy when I read it !!!!!
JunHyoLover #5
Seriously, you're a great writer! I loved it the way you took your story clearly and slowly. Create more of this kind of fic with the same pairings. Fighting!
yah!! -.-l<br />
its end already<br />
wish you were not end it so soon
sj9pm_wootae #8
I loved it <33333333 <br />
I had so fun reading your fanfic.... And I am not sad that it ended cuz their is another new coming soon :D.... I hope it's WooTae :) WooTae forever <3333<br />
Thanx for the lovely story. Good Work. Keep it up
Great ending<br />
<br />
I'm going to your new fic right know <br />
<br />
Hope it a wootae fic