
Love in Despair

"So what did you think of Hee Jin? Beautiful isn't she?" his grandmother said. "Yeah, very beautiful." Woo bin replied taking a sip out of his coffee. "I chose the right girl to match you unlike you're old girl you try to bring to our family gather." his grandmother said in a rude tone. "Well maybe because I wanted to show her to you. Is it wrong to bring her over?" Woo bin said angrily. Setting his coffee down on the table walking off to his room he couldn't help, but think of the past again.


"I want you to come with me to my family gathering. Will you come Sohyun?" Woo bin asked. "I'm not sure if your grandmother will allow it. Do you think it is okay to do that?" Sohyun said. "Yeah it'll be fine I’ll come pick you up tomorrow." Woo bin said ending the call.

Going over to Sohyun's place he rings the doorbell. Sohyun walked to the door to open the door. "Morning sweetie." Woo bin said giving her a kiss on the forehead. Walking in he turned to look at Shoyun and said, "Ready to go?" "You want me to go like this?" Sohyun said. "Don't worry I got everything for you already." Woo bin said happily. Walking out of the house together woo bin took her out to get ready for his family gathering. "What do you think?" Sohyun said walking out in her beautiful dress. Woo bin couldn't get his eyes off of her. "It's beautiful. We'll take this dress." Woo bin said giving the lady his credit card. "You sure it's okay to be spending money on me like this? Wouldn't your grandmother be upset?" Sohyun said. “Don’t worry too much." Woo bin said holding onto her hand. "Let's go. The party is about to start." Woo bin said walking to the car.

Driving up to the front of the hotel, Woo bin got out of his car and opened the door for Sohyun. "Ready?" Woo bin said sticking his arm out for her to hold onto. "Yes." Sohyun replied back holding onto his arm. Walking into the hotel; they walked into the room where the family gathering was in. Walking into the room smiling at others Woo bin took Sohyun to his grandmother to greet her. "Grandmother I want you to meet my girlfriend Sohyun." Woo bin said. "Hello. I'm Sohyun, Kwon Sohyun. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sohyun said bowing to her. "Yes, it's nice to meet you two." his grandmother said looking away. Sohyun felt a bad vibe about her present to his grandmother. "Well please excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." Sohyun said letting go of Woo bin's arm. Walking off to the bathroom, Woo bin's grandmother pulls him down to sit.

"She's lovely." his grandmother said. "Yes, she is. What do you think of us together?" Woo bin said smiling at her. "I'm not sure yet. But excuse me I’ll be heading to the restroom. I'll be back to talk to you again." his grandmother said. Getting up from her seat she walked off to the restroom. Right when Sohyun was about to walk out she almost bumped into Woo bin's grandmother. "Oh, I'm sorry." Sohyun said. "How embarassing of you to even show your face here. You aren't even invited yet you still come with my grandson how brave of you to even come and greet yourself to me. Go back where you came from and don't ever show your face in front of me again." his grandmother said. Sohyun was frightened and walked off. About to shed tears Woo bin came up to her, "What's wrong?" Woo bin asked. "Nothing I’m not feeling so well." Sohyun said. "Oh, well let me take you home." Woo bin said walking with her, but Sohyun stopped him. "No it's okay; I can go on my own. Just go back to your party. I'll be fine." Sohyun said. "Okay then. I'll call you when I get home then." Woo bin said. Sohyun nodded her head and walked off.

*End of Flashback*

Knocking on Woo bin's door; his grandmother walked in. "Woo bin-ah, I already set the date up for your wedding." his grandmother said. "Okay when is it?" Woo bin asked. "It'll be next week." his grandmother said. "What?! Next week?! Isn't that too early for my wedding?" Woo bin said. "Well it's too late already we already planned the wedding date so it will be on that day of next week." his grandmother said walking out of his room.

Slamming his hand against the wall Hee Jin walked in. "I told you grandmother I don't like the idea." Woo bin said turning around. Noticing it was Hee Jin he walked up to her. "What do you want?" He asked. "Nothing, your grandmother just told me to come in and talk about the wedding plans with you. She told me that we're suppose to be trying out our wedding out fits for next week." Hee Jin said looking down. "Why are you looking down? Look at me when you're speaking." Woo bin said. "Well I'll be downstairs waiting for you then. Grandmother said that if you don't come don't bother having your car." Hee jin said closing the door. Feeling more upset Woo bin had no choice but to go with her to try the wedding out fits.

Waiting for Hee Jin to finish trying out the wedding dress. Hee Jin walked out. Woo bin was amazed by how beautiful she looked with the wedding dress on. "So? Is this one good?" Hee Jin asked. Still spacing out Hee Jin asked him again. "Woo bin? Is this one alright?" "Huh? Oh yeah. It's fine." Woo bin said. "Okay. We'll take this one then." Hee Jin said walking back to the changing room. "Will the groom please follow me this way?" one of the ladies said. Woo bin got up from his seat and went on trying out his clothes. Going from one to another Woo bin finally got tired of it. Walking out to show Hee Jin, she walked up to him. "You're tie isn't properly fix. Let me fix it for you." Hee Jin said fixing his tie. Watching her fixing his tie Woo bin couldn't help but think of the past again.


"Hold still! I'm still fixing your tie for you." Sohyun said. Pulling the tie up close to his throat she looked up at him. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Seeing you every morning at school and fixing your tie for you. Makes me feel like I'm your wife" Sohyun said smiling big. Woo bin lean down to give her a kiss on her forehead and said, “I’m glad to see you every morning too."

*End of Flashback*

Still fixing Woo bin's tie he pulled her hands away. Hee Jin stepped back and said, "Sorry. Well since you're tired of this let's go back home then." Hee Jin said. "Fine. I'll take this one." Woo bin said walking back to change back to his clothes.

On their way back home it was dead silent. Hee Jin couldn't help but turn on the radio. The song that was on was Flower Pot. Listening to the song Woo bin had so many flashback of the song going through his head.


"I want to sing you a song." Woo bin said seating her in a chair. Strumming the guitar he began to sing. He did a cover to Flowerpot and was proud to sing it for Sohyun. After he was done singing the song he gave her a beautiful red rose. "Thanks to you I'm the man i am today. I love you so much Sohyun." Woo bin said. Sohyun was so speechless that tears of joy were coming from her eyes. Smiling and laughing at the same time she gave Woo bin a hug. Hugging her tightly he spun her around. "I Love you too!" Sohyun screamed out loud.

*End of Flashback*

Woo bin turned off the radio and looked at Hee Jin. "Never turn on the radio again. This is my car my rules." Woo bin said rudely. Hee Jin looked away from him and just stared out the window. Arriving at her house she got out forgetting about her bag. Calling out her name Hee Jin didn't hear him calling her and walked into the house. Not being able to reach her he just took off home.

Arriving to his house he walked up to his room. Taking his clothes off to get into more comfortable clothes he threw Hee Jin's purse onto the bed, but before he could, the purse reminded him of Sohyun.


Looking at the purse from outside of the window Sohyun was adoring the beauty of the purse. "Did you want it?" Woo bin said walking up to her. Sohyun was surprised by his presence and shook her head. "No. It's fine I'm just admiring how beautiful the purse is. Let's go I'm getting hungry." Sohyun said walking off. Woo bin took another glance at the purse and walked off.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Sohyun! Happy birthday to you! Make a wish." Woo bin said holding the cake up closer to her. Closing her eyes to make a wish Woo bin held out a bag in front of her. Opening her eyes to blow the candle she noticed that on Woo bin's other hand there was a gift. Setting the cake down Woo bin handed the gift to her. "You didn't have to." Sohyun said smiling. Excited to see what was inside she opened up the bag. Pulling out the purse she was admiring from the other day; Sohyun jumped up with joy and hugged Woo bin. "Ahhh! Thanks love! Best present ever from you." Sohyun said giving him a kiss on the cheeks. "Anything for my beautiful lady." Woo bin said setting her down. Leaning over to her, he lightly gave her a kiss on the lips. Parting from the kiss he looked into her eyes and said, "You mean the world to me. I love you so much Sohyun." Woo bin kissed her again.

*End of Flashback*

Thinking of the past too much Woo bin threw the purse in his dresser. Taking off his shirt he headed to the bathroom to take a nice long shower. After his long shower he walked out and saw that his phone was ringing. Picking up the call it was from Hee Jin.

Hee Jin: Hello?

Woo bin: Yes?

Hee Jin: I left my purse in your car is it okay if i come and pick it up later?

Woo bin: Yeah sure.

Woo bin ended the call and changed into his pajamas. Thirty minutes later the doorbell rang. One of the maids came into his room and called for him. "Sir, Miss. Hee Jin is here for her purse." Walking out of his room Woo bin got up from his bed and grabbed the purse. Walking out to the front lawn he handed her purse back to her. Giggling to herself Woo bin was curious. "Why are you laughing?" Woo bin asked. "Because you're out here in your pajamas. It's cute. Well thank you. Good night." Hee Jin said walking off. "Are you sure you want to get married next week?!" Woo bin yelled out to her. "Good bye Woo bin." Hee Jin said waving to him. Walking to his bed he laid down and smiled to himself. "You crazy bastard." Saying it to himself he turned off his lights.

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)