Lost Memories

Love in Despair

“How are you doing?” Woo bin’s grandmother asked. “I’ll be fine.” Hee Jin said. “Aigo! He had a surprise for your birthday, but this had to happen to him. My poor child.” His grandmother said. “What? A birthday surprise?” Hee Jin asked looking up at her. “Yes. He wanted to get back together with you so badly that he came to talk to me about it.” His grandmother said. Hearing that made Hee Jin more sad. “I see. Well I’m going back home to get my stuff. I’ll watch over him tonight so you can go back home and rest grandmother.” Hee Jin said. “Okay. Take good care of Woo bin.” Grandmother Won Suk replied walking off. Walking back into Woo bin’s room Jong Suk was still there watching over him. “Jong Suk. You can go back home I’ll watch over him tonight.” Hee Jin said. “You go get freshen up and come back. I’ll watch over him for now.” Jong Suk said. “Okay then. Take care of him then.” Hee Jin said taking off.


Before Hee Jin headed back to her apartment she went over to Woo bin’s apartment. Still having the spare key to the apartment she went inside the apartment. Closing the door behind her she all the lights. Walking into the kitchen she saw all the food and cake he had set up for her. Bursting in tears Hee Jin sat down at the table and cried.


Heading back to her apartment she saw that her lights were on. She slowly opened her door and noticed that Jong Ki was in there. Feeling relieve that it was only him she walked up to him. “Oppa. What are you doing here?” Hee Jin asked. “Shaking his leg like crazy and biting onto his nails; he walked up to Hee Jin, “Hee Jin let’s get out of here. Run away with me.” Jong Ki asked desperately. “Oppa. What’s…What’s wrong with you?” Hee Jin asked. “Nothing. Nothing. Why do you ask?” Jong Ki questioned. “You look very pale. Are you feeling okay? Why are you shaking all over?” Hee Jin asked holding onto his hands. “Hee Jin-ah. Forgive me. I’m sorry. I couldn’t let him have you. I didn’t mean it to happen like this. Please understand me. I did it for you. For us.” Jong Ki said hugging her. Pulling away she looked at him confused, “What are you talking about?” Hee Jin said. “I was the one who hit Woo bin.” Jong Ki responded. Shocked about it she pulled herself futher away from Jong Ki. “Hee Jin please you have to understand why I did it.” Jong Ki said.


“Running him over like that?! It doesn’t solve anything oppa. How could you?!” Hee Jin said tearing up. “He was going to take you away from me. I couldn’t let that happen!” Jong Ki yelled out. “That doesn’t give you the right to hurt him like that.” Hee Jin said turning away from him. Turning her around he got down on his knees, “Hee Jin. I love you. I did it for you.” Jong Ki said. “I can’t have this. You have to turn yourself in. If you do you won’t be charged big for your mistake.” Hee Jin said pulling away from him. “No. I can’t do that. No.” Jong Ki said getting up.

“It’s for the best. You done something big and wrong just turn yourself in.” Hee Jin said. “Why?! So he can have you?! Never! I’m not letting him get you that easily! I just got you back in my life! I can’t let you slip away from my hands again!” Jong Ki yelled out. “Fine. If you won’t turn yourself in I’ll just have to report you to them then.” Hee Jin said pulling out her cellphone. Rushing over to her he took away her cellphone and threw it onto the couch. “I won’t let you do that. I’m leaving now.” Jong Ki said taking off.


Arriving back at the hospital Hee Jin walked into the room. “Oh Hee Jin, You’re back. You look pale.  Are you feeling well?” Jong Suk asked. “Yeah. I’ll be fine, but I have something to tell you.” Hee Jin said seating him down. “What is it?” Jong Suk asked. “Jong Ki was the one who caused this. I’m sorry. It’s my fault he is like this.” Hee Jin said tearing up. “No. It’s not your fault you haven’t done anything wrong. I’ll have to report this to the police. Do you know where he is at?” Jong Suk asked. “No. He stopped by my house, but I don’t know where he took off to.” Hee Jin said. “Well we still have to report this.” Jong Suk said. “Yeah. Well you must be tired. I’ll take care of him for the rest of the night.” Hee Jin said. “Alright. Don’t be too sad. See you tomorrow then.” Jong Suk said taking off.


Getting up from the couch Hee Jin walked up and sat next to Woo Bin. Holding onto his hand she held it next to her soft cheeks. “Woo bin. I’m sorry for not realizing you soon enough. Please. Please wake up soon.” Hee Jin said tearing up.


the next morning feeling slight pain on Woo bin’s head he sat up noticing Hee Jin was next to him. Moving too much it woke her up, “Oh Woo bin! You’re finally up!” Hee Jin said hugging him tightly. Confused about the situation he pulled Hee Jin away and said, “Who are you?” Shocked about what he said Hee Jin looked at him, “Woo bin-shi. It’s me. Hee Jin. Do you not remember who I am?” Hee Jin said.


Walking into the situation Jong Suk closed the door behind him. “Oh. Jong Suk-ah. Who is this lady?” Woo bin asked. Surprised about what he said Jong Suk walked up to him, “You don’t remember Hee Jin? She’s your ex-wife. You were going to get back together with her. Don’t you remember?” Jong Suk said. “Ex-wife? How can that be? All I remember is that Sohyun is the only girl who I have in my heart.” Woo bin said. Not knowing what to say Hee Jin fell to the ground hurt by his words. “Hee Jin. Are you alright?” Jong Suk said helping her up. Seating her onto the couch Jong Suk walked up to Woo bin and said, “What do you remember?” “All I remember is that Sohyun left me for another man. Jong Suk. Do you know where she is? Help me find her.” Woo bin said trying to get up from the bed. “You can’t you just got better. Don’t get out of bed yet.” Jong Suk said stopping him.


“Let go of me. I need to find her! Sohyun!” Woo bin yelled out. Walking in Woo bin’s grandmother and mom was surprise to see Woo bin up. “Oh. What’s going on here?” Woo bin mother asked. “It seems like he lost his memory.” Jong Suk said.


Checking up with the doctor, Woo bin’s grandmother walked up to him and said, “How is he? How is my grandson?” “He’s well, but it seems like he lost some of his memory.” The doctor said. “Will he be able to regain them?” his grandmother asked. “It’ll take time, but it should surely come back to him.” The doctor said walking back to his office. “Aigoo. Why does this have to happen? Right when everything was going good Woo bin has to lose his memory?” his grandmother said walking back to his room.


“Oh. Grandmother. What did they say about Woo bin’s condition?” Hee Jin said. “Hee Jin-ah. It seems that he only remembers Sohyun, but the doctor says his memory will come back we just have to give him time.” Said the grandmother. “Ah. Well I’ll do my best to help him gain his memory back.” Hee Jin said putting up a smile on her face. Hugging her, grandmother said, “Good. Be strong.” “The doctor says he is good to go back home. Hee Jin how about you take him back to your guys place?” Woo bin’s mother said. “Ah. Would that be good?” Hee Jin asked. “Yes. It’ll be fine you two were married before it’ll be like old times. Jong Suk help Hee Jin take Woo bin home. Grandmother and I are going first. Woo bin-ah. Take care okay. We’ll come visit again.” His mother said walking out with grandmother. “Come on let’s go.” Hee Jin said helping Woo bin out. “I don’t need your help.” Woo bin said pushing her aside. Not knowing what to do Hee Jin just grabbed all of his belongings.


Arriving to their apartment; Jong Suk help Woo bin into his room. “Thanks Jong Suk.” Hee Jin said. “No problem. If you need anything just call me.” Jong Suk said walking out. Watching them closely Woo bin walked out to the living room, “What’s going on between you and Jong Suk?” Woo bin asked. “Nothing. He’s just being a good friend helping me out. Would you like anything to eat? I’ll make you something.” Hee Jin said walking into the kitchen.


Just sitting on the couch Woo bin the TV. Changing channels Woo bin was bored. Not knowing what to do he walked into the kitchen. “Oh. What are you doing in here?” Hee Jin asked. “I just came to check and see if you’re cooking right. Don’t want to eat burnt food.” Woo bin said. “Still the same old Woo bin I know. Always complaining about every little thing. Well go sit down. I’m almost done.” Hee Jin said grabbing the plates. Setting them onto the table Woo bin sat himself down.


Serving the food Woo bin was amazed by the food she made. “Wow. I’m amazed.” Woo bin said. “Why?” Hee Jin asked. “You actually know how to cook for a rich young lady like you.” Woo bin said. “Well When I’m home I just learn how to cook.” Hee Jin said seating herself. Taking a bite out of the food he was more amazed. “Mmmh! Very delicious.” Woo bin said. “Thank you.” Hee Jin said. “Say. Did we ever have a meal like this before?” Woo bin asked. “No. You were always busy with things that I always ate alone at the table.” Hee Jin said. “Oh. Well. I’m sorry.” Woo bin said taking another bite from his food.


After dinner Woo bin sat down watching variety shows on the TV. Laughing like crazy Hee Jin walked up to him and said, “Time to go shower.” “Okay. Hold on.” Woo bin said. “Alright. Well I’m heading to bed first then. Good Night.” Hee Jin said walking to her room. “Wait! Why don’t we ever sleep on the same bed?” Woo bin asked. “First off. You’re the one who assigned me to the guest room and secondly you own this apartment so you said you have the rights the master bedroom.” Hee Jin responded. “That sounds reasonable. Alright. Good night. I’m heading to bed too.” Woo bin said turning off the TV.


Getting a call Hee Jin answered, “Oh. Jong Suk?” “Is everything alright over there?” Jong Suk asked. “Yeah. Woo bin is still the same Woo bin I know.” Hee Jin said. “That’s good then. I’ll stop by tomorrow then?” Jong Suk said. “Sure.” Hee Jin said hanging up the call. Over hearing the phone conversation Woo bin walked back to his room.


Ringing the doorbell Hee Jin went to answer the door. “Oh. Jong Suk you’re here?” Hee Jin said letting him in. “Where is Woo Bin?” Jong Suk asked. “Oh. He’s still in the room. I just made breakfast go call him to come eat.” Hee Jin said. Walking into the room Jong Suk called him out, “Woo bin? Are you up yet?” “Oh. You’re here early?” Woo bin asked. “Yeah. Come out Hee Jin just got done making breakfast.” Jong Suk said. “Okay.” Woo bin replied walking out.


“Wow! Hee Jin I didn’t know you cook?” Jong Suk said. “Yeah I was surprised too.” Woo bin said. “Dig in.” Hee Jin said. “So I was wondering did you two want to go with me to the aquarium?” Jong Suk asked. “Oh. That would be nice. Let’s go out for a walk then Woo bin.” Hee Jin said smiling at him. “Sure. That would be nice.” Woo bin said.


Arriving to the place; they began to walk around and explore. After hours of walking Hee Jin went to the restroom. Waiting for Hee Jin; Woo bin looked around the area and noticed Sohyun. Seeing her he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Not noticing Woo bin was gone Jong Suk lifted his head up and noticed him hugging Sohyun. “Oh. Where did Woo bin go?” Hee Jin asked. Pointing his head to where he was Hee Jin turn to see him hugging Sohyun.


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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)