Wedding Day

Love in Despair

Running around like wild animals all over the place Woo bin came downstairs undressed. "What's with all the fuss mother?" Woo bin asked. "Oh grandmother is just going crazy right now trying to get everything done. Last week we couldn't get all the preparations done so she's trying to finish it today before your wedding starts." his mother replied back. Feeling confused his eyes widen, "What?! The wedding is today?!" Woo bin yelled out. "Of course it's today how can you forget your wedding date. Hurry up and get dress. Hee Jin is at the bridal store waiting for you to get dress." his mother said pushing him to go get dress.

Walking back into his room Woo bin got dressed and took off to the bridal store. Walking in he saw how beautiful Hee Jin was. "Ommo! You're not suppose to be here yet." one of the staff said. "Oh well my mother told me to come here." Woo bin said feeling confused. "Oh well since you're here let's get you all dressed up." said the staff. Following her he couldn't get his eyes off of Hee Jin.

Woo bin's P.O.V.

As I enter the store. There stood Hee Jin. Beautiful as ever. I couldn't get my eyes off her. She was like an angel in her wedding dress.  "Ommo! You're not suppose to be here yet." one of the staff said. "Oh well my mother told me to come here." I said feeling confused. "Oh well since you're here let's get you all dressed up." said the staff. Following her I wasn't able to get my eyes off of Hee Jin.

Changing into my suit I couldn't help, but hope that Sohyun would show up. "Sohyun. Please, just let me see your face once more." I said to myself.

End of P.O.V.

Arriving at the wedding hall Woo bin walked up to his mother. "How is everything?" Woo bin asked. "Everything is fine. Come and greet your guest. Oh, Where is Hee Jin also?" his mother asked. "She'll be arriving soon." Woo bin said. "Alright the wedding ceremony is about to start." his mother said. After a while of greeting the guest the wedding ceremony began. Walking down the aisle Woo bin was amazed by Hee Jin's beauty. After saying all theirs vows the pastor said, “You may kiss the bride." Hesitating on kissing Hee Jin; Woo bin leaned over and lightly kissed her. Everyone clapped and was happy for them.

Gathering together and talking Woo bin couldn't help, but noticed Sohyun in the crowd. Sohyun noticed him too, but she looked away and took off. Woo bin walked out to find her, but couldn't find her anywhere in the building. Walking back his grandmother stood in front of him. "What are you doing out here?" his grandmother asked. "Nothing I just need some air." Woo bin replied back. "Oh. Well go back in there and stay by Hee Jin's side." his grandmother said. Walking back in there his grandmother walked outside.

"I thought I told you to never show me your face again?" said his grandmother. "I'm sorry I just couldn't help it when I heard Woo bin was getting married." Sohyun said. "How dare you come here and say all this nonsense. How can you even bare to show your face in front of him?!" his grandmother yelled at her. "Grandmother, just once let me greet him and I’ll go away far from here." Sohyun begged. "No need to show him your face. Just leave already!" his grandmother yelled out. With that Sohyun took off.

Looking around for Sohyun, Hee Jin noticed that he wasn't paying attention to her. "Oh, Woo bin, Hee Jin. Let's get a family picture together." his grandmother said walking towards them. Gathering everyone around Woo bin wasn't paying attention at all.

After the wedding Hee Jin and Woo bin went back to the house. "Oh, Why are you guys back home?" his grandmother said walking up to them. "I'm really tired and we both just want to come back and rest only. We didn't really plan on going on a honeymoon trip." Woo bin said. Walking up to his room Hee Jin just stared at his back. "Hee Jin-ah, you must be tired. Come sit down with me." his grandmother said that seating her down.

Entering his room he threw his stuff on his bed. Getting changed into a different outfit Woo bin went back downstairs taking off. “Where are you going?" his grandmother asked. "I'm heading out to Jong Suk's place. I'll be back late don't stay up and wait for me." Woo bin said walking out of the house.

Banging onto Jong Suk's door, quickly opening the door; Jong Suk was half awake and half asleep. "Oh, Woo bin. What are you doing here?" Jong Suk asked. Walking without saying a word Jong Suk closed the door and walked after him. Sitting himself down Woo bin spoke up, "Jong Suk. Do you think it's possible that Sohyun showed up at my wedding today?"

Scratching his head Jong Suk answered him, "Why are you getting so worked up about this? It's been three years since she left you. She never once showed her face around this town anymore. Why all of a sudden you're bringing her up?" "I saw her. I really did." Woo bin said looking up at Jong Suk. Shocked about it Jong Suk's eyes widen a bit. "Really?!" Jong suk yelled out. "Yes, I'm serious. She showed up at the front door. I wasn't able to reach her because my grandmother stopped me from going out." Woo bin said.

"She may have been your love and first girlfriend ever, but don't get all worked up about it. Maybe if you give your marriage a chance; maybe things will turn out right." Jong suk said placing his hand on Woo bin's shoulder. "I guess, but I can't help it. She meant so much to me and in the end I get thrown away. I just wanted to know why she left me. It's all i ask for. I never understood why we broke up." Woo bin said feeling more sad. "Woo bin, you have a new life start everything fresh with your wife. Let go of the past and the past will let go of you." Jong Suk said sitting down right next to him.

"Maybe you're right." Woo bin said laying back. "And you mister need to stop flirting with other girls. If your grandmother finds out that you're still talking to all those girls when you're married to Hee Jin. You're dead meat." Jong Suk said. "I'll think about it. Well thanks for the talk. I'm heading out." Woo bin said getting up. Walking Woo bin out to the door Jong Suk said to him, "Hey. Stop being depress. Good night man." Smiling at Jong Suk Woo bin took off


A/N: Sorry for another short chapter, but hope you did enjoy reading it. Leave me your feedbacks, comments anything to help me improve my writing (:

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)