
Love in Despair

Hugging her tightly the man said to her, “I missed you so much.” Feeling confused a little Hee Jin couldn’t help, but slowly put her arms around him too. Walking out of the building Woo bin saw Hee Jin hugging with another man. Running up to them Woo bin pulled the man away from her. “Hee Jin. Who is this man?” Woo bin asked. Looking at Woo bin the man smirked and pull Hee Jin to his side. “I’m her boyfriend. And you are?” the man said. Surprised with the news Woo bin just stood there looking like a fool. Hee Jin didn’t say a word and looked away from Woo bin. “I’m sorry. Didn’t know you were her boyfriend.” Woo bin apologized. “I can’t let go of my old lover okay? He’s still waiting for me” Remembering what Hee Jin said to him during that night; Woo bin handed her the copy to her and walked off. “What’s up with him?” said the man. “Nothing let’s go some place to talk.” Hee Jin said.


Arriving at a coffee shop Hee Jin and the man sat down at a table. “So what are you doing back here Jong Ki?” Hee Jin asked. “I came back because a little bird told me that you were getting a divorce today.” Jong Ki said. “Don’t joke with me. What are you really doing here?” Hee Jin said. “Okay. I came back to take over my father’s company and I over heard people talking about you getting a divorce. Is it true was that man Woo bin?” Jong Ki asked. “Yeah. Son of the Kim family.” Hee Jin replied. “I see. Well my father and his brother’s company will be joinging together.” Jong Ki said. “What does that have to do with me?” Hee Jin said. “I’m just telling you. You’ll still be seeing him no matter what.” Jong Ki said smiling at her. “Not going to happen. He’s not the one who you’ll be working with. You’ll be working with his older brother.” Hee Jin said.


“Oh I see. Well then that’s great I don’t have to worry about him taking you away from me again.” Jong Ki said smiling at her. Glaring at him Hee Jin lightly pinched his cheeks. “Aigoo. You’re such a girl.” Hee Jin said. “Why are you such a boy?” Jong Ki said.


After their coffe Jong Ki drove her to the apartment. Stoping at the parking lot Hee Jin held onto Jong Ki’s hand and said, “I really missed you.” Placing his hand against her soft cheeks. Jong Ki smiled and leaned over to give her a light kiss on the cheek. “Well I’ll call you when I’m done packing.” Hee Jin said. “Okay.” Jong Ki said. Getting out of the car Hee Jin went inside the apartment. Entering the apartment Woo bin was on the couch drunk. Beer cans all around the coffee table Hee Jin cleared up the place. After clearing up the place Hee Jin brought a bowl of water and towel to wipe off Woo bin’s sweats. Wiping him Woo bin grabbed hold of her wrist. Frighten; Hee Jin tried to get him to let go of her wrist. Holding her wrist tightly her lean towards her and kissed her. Trying to break free Hee Jin pushed his body back onto the couch. Getting up to leave him Woo bin stopped her from doing so. Holding onto her wrist Woo bin quietly spoke to her, “Don’t go.”


Looking back at his face Hee Jin sat back down and started wiping him again. After wiping him Hee Jin couldn’t help, but feel his soft face. “Why are you like this?” Hee Jin said to herself. “Because I’m not loved.” Woo bin said. Shock about him hearing her Hee Jin removed her hands away from his face. Waking up from his sleep Woo bin turned his body at her and smiled at her. “Am I that handsome that you just had to touch my face.” Woo bin said. Embarrassed about it Hee Jin didn’t say anything. “It’s okay to say yes.” Woo bin said. “I’m going to bed.” Hee Jin said getting up. Before she could leave Woo bin grabbed hold of her wrist. Sitting himself up Woo bin stood up and turned her around. Pulling her in for a hug Hee Jin try to break free. “Can we...Just for a moment let me hold you like this for the first and last time.” Woo bin said. Not saying anything Hee Jin just stood there in his arms.


“I’m done packing. Could you come and get me?” Hee Jin said ending her call. Grabbing all of her belongings she left a note on Woo bin’s bedroom door. Walking out of the apartment Hee Jin waited for Jong Ki. Hearing the door close Woo bin opened his eyes and stared at the dark wall. “This apartment is going to be lonely now.” Woo bin said to himself.


“Why are we here?” Hee Jin asked. “For now stay at my father’s hotel. I’ll find you a suitable place later. Get some rest now.” Jong ki said kissing her forehead. “Thanks.” Hee Jin said. “Anything for my beautiful lady. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” Jong Ki said. “Yeah. Drive back home safely.” Hee Jin said walking him to the door. “Night.” Jong Ki said. “Night.” Hee Jin replied back.


Waking up to a quiet morning Woo Bin got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. “Why should i be the one to miss you?” Woo bin said to himself. Grabbing himself a glass of water there was a knock at the door. Woo bin went to go answer the door. “Oppa!” a girl yelled out to him. Hugging him tightly Woo bin was confuse to why she was at his apartent. “What are you doing here Ga-Yun?” Woo bin asked. “I came because I missed you don’t you miss me?” Ga-Yun said pouting to him. With the door still wide open Hee Jin approach them. Noticing her Woo bin pushed Ga-Yun away from him. “Sorry to disturb you two, but I came to pick up the rest of my belongings.” Hee Jin said. “Go ahead.” Woo bin said moving out of the way.


Entering Woo bin’s room Ga-Yun followed her. Seeing Hee Jin taking out her clothes Ga-Yun walked up to her and said, “What is your stuff doing in Woo bin oppa’s room?” Hee Jin didn’t care to answer and threw her clothes on Woo bin’s bed. “I asked you a question!” Ga-Yun yelled out. “You’ll be disappoint if you know why.” Hee Jin said grabbing the rest of her clothes. Walking out of the room Ga-Yun went to babble about Hee Jin to Woo bin. “Oppa your sister is being rude to me. “ Ga-Yun pouted. “She’s not my sister.” Woo bin said sighing. “Who is she then?!” Ga-Yun yelled out. Looking at Hee Jin angerily Ga-Yun yelled out to Woo bin, “Don’t tell me she is also one of your girlfriends you sleep with too?! I thought I was the only one?!” “She’s not a person I sleep with. She was the woman I got married to.” Woo bin said sitting on the couch. Shocked about the news Ga-Yun felt more upset. “Why didn’t you tell me about her then? Why did you say she was your sister?!” Ga-Yun yelled out.


“I didn’t tell you. You just went along with it. If you don’t like a divorce man like me then you can leave. I won’t stop you.” Woo bin said getting up from the couch. “Oppa! Oppa!” Ga-Yun yelled out. Hee Jin came out from her room with her belongings and set them out on the living room. Ga-Yun glared at her angerly. Getting up from the couch Ga-Yun was about to do something to Hee Jin’s belongings, but Woo bin came out of his room. “Did you need help with anything else?” Woo bin asked. “Yeah. Just take those out to my car please.” Hee Jin said.


Grabbing her belongings he took them out to her car and placed them in the back trunk. Walking out with the rest of her belongings Woo bin walked up to her and said, “Do you have a place to stay?” “Yeah. I already found a place to stay. Don’t worry I’m a grown woman. I can take care of myself.” Hee Jin said smiling at him. “Well if you’re all set then go. I don’t want to hold you here any longer. Your boyfriend is probably waiting for you.” Woo bin said. “Alright. Bye.” Hee Jin said getting in the car.


Entering the apartment; Ga-Yun ran up to him. “Oppa. Why are being so cruel to me. I came here to spend time with you.” Ga-Yun said. “I just want to be left alone, but if you want to stay you can. I’ll be the one to leave.” Woob in said taking off.


Heading out to no where Woo bin just drove around town. Driving around he saw Sohyun. Stopping his car he got out of his car to see if it was her. See that she was going some where he went back insde his car and followed her. Trying to keep up with her Woo bin speed up a little faster. Finally arrive at the place Woo bin saw that she stopped right in front of Jong Suk’s house. “What is she doing here?” Woo bin said to himself. Entering the house Woo bin stayed in his car waiting for her to come out.


“I came by to give you this.” Sohyun said handing him a bracelet. “What’s this?” Jong Suk asked looking at it. “You don’t remember it?” Sohyun said. Thinking for a while he remember what is was. It was his bracelet he lost. “Why do you have this?” Jong Suk asked. “I never really told either one of you the story, but I love you Jong Suk.” Sohyun said. Jong Suk was shock by what he heard and said to her, “But you’re dating my cousin. And you were Woo bin’s ex-girlfriend. Why would you say this to me?” Jong Suk said. “I’ve alway have liked you, but then Woo bin kept approching me so I dated him.” Sohyun said. “Why would you do that to him? You knew he loved you a lot. Are you trying to ruiend our friendship? I can’t accept your love. You were once my best friend’s girlfriend.” Jong Suk said. “I know what I did and doing now is horribile, but I really do like you and I still do. I’m with your cousin because I wanted get closer to you.” Sohyun said.


“Enough about this. You already hurt my best friend I don’t need you to hurt my cousin. I will never love a girl like you. If you have nothing else to say then leave.” Jong Suk said getting up from the couch. “I’m sorry, but I just came by to drop this off for you.” Sohyun said leaving.


Finally walking out of the house Woo bin sat up from his seat and got out of his car. Walking towards Jong Suk’s house Sohyun drove past Woo bin. Arriving at Jong Suk’s front door Woo bin was full of anger and raging to hit Jong Suk. Banging really hard on his door Jong Suk opened the door. Before he could say anything Woo bin swung at Jong Suk. Punching him until he began bleeding Woo bin grabbed him by the collar and said, “Why?! Why did you lie to me about Sohyun?!” “What are you talking about?” Jong Suk said. “I saw her walking out of your house just now!” Woo bin yelled out. Jong Suk was surprised, but then he got up and said, “She did come by, but I lied because I didn’t want you to end up being hurt again. I don’t like it when you’re alway thinking about her. You were really happy when you talked about Hee Jin to me. Why would you want to search for Sohyun?” Jong Suk said. Not knowing what to say Woo bin stood in slience for a moment.


“You could of been a true friend to tell me where she was. Don’t tell me that you two are dating?” Woo bin said. “Woo bin it’s what you think.” Jong Suk said. “Whatever. I’m done believing in you. Our friendship is over!” Woo bin said walking out. Upset and feeling hurt Woo bin went out and got himself drunk.


Arriving back to the apartment Woo bin went to his room and laid himself there. Starring at nothing but the dark wall Woo bin began to tear up. “Why is it you that I think about at times like this?” Woo bin said to himself.




Woo bin’s phone rang. He check to see who it was and it was a text from Jong Suk. Opening the message it says: She’s staying at Hilton Hotel. Room 203. Reading the message Woo bin put his phone away and fell asleep.


Waking up with a headache Woo bin got up to get some water. Drinking his water he took a long shower. After his shower he got dress and went out. Woo bin went to the hotel Sohyun was staying at. Standing in front of the hotel Woo bin looked up at it. Entering the hotel he walked up to the front desk. “Excuse me. I would like to know if Kwon Sohyun is still booked in this hotel.” Woo bin said. “Let me check.” said the lady. Checking on the computer she looked up at Woo bin and said, “Yes she is still booked with us.” “Thank you.” Woo bin said walking off. Walking to the elevator Woo bin entered and pushed the button to go up.


Arriving on her floor Woo bin walked out and went to look for her room. After looking for her room he finally found it. Standing there looking at the door Woo bin said to himself, “I finally found you.” Before he could knock on the door Sohyun opend the door. Seeing that it was Woo bin Sohyun was surprised to see him.


“Why are you finally showing your face around me?” Woo bin said. “I’m not. How did you find out were I was?” Sohyun asked. “I saw you coming out of Jong Suk’s house yesterday.” Woo bin said. “Shaking like crazy Woo bin held onto her hands and said, “No need to be scare. I just came here to talk.” Woo bin said. Sohyun calmed a bit. Smiling at him she then said, “Well congratualation on your marriage. Your wife must be lovely.” “She is, but let’s not talk about that. Why were you at Jong Suk’s house?” Woo bin asked getting up from his chair. Looking out the window Sohyun was scared to tell him. “I went there to return him his bracelet.” Sohyun said. “Why do you have his bracelet?” Woo bin asked.


“If I told you, you would be upset.” Sohyun said. Looking back at her Woo bin said, “I won’t so tell me.” “Fine. I kept it ever since I first met Jong Suk. We met at the beach. That time he saved me from drowning. After saving me I saw that he left his bracelet so I held onto it. I wanted to return it to him, but I was never able to. He was alway with someone and then you came along. Your warm heart made forget about him, but then every night I would look at Jong Suk’s bracelet before I go to bed. I didn’t mean for it to turn out like this. I really did love you. It’s just-“ “So you used me to get over Jong Suk? Or more like to get closer to him?!” Woo bin said cutting her off. “I didn’t mean to. You were really nice to me and alway so kind and loving that I couldn’t let you go too.” Sohyun said. “But you end up hurting me and my friend. Because of your silly feelings I lost a great friend.” Woo bin said feeling upset. “I’m sorry. I really did love you though. Believe me.” Sohyun said. “I believed you and in the end you were alway eyeing Jong Suk.” Woo bin said. Not knowing what to say Sohyun shed tears. “You really are a bad person. I should of listen to Jong Suk.” Woo bin said leaving her room.


Left alone Sohyun sat in the chair crying to herself. Angry and upset with himself Woo bin drove off. Driving like crazy Woo bin couldn’t help, but began to tear up. All those hard work trying to find Sohyun he ended up being hurt. Couldn’t drive anymore Woo bin stopped and parked on the side. Hitting the steering wheel Woo bin scremed his heart out. “Why?! Why?! Why?!” Woo bin yelled out.


“Hee Jin? Hee Jin?” Jong Ki said waving his hand across her face. Coming back to her sense she looked at Jong Ki and said, “What is it?” “I said I found a place for you to stay.” Jong Ki said. “Oh. Okay.” Hee Jin said. “You seem so out of place. Is something wrong?” Jong Ki asked. “No. I’m fine.” Hee Jin said. “Okay. Well you can move in today.” Jong Ki said.


Heading back to the hotel to get all of Hee Jin’s belonging Hee Jin was spaced out the whole day. “Are you not feeling well?” Jong Ki asked. “Huh? Oh no. Just tired. Well thanks for everything I’ll take care of the rest from here. Just go back to work.” Hee Jin said. “Okay. I’ll stop by later after work.” Jong Ki said. Giving her a kiss on the forehead Jong Ki took off. Looking at the apartment, Hee Jin looked around and it reminded her of the apartment Woo bin and Hee Jin stayed together. 


A/N: Sorry for the late post, but hope you guys still enjoy it. I did my best (: 

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Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)