I Love You

Love in Despair

Waking up from the bright sunlight; Hee Jin woke up seeing Woo bin next to her side. Lightly pulling the blanket away from her Woo bin woke up. “Oh you’re up.?” Woo bin said. “Oh. Yeah. Were you watching me all night?” Hee Jin asked. “Yeah. Are you hungry?” Woo bin asked. “It’s okay I’ll go make us something to eat.” Hee Jin said getting out of bed. Following her out to the kitchen Hee Jin pull out some food from the fridge. “Have you found a place yet?” Woo bin asked grabbing some water. “Yeah. Near my parents.” Hee Jin asked. “I see. Do you have a job yet?” Woo bin asked. “I should be asking you that? Why would you accept money from Jong Ki?” Hee Jin asked. “That? You wanted to be free, so I thought maybe I can repay him later after paying grandmother back. Don’t worry about it too much.” Woo bin said. “How could I not worry? If you need money you should of came to me. I would of helped you out. We could of worked things out.” Hee Jin said. Happy about it Woo bin set his cup on the counter and walked up to Hee Jin. “Really? So you’re saying that we should work things out between us too then?” Woo bin said pulling her in closer.


Pulling away Hee Jin turned away from him. “No. What I meant is that we could of worked out how much money we could split between us to pay grandmother back.” Hee Jin said stirring the soup. “Is that so?” Woo bin said hugging her from the back. “What are you doing?” Hee Jin said turning around. Holding onto both her hands he kissed them and said, “I would love it if we could work things out between us. I’m not going to lie to you, but I’ve really missed you.” Pulling her hands away Hee Jin turned herself around and said, “I’m sorry Woo bin, but…Just give me some time.” “I see. Well I’m heading out.” Woo bin said grabbing his jacket. “But you didn’t have breakfast yet?” Hee Jin said. “It’s okay I’ll have breakfast at grandmother’s place.” Woo bin said walking out of the apartment.


Arriving at his grandmother’s house Woo bin rushed to his grandmother’s office. “Oh Woo bin what brings you here?” his grandmother said. “I just wanted to stop by and talk about some things with you.” Woo bin said. “Okay. Sit down.” His grandmother said. Sitting down Woo bin had a serious look on his face. “What is it?” his grandmother asked. “Grandmother…I don’t know why, but I think I really fallen for Hee Jin. She makes my mind go crazy, but yet she makes me feel like the happiest man ever. Although we had less time together we were able to bond well. Grandmother if you may, I would like to have Hee Jin as my wife again.” Woo bin said.


Laughing out loud Woo bin was confuse to why she was laughing. “Ah, Woo bin I knew you would come to your sense. I’ve been watching over you and I saw that you went over to Hee Jin’s apartment. What’s going on between you two? Are you guys getting back together?” his grandmother asked. “No. Hee Jin said she needed some time to think. What should I do grandmother?” Woo bin asked. “Don’t worry Hee Jin is a smart girl. If she wants what she wants then she’ll go after it. I’ve noticed that she has taken a like in you too.” His grandmother said. “So what do you think will happen?” Woo bin asked. “I don’t know that’s between you two. Just give her time. Everything will be alright. Don’t worry too much.” His grandmother said holding onto his hand. “Okay.” Woo bin said.


“Today is Hee Jin’s birthday. Did you tell her happy birthday?” his grandmother asked. “What?! Her birthday is today? How was I supposed to know she doesn’t give me every detail about her so I didn’t know?” Woo said. Laughing his grandmother said, “It is okay we’re inviting her for dinner tonight. Join us.” Thinking to himself he then smiled big and said, “Grandmother can I surprise her? Let me have dinner with just us two tonight I’ll bring over another time.” “Alright.” His grandmother replied. “Well I have to prepare then. I’ll stop by another day. Thank you.” Woo bin said giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Ah. Okay. Bye.” His grandmother said smiling.


Rushing to go out Woo bumped into his mother, “Oh Woo bin?” his mother said. “Oh. Mom. Sorry I have to go. Sorry talk to you later.” Woo bin said walking out. His grandmother came up her, “Mother. What’s gotten into him?” she asked. “He’s just in a rush to fix things up with Hee Jin.” Grandmother said laughing. “Ommo. Tch. Couldn’t even stay and have a talk with his mother?” said his mother. “It’s alright. Come on let’s go.” Said his grandmother.


Getting a phone call Hee Jin picked up. “Oh. Woo bin what is it?” “I have something I need to give to you. You left it at my place come by later.” Woo bin said hanging up. Looking confuse Hee Jin went back to what she was doing, but then another call came up. Answering the phone Hee Jin said, “Hello?” “Hee Jin-shi?” said the person. “Who is this?” Hee Jin asked. “I’m sorry to bother you, but would you please meet up with me at the Rose Garden café?” said the person on the other line. “Okay, but may I know who this is?” Hee Jin asked. Not answering her back the phone call ended. “Why am I getting strange calls today?” Hee Jin said.


Getting herself ready to go meet the person Jong Ki called her. “Oh. Oppa. What is it?” Hee Jin answered. “Let’s go out tonight.” Jong Ki said. “Oh. Sorry. I already have plans. Another time then?” Hee Jin said. “Really? With who?” Jong Ki asked. “Woo bin. He said he needed to give me something that I left at the apartment.” Hee Jin said. “I’ll go pick it up.” Jong Ki said. “No it’s okay. You’re busy with work anyways. We can go out for lunch tomorrow.” Hee Jin said. “Oh. Okay then.” Jong Ki said hanging up.


Moments later Hee Jin arrived to the Rose Garden café. Entering through the door Hee Jin looked around for the person who called her. “Hee Jin-shi!” a person yelled out her name. Looking over the to the other side of the café she walked over to the young lady who was waving at her. Seating herself down Hee Jin said, “Who are you?” “I’m sorry for being rude to ask you to come out here. I’m Sohyun.” Sohyun said. Surprised about it Hee Jin just sat down quietly. “Well. What is it that you want?” Hee Jin asked. “I know this is out of the blue for calling you out here, but I want to make up with Woo bin. Could you please help me?” Sohyun asked. Shocked and angry about it Hee Jin just smiled about it. “I’m sorry the problem is only between you two don’t be bringing me into this mess.” Hee Jin said. “I know, but I just want to be on good terms with Woo bin.” Sohyun begged. “Why all of a sudden you decided to do this now?” Hee Jin asked. “I’m not sure, but I just can’t go on knowing that Woo bin hates me for life. I’ve done so many horrible things to him and I want him to forgive me.” Sohyun said. “What is it exactly that you have done to him?” Hee Jin asked.


“I thought dating him would make me get closer to Jong Suk, but that just made things more worst. But throughout our relationship my feelings did build up for Woo bin. Sadly I couldn’t also let go of Jong Suk too. After his grandmother saw me and told me to never show my face to her again I was raging in anger that I did the biggest mistake of my life. I went behind Woo bin’s back dating another man. I’m still with him, but until this day I still can’t forget about Jong Suk too.” Sohyun said. Full of anger Hee Jin sat up and threw the water into Sohyun’s face. “You’re so sick. I can’t believe you would do that to two friends who been together ever since little. How could you managed to do that? I’m sorry, but I can’t help you out with this. Do you know how much pain you’ve put me through? Every day it was all about you. Woo bin never once shown me any affection. I told myself I shouldn’t fall for him, but I did. And you know what hurts the most? Him calling out your name every night.” Hee Jin said wiping away her tears.


Walking away Sohyun got out of her chair and held onto Hee Jin’s hand. Begging her to help her Sohyun got on her knees. “Please. I’m begging you. I can’t go on living like this anymore.” Sohyun said bursting out in tears. “Go ask help somewhere else.” Hee Jin said shaking her hands off of her. Left there crying Hee Jin walked to her car.


At home cleaning the house and working very hard for Hee Jin’s birthday surprise Woo bin went on cooking. Looking at the time he still had a lot of time. Smiling happily to himself he couldn’t wait see the look on her face. Getting a call he answered his phone, “Hello?” “The cake you order is ready. You can come and pick it up now.” Said the person on the other line. “Oh. Okay I’ll be there.” Woo bin said hanging up the call. Turning off all the stove Woo bin grabbed his jacket and went out to go get the cake.


Arriving at the shop Woo bin asked the worker to give him the cake he order, “Lovely cake you chose.” Said the worker. “Thanks.” Woo bin said smiling. “Is it for your girlfriend? The worker asked. “No. It’s for my wife.” Woo bin said smiling big. “Oh. I see. What a sweet man. Well here you go. Have a good day.” Said the worker. Walking out with the cake Woo bin went back to his apartment to set up the table.


Finally finish setting up everything Woo bin took out the cake and placed it next to all the food. Taking a step back from his great work Woo bin took out his phone and snaps a shot of his work. Smiling to himself he got a phone call. Answering his phone he spoke up, “Hello?” “Oh. Woo bin?” said the person. “Oh. Jong Ki? What is it?” Woo bin asked. “Would you mind meeting up with me? I have something to talk about with you. It’s about the money you need.” Jong Ki said. Looking at the time Woo bin replied back to him, “Yeah sure. I have time I’ll come.” Woo bin said hanging up the phone call. Grabbing his jacket Woo bin walked out of his apartment.


Walking across the street to the parking garage a bright light towards Woo bin. Turning to see who it was the car came at him fast that he had no time to move. Hit by the card badly Woo bin fell down to the ground covered in blood. Getting out of his car Jong Ki check to see if he’s still breathing. Shocked about what he has done Jong Ki went back into his car and drove off.


Walking up the hill Jong Suk was going to surprise Woo bin. Noticing a body in the middle of the street Jong Suk ran over to see who is was. “Woo bin?! Woo bin?! Wake up!” Jong Suk yelled out to him. Pulling out his phone he called 911. “Hello? Yes. My friend he was hit. I think it was a hit and run. Please hurry he’s bleeding heavily.” Jong Suk said covering Woo bin’s head with his hand. “Damn! Who the heck was that jerk who did this to you?!” Jong Suk yelled out.


Arriving at the hospital; the nurses and doctor rushed him into surgery. Jong Suk was stopped by a nurse to wait outside. Feeling scared and sad Jong Suk leaned against the wall covering his face. “Oh. Jong Suk-ah!” yelled out Woo bin’s grandmother. “Grandmother?” Jong Suk said walking up to them. “How is Woo bin?” Woo bin’s mother asked. “I’m not sure they just went into surgery. He was bleeding a lot. That bastard who did this to him I’m not going to forgive him.” Jong Suk said feeling angry. “Ommo. I hope he is doing fine.” His grandmother said falling onto the seat. “Mother calm down.” His mother said.


“Hello?” Hee Jin answered her phone. “Woo bin is in the hospital. I don’t know what happen, but he’s in surgery right now. If you have time come visit him please.” Jong Suk said hanging up. Shocked about the new Hee Jin got up from her seat and ran fastly to her car. Driving off to the hospital Hee Jin began tearing up.


Arriving at the hosptial Hee Jin ran around the area to look for Woo bin’s room. After a while of looking around she saw Jong Suk. “Jong Suk!” Hee Jin yelled out his name. “Oh. Hee Jin.” Jong Suk said. “How is he?” Hee Jin asked. “Doctor said he passed the critical condition, but we have to wait until tomorrow to see if he’ll wake up.” Jong Suk said. Hee Jin opened up the door and walked into the room slowly. “Hee Jin-ah?” Woo bin’s mother said. Hee Jin didn’t say a word and walked up to Woo bin. “Come on Mother let’s give them some time alone.” Said his mother. Walking out of the room they closed the door.


Holding onto his hand Hee Jin lightly placed her other hand on his head. Crying out loud Hee Jin said to him, “You idiot! How could you get hurt so easily? You’re such a strong person. Please wake up. You said you had something to give to me. Wake up and give it to me. I’m sorry for coming so late. I love you” Crying out loud she placed her head down crying. 


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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)