Woo bin

Love in Despair

Knocking on the door Jong Suk woke up and answered the door. Opening the door Jong Suk was shocked at who showed up at his place.

"Long time no see. Sohyun." Jong Suk said placing the tea on the coffe table. "Yeah. How are you?" Sohyun asked smiling at him. "The usual. Doing well as always." Jong Suk said sitting himself down. "So how is everyone?" Sohyun asked. "Everyone as in Woo bin and me? Or my cousin?" Jong Suk questioned. "Your cousin?" Sohyun said in confusion. "Don't play dumb with me. I know that you're dating my cousin now." Jong Suk replied drinking his tea. "Alright. You got me." Sohyun said.

"What is it that you want?" Jong Suk asked. "It's been three years since I haven't seen Woo bin. I tried going to his wedding yesterday, but his grandmother stopped me." Sohyun replied in a sad tone. "Don't give me that crap. You cheated on my best friend how could you say that so easily?" Jong Suk said all fired up. "I didn't mean to do it. I came back to apologize to him." Sohyun said bursting out in tears. Surprised about it Jong Suk's temper went down a little. Grabbing some tissue paper for her Jong Suk spoked up, "Why did you do it?" "Don't worry about me. I came here because I just wanted to know how Woo bin was for the past three years." Sohyun asked.

"Tch. That guy? He was a mess after you left him." Jong Suk replied. "What happened?" Sohyun asked. "He was like a drunk person except he wasn't. He played with so many girls and brought them over and slept with them. Not even that we almost stopped being friends." Jong Suk said. "What? Why is that?" Sohyun said. "Oh, I'll tell you about it." Jong Suk said.


"Thanks for letting me borrow your place." Woo bin said. "No problem. You got another girl tonight?" Jong Suk asked. "Yeah, she's one hot babe." Woo bin said smiling like crazy. "Really? Hook me up too." Jong Suk said. "No, my secrets on getting girls are not for sharing." Woo bin replied laughing. "Whatever. I'm not like that to do something like you Woo bin." Jong Suk said. Woo bin stopped laughing and said, "I'm tired of being like this too. But after what Sohyun did to me I can't forgive her." Woo bin said clinching his fists.

"That doesn't mean you should go and hurt those innocent girl's feelings." Jong Suk said. "They wanted to play the game with me so I'm just showing them what I really am." Woo bin said. "I guess. I can't stop you anymore." Jong Suk said. "Yeah. Can I borrow your place again tonight?" Woo Bin asked. "Yeah sure." Jong Suk said walking off.

Using the whole house to himself Woo bin brought over another girl. Entering the house making out, Woo bin carried her to the room. Laying her onto the bed Woo bin couldn't wait anymore and her shirt. Slowly sliding his hands up against her thigh making out on her neck. Feeling ticklish she giggles as he was doing that. Slowly going down; words came into his mind. "Make love to me Woo bin. Make me yours." Hearing the voice of Sohyun Woo bin stopped what he was doing.

Getting off of the girl, she sat up, "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. I'm not feeling well. Could you leave?" Woo bin said embracing his face in his hands. "But we just got started." She said hugging Woo bin. Feeling a little upset Woo bin pushed her off of him and yelled out, "Just go!" After seeing his reaction she felt irritated too. Grabbing all her stuff she said to him, "Whatever. I don't need this from you." She walked out and took off. "What's gotten into you Woo bin? You could of had another night full of fun." Woo bin said lying on the bed.

Walking into the house Jong Suk went into the guest room to see that Woo bin was still in bed. "EY! Woo bin wake up!" Jong Suk yelled out waking him up. "Huh? Oh Jong Suk, what is it?" Woo bin asked. "Did anything happen?" Jong Suk asked. "No, I didn't score last night. Maybe tonight." Woo bin said. "Who is it this time?" Jong Suk asked. "I don't know yet, but going to go look for her." Woo bin said smiling at Jong Suk. Pushing his head down onto the pillow; Jong Suk got up and said, "Well get up cause I'll be making breakfast." "Really?! Okay." Woo bin said getting dressed.

Hearing a knock at the door Woo bin went to open the door. "Oh, is Jong Suk home?" a girl asked. Staring at her Woo bin was spacing out. "Uh excuse me?" she said. "Oh sorry, yeah Jong Suk is home. Come in." Woo bin said opening the door wider for her to come in. Showing her to the living room Woo bin yelled out, "Yo! Jong Suk you got a cute girl here looking for you!" Thinking to himself Jong Suk stopped what he was doing and rushed into the living room. "Oh Ju-Eun. What are you doing here?" Jong Suk asked. "I came to get the paper works. Are they done?" Ju Eun asked. “Oh yeah. I'll go get them." Jong Suk said walking into his room.

Not knowing what to do Woo bin walked up to her, "So what is he to you?" Woo bin asked. "Woo bin? What are you doing?" Jong Suk asked handing over a big envelope to Ju Eun. "Nothing. Just trying to get to know your friend." Woo bin said smiling. "Well I'll see you another time then. Thank you Jong Suk." Ju Eun said walking to the door. Sitting himself down Jong Suk walked Ju Eun out to the door. Coming back into the living room Jong Suk smacked Woo bin on the arm. "OUCH! What was that for?" Woo bin asked. "For trying to hit on my cousin." Jong Suk said. "She's your cousin?!" Woo bin yelled out. "Yes. A distant cousin." Jong Suk said. "Oh. Okay." Woo bin said.

*End of Flashback*

"I didn't think he would go after Ju Eun, but she was basically his next target. She wasn't the type to fall for guys easily, but somehow Woo bin was able to get her." Jong Suk said.


"So a date tomorrow at 7?" Woo bin asked. "Sure, but I have to be back by 10." Ju Eun said. "Alright see you tomorrow night then." Woo bin said blowing her a kiss. Smiling like crazy Ju Eun walked into the house.

Running to her room she jumped onto her bed jumping up and down like a crazy person. She then laid herself down and felt her heart beat so fast. "Tomorrow will be a memorable night." Ju Eun said to herself.

Getting all ready for her date she was excited to see Woo bin again. Arriving at her house Ju Eun walked out to greet him. "Hello." "Hey. You ready?" Woo bin asked. "Yeah." Ju Eun said. Opening the car door for her she walked in to his car. Driving off Ju Eun asked him where they were going, "Where are we headed to?" "Somewhere special." Woo bin said. "And where is that?" Ju Eun asked. "You'll see when we arrive there." Woo bin said.

Arriving at the place Ju Eun was amazed. He walked with her along the beach and in the middle of the beach was a table set for two. Ju Eun couldn't believe her eyes and smiled like crazy. "No way. Did you do this?" Ju eun asked. "What can you say I like to please my woman." Woo Bin said smiling. Giving him a hug she walked to the table and sat herself down. "Did you make all of these?" Ju Eun asked. "Well. You could say so." Woo bin said taking a bite out of his food. "Delicious." Ju Eun said. "Thank you." Woo bin said. "So what are we going to do after this?" Ju Eun asked. "Whatever you want to do?" Woo bin replied.

After a wonderful meal Ju Eun and Woo bin walked along the beach talking to each other. "So what do you want to become after you graduate?" Ju Eun asked. "Well I'll be taking over my grandmother's company if I even have the chance, but if not then I want to become a racer." Woo bin responded smiling. "That's nice. Do you know where you're going to go after you graduate?" Ju Eun asked. "I'm not sure yet. What about you?" Woo bin asked. "I want to go study abroad in America. I'm going to become a lawyer." Ju Eun said. "Wow. What big dreams you have." Woo bin said. "Yeah. Will you stay by my side until then?" Ju Eun said looking into his eyes. Not knowing what to do Woo bin leaned down and gave her a kiss. Passionately kissing her Woo bin pulled her in closer to him.

Feeling like he had a chance he pulled away from the kiss. "Do you want to be mine tonight?" Woo bin asked. "Be yours?" Ju Eun said. "Yes. I want to have you tonight. Could we?" Woo bin asked again. "I'm sorry Woo bin, but I don't want to go down that path yet." Ju Eun said turning away from him. Walking up to her he held her from the back and lean his chin on her shoulder. "It's okay. If you're not ready then I won't push you to do it." Woo bin said kissing her on the cheeks. "Well it's getting late let's get you back home." Woo bin said holding onto her hand.

Dropping her off home Woo bin took off back home. "Woo bin! Where have you been these past few days?!" his grandmother asked. "I was over at a friend's house." Woo bin said running up to his room. Walking into his room he laid himself down on his bed. Feeling his lips he imagined the kiss again. "Tch. Woo bin you crazy bastard. Have you really fallen in love with her?" Woo bin said to himself.

Two Weeks Later

"Yo! Jong Suk!" Woo bin said walking into the living room. "Oh. Woo bin. Hey." Jong Suk said until he noticed his cousin was behind Woo bin. "Ju Eun? What are you doing here?" Jong suk asked. "Oh about to go out with Woo bin and we stopped by to ask you if you wanted to go too." Ju Eun said smiling at him. Having a bad feeling about it Jong Suk pulled her to his room.

"What are you doing?" Ju Eun said brushing his hands off of her arm. "I'm protecting you. Don't even go out with him. He's not what you think he is. He's only aiming to get in your pants nothing more. He's not looking for love Ju Eun." Jong Suk said. "What do you know? You haven't even talked to him. I think I can change him. He's starting to only look at me. So don't worry Jong Suk. I'll be fine." "Fine don't come to me when you get hurt." Jong Suk said walking out of his room.

"So what is it man? You going to go out with us?" Woo bin asked. "No. You two can go out and have all the fun you guys want I still got work to do." Jong Suk said. "Alright man. Ju Eun! Let's go!" Woo bin called out her name. Taking off Jong Suk didn't want to see his cousin get hurt.

"So what were you two talking about back there?" Woo bin asked. "Nothing he just told me to be careful when going out." Ju Eun said. "Okay." Woo bin said.

Arriving at their destination Ju Eun got out of the car and ran onto the beach first. "Woo bin! Hurry!" Ju Eun yelled out waving at him. Watching her being playful Woo bin couldn't help but smile like a crazy man. Running onto the beach he chase after her. Running away from him she wasn't fast enough he caught up to her he grabbed hold of her from the back and swung her around. "Ahh! Woo bin stop!" yelling out with joy Woo bin stopped. "Want to build a sand castle?" Woo bin asked. Looking at him she smiled and said, "Yeah."

After hours of building their sand castle the water washed it away. "Ah! The water broke the castle." Ju Eun pouted. Laughing at her Woo bin marked some sand on her. "Ah! Woo bin! Why did you do that?! I'm going to get you!" Ju Eun said grabbing some sand in her hand. Running away from her Woo bin laugh like crazy.

After all the running around, chasing after each other they laid onto the sand feeling the cool breeze. Ju Eun sat up and gazed into Woo bin’s eyes. Gazing into her eyes too Woo bin lifted his head up and kiss her. Pulling her in for a tight hug he asked her again, “Did you want to be mine tonight?” “Yes. Woo bin, I love you.” Ju Eun said.

Taking her back to the hotel Woo Bin carried her onto the bed. Laying her down he took her shirt off. Feeling a bit embarrass Ju Eun started to blush. Before he was about to start Ju Eun spoke up, “Could you please do it gently?” Seeing how cute she was Woo Bin smiled and said, “Yes.” Giving herself to him Woo bin had another night of pleasure.

Three Weeks Later

“Jong Suk-ah!” Ju Eun cried out to him. “What’s wrong? Ju Eun? What is it?” Jong Suk said. “It’s Woo bin. He...He left me like I was nothing to him anymore. I thought he loved me too, but you were right. I should have listened to you.” Ju Eun said crying out to him. “Woo bin. That bastard.” Jong suk said to himself.

Waiting at home Woo bin came over with another girl. “Hey! Jong Suk! What’s-“before he could finish his sentence Jong Suk punch him in the face. Falling onto the ground the girl he brought over screamed and ran out. “How could you do that to my cousin?! I told you not to mess with her!” Jong Suk yelled out grabbing him by his collar. Looking at Jong Suk, he wiped the blood from his mouth and said, “I didn’t tell her to fall for me.” Saying that made Jong Suk angrier so he swung at Woo bin again. Woo bin did stop Jong Suk from hitting him.

After a while of cooling down Jong Suk sat down and asked Woo bin, “So why did you go after her when I told you not to?” “I don’t know. My mind was telling me to. I couldn’t help it.” Woo bin said. “Did you even actually love her when you were with her?” Jong Suk asked. “Yeah. I did fall for her, but somehow those feelings went away like nothing.” Woo bin said. “After that night you had her you stopped seeing her! Why did you do it?! She was still an innocent girl and you ruined her for life!” Jong Suk yelled out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it go this bad. But what I said earlier was true. I did love her.” Woo bin said feeling bad about himself. “I don’t know if I could trust you again, but this time I’m forgiving you. Don’t ever mess with my cousin again.” Jong Suk said walking off.

End of Flashback

“After that incident he never approached my cousin, but she’s doing well now. She actually became a lawyer.” Jong Suk said. “I see. Well since he’s married to a nice family I shouldn’t contact him at all then.” Sohyun said. “Of course. Don’t ever show your face in front of him again. You’ll just make him go crazy.” Jong Suk said. “Well since I heard how Woo bin has been I’ll take my leave then.” Sohyun said getting up. Walking her to the door Jong Suk asked her, “Could you please never show yourself to Woo bin ever again? Don’t tell him where you live nor give him your number. He’s doing fine now without you in his life. I don’t want him to be in a big mess again.” Smiling about it Sohyun replied, “I hope you could keep it a secret that I stopped by today.” 

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)