
Love in Despair

Hee Jin walked into Woo bin's room to bring him some water. Hearing her come in; Woo bin sat up on his bed. Taking a sip of the water he set the glass of water on his the smalltable next to his bed. "Hee Jin." Woo bin called out to her. Before walking out Hee Jin looked back at Woo bin. "Yes?" Answering him she walked back to him. Not answering her back Hee Jin just stared at him and said, "Did you need anything?" "No. Ijust want to apologize for the way I acted last night. I'm sorry." Woo bin apologized. "It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Hee Jin replied smiling at him. Looking up at her he spoke up, "Let's get a divorce." Shocked about what he said Hee Jin smile went away. "Why so suddenly?" Hee Jin asked. "I know you don't want to be with me so why should i force you to love me when you don't?" Woo bin said. "If you feel like we should then I won't say anything about this. Rest up." Hee Jin said walking out of the room. Laying back in bed Woo bin placed his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes. "Why are you making me look like I'm the bad guy here?" Woo bin said to himself.

After a while from their conversation Woo bin walked out of his room. "Oh, Come eat. I made you some porridge." Hee Jin said setting the water next to the porigde. "Oh. Okay." Woo bin said seating himself on the chair. Eating the porigde it was dead quiet. "Well I'm going to go tell grandmother about our divorce after eating." Woo bin said to break the slience. "Okay. I'll drop you off at Jong Suk." Hee Jin said. "Jong Suk?" Woo bin questioned. "Yeah. Your car is over at his place. You were too drunk last night so I left your car there." Hee Jin said. "Oh. Okay then." Woo bin said.

Arriving at Jong Suk's house Woo bin opened the door. "I might be late tonight so don't wait up for me." Woo bin said before leaving. "Okay." Hee Jin said. Walking out of the car Woo bin rang the door bell. Opening the door Jong Suk wasn't surprise who would be at his house. "Morning. Came to pick up your car?" Jong Suk asked. "Yeah." Woo bin said walking in. Walking into the living room Woo bin sat down on the couch. "What'swrong?" Jong Suk asked. "I told Hee Jin that I want to divorce." Woo bin said.

"What?! It's only been two months since you two have been married. What do you think the press would say if they know about this?!" Jong Suk said. "I know, but she doesn't love me. How am I suppose to be happy if she's not willing to open up to me?" Woo bin said. "Maybe she won't up open to you now, but give her time and she'll eventually love you back. It isn't to fall in love with a person you never known before." Jong Suk said."Yeah. Well I'm going to go talk about this to grandmother. I'll come by another time. Bye." Woo bin said getting up.

"Alright. Hope you don't regret about this choice you're about to make." Jong Suk said walking him out.

Driving off Jong Suk shooked his head. Arriving at his grandmother's place Woo bin walked into the house. "Grandmother?!" Woo bin called out for her. Entering the dining room his mother and grandmother were in there having brunch. "Oh. Woo bin? What are you doing here? Where is Hee Jin?" His grandmother asked. "She's back at home. I want to talkabout something with you two." Woo bin said with a serious face. "Whatis it honey?" his mother asked. "Hee Jin and I are going to divorce." Woo bin said. Choking on water Woo bin ran to his grandmother side. "Grandmother?! Are you okay?" Woo bin asked. Catching her breath she she looked up at woo bin, "Are you crazy?! Who do you think you are saying that?! I won't allow it." his grandmother said.

"Grandmother I can't stand living with her anymore!" Woo bin said. "Why?! Because she didn't accept your love?" said his grandmother. "Mother." his mother called out to his grandmother. "Don't try stopping me Dara. Your son needs to know that marriage is not something you could play around with!" his grandmother yelled out.

Looking back at Woo bin she got up from her chair, "So what?! You don't want to be with her because of that small incident with her last night?" his grandmother said. "Where did you get that idea from?" Woo bin said. "Don't kid with me. I heard everything you said to Hee Jin last night. I won't approve you two getting divorce. I did not work so hard for you two to get marry and end up divorcing after two months. No!" yelled out his grandmother. "Why can't you see that we aren't compatible for each other?! She's no different from me too grandmother." Woo bin spoke back. "Fine! If you want it like that then let you two divorce, but you'll still have to pay the debt you owe me." his grandmother said. "Fine." Woo bin said walking off. "But just remember once you walk out of that door you are no longer my grandchild." his grandmother said to him. "Mother?! Why do you have to take it that far?" his mother said. "He needs to learn a lesson. Let's see how long you'll survive without me." his grandmother said to him. No answering her he walked off feeling frusrated and upset.

Driving off Woo bin head back to Jong Suk's place. Banging on the door like crazy Jong Suk answer the door. "Sheesh could you be more nice to this door it never did anything to you." Jong Suk said. Walking Woo bin went to the frigde to see if there were still some left over beers. Luckily there were still some so Woo bin opened a can for him and chugged the beer. "Whoa! Drink slower! What's wrong?" Jong Suk asked. Stopping himself from drinking more Woo bin set the can on the counter. "I can divorce her, but I still have to pay back my grandmother." Woo bin said. "Well aren't you happy?" Jong suk asked. "No! I'm no longer her grandchild so that means I'm on my own." Woo bin said.

"Meaning you are no longer part of the Kim family?" Jong Suk questioned. "Yes." Woo bin said. "Don't worry I'll help you pay." Jong Suk said smiling at him. "Do you think it's going to be that easy?" Woo bin said glaring at him. "Well I didn't say it was going to be easy I said I'll help." Jong Suk said laughing. Laughing with him Woo bin thanked him. "Thanks. I know I can alway count on you."

Hanging out with Jong Suk all day Jong Suk noticed how late it was getting. "Hey aren't you going to go back to Hee Jin. Isn't she home alone?" Jong Suk asked. "Oh that's right. Enjoying myself too much I lost track of time. Well I'll be heading home then." Woo bin said getting up. "Okay." Jong suk said walking him out to his car. "Drive safely." Jong Suk said. "Thanks." Woo bin said.

Driving back home Woo bin was a bit excited to tell Hee Jin the news. As he got to the apartment he noticed the lights were still on. Walking into the house he saw Hee Jin asleep on the couch. Walking up to her he sat down on  the floor staring at her sleeping face. Smiling to himself he brushed away the piece of hair on her face. "I told you not to wait for me. Why do you still do it? Makes me not want to leave you even more." Woo bin said quietly to himself.

Woo bin carried her to her room and placed her on her bed. Fixing the blanket for her he couldn't help it, but lightly kiss her forehead.

Next morning Hee Jin woke up to hearing noises in the kitchen. Walking out of her room Hee Jin went to go check it out. Surprised by who it was Hee Jin just sat herself at the table. Looking at all the food on the table. Finally noticing her Woo bin stopped hwat he was doing. "Oh. Morning. I...Well... Umm... I didn't know what you like so I just made whatever was in the fridge." Woo bin said feeling embarassed. Looking at what Woo bin was wearing Hee Jin bursted out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Woo bin asked. "What are you wearing?" Hee Jin said. Looking at him he forgot that he had the pink ruffle apron on. Taking it off quickly Woo bin threw it onto the counter. "Stop laughing it's not funny." Woo bin said turning red.

"Okay. Okay. Come sit down and eat." Hee Jin said. Walking to the table Woo bin sat down. Enjoying her meal

Hee Jin made so many noises while eating each food on the table. "Why are you making so many noises?" Woo bin asked. "Because it's good. I never knew that you could cook. Wah! I give you a hundered percent. You should start being my chef now." Hee Jin said smiling at him. Wishing this happy moment would never end Woo bin hadto bring out the news. "Yeah I like that, but I talked it out with grandmother and she said that we can get a divorce." Woo bin said. The happy feelings went away and slience came into the room. "Oh. I see. Well when did you want to get the paper works done?" Hee Jin asked. "Tomorrow?" Woo bin said. "That's fine." Hee

Jin said taking a bite of rice.

After that small talk Woo bin didn't know what to do so he decided to go out. "Well I'm going out to Jong Suk's plac. I might be late so don't stay up waiting." Woo bin said walking out. "Alright. Bye." Hee Jin said watching TV. Heading to Jong Suk's place Woo bin couldn't help, but think of Hee Jin's laugh. Arriving at Jong Suk's place Woo bin knocked on the door. Opening the door Jong Suk wasn't surprise to see him.

"What's with the ugly face?" Woo bin asked. "You're alway coming over here now. Why is that? Did something happen?" Jong Suk asked. "No. Just want to tell you that I'll be going to court tomorrow with Hee Jin to get a divorce." Woo bin said. Sighing Jong Suk just sat back and said, "You sure about this man? You sure you won't regret letting her go? I mean she did change your heart a little didn't she?" Jong Suk asked. "She did, but it's for the best. I don't want to hold onto her if she doesn't want to stay. Maybe we were meant to love each other." Woo bin said. "Alright man don't regret it." Jong Suk said. "I won't. I still have Sohyun in my heart. Hee Jin she hasn't fully recovered this whole in my chest." Woo bin said looking up at the wall.

"What are you going todo after you two divorce?" Jong Suk asked. "I'm going to go look for Sohyun." Woo bin said. "Her again? I thought you're going to let her go?" Jong Suk said. "Yeah, but somehow I just can't let her go." Woo bin said. "Well. I don't know what to say to you." Jong Suk said.

Kim House

"Oh Hee Jin-ah. What are you doing here?" said her mother-in-law. "I just came by to drop these fruits and sweets here for grandmother and you." Hee Jin said. "Oh you didn't have to, but thank you. And grandmother was expecting you." said Dara. "Oh. Where is she?" Hee Jin asked. "She's in her office." Dara said. "Okay. Thank you." Hee Jin said walking to grandmother's office. Knocking on the door Hee Jin walked in. "Grandmother?" Hee Jin said. "Oh. Hee Jin. Come in." grandmother Won Suk said. "Is there anything you need?" Hee Jin asked. "I want to talk about the matter Woo bin brought up yesterday. Are you sure about this?" Grandmother Won Suk asked. "I don't know what to say grandmother. I'm not going to lie to you, but I did have someone who I love just like Woo bin, but I wasn't the one who brought up the that matter." Hee Jin said. "I know sweetie. Woo bin can be stubborn and harsh at time, but I want you to know that I chose you to be my grandson's wife because you have a good heart, but if you aren't happy marrying him thenI'll let you go. You may come and visit me anytime." grandmother Won Suk said. "Thank you grandmother. I'll come visit often then." Hee Jin said hugging her.

After their conversation grandmother and Dara send Hee Jin off. "Mother you sure about this?" Dara asked. "I'm sure Woo bin will take her back. Let's just see how he's going to do things on his own." grandmother Won Suk said.

Woo bin still wasn't home yet so Hee Jin ate alone and went to bed. Woo bin didn't get him until midnight. Noticing that Hee Jin isn't on the couch waiting for him he went to the kitchen to get a glassof water. Walking into the kitchen he saw that there were still some left over food on the table. Lifting up the covers he sat down and ate the food.

Next morning Woo bin and Hee Jin got out of their roomat the same time. Looking up they both looked at each other. "Oh. You're up already?" Hee Jin asked. "Uh. Yeah. Ready to go?" Woo bin said. "Yeah. Let's go." Hee Jin said. Walking out to the car Woo bin open the door for her. Seating herself in the car Woo bin drove off.

Arriving at the place they both enter the building. After an hour of discussion and signing paper the man said to them, "Well everything is finally complete. You two are strangers to each other now. I hope you two are happy with your choice." "Thank you." Hee Jin said. Getting up from her seat she looked over at Woo bin, "I'll take a cab back home first. Take care." Hee Jin said. Done with all the paper works Hee Jin walked out of the room first. Woo bin still in the room looked through the window watching her walking away.

Walking out... to go back home Hee Jin called out for a cab.

"Hee Jin!" A man yelled out. Before she could go into the can she looked to see who called her. As she looked around a familiar man came walking up to her. Closing the door of the can she walked up to him. Smiling like crazy the man hugged her so tight.

"Oh. Your ex-wife left her copy of the paper. Could you please take it to her?" The man said. "Sure." Woo bin said grabbing the paper. He walked out of the room and went after Hee Jin. As he walked out of the building he saw her, but she wasn't by herself. He saw a man hugging her so Woo bin ran up to them and pulled the man away. "Hee Jin. Who is this man?" Woo bin asked.

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)