I Love You

Love in Despair

A/N: Sorry guys. Had my laptop fixed so I wasn't able to type any chapters yet, but I'm back. Hope you enjoy this chapter! (:


After a week of that incident everything went back to normal. "Ah! Hee Jin! Grandmother said she's coming over to visit us later at 2. So help clean the house please." Woo bin said. "Me? Clean the house? What are you supposed to do?" Hee Jin asked. "Watch TV." Woo bin said laughing. "Wait? Grandmother is coming over at 2 what time is it?!" Hee Jin asked. "It's 1:30." Woo bin replied. That means I have only thirty minutes to put all my stuff in your room!" Hee Jin yelled out panicking. "What?!" Woo bin yelled out helping her move all her belongings to his room. "Woo bin you idiot why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Hee Jin scold Woo bin. "Well how was I supposed to know when you're up? You're always locking your door." Woo bin said. "Just shut up and hurry with all my stuff." Hee Jin said rushing back and forth putting all her belongings into his room. Running around too much Woo bin and Hee Jin bumped into each other.

Falling onto the floor Woo bin was on top of Hee Jin. Not noticing that his grandmother was at the door she yelled out to them, "Woo bin?! What are you doing to Hee Jin?!" Both looking at her shockingly; Woo bin got up from her. "Grandmother. You're here. Wait? How did you get in?" Woo bin asked. "I asked Hee Jin to give me a copy to the key." his grandmother replied. "Oh. Well we were just doing some house chores together. Right Hee Jin?" Woo bin said smiling at her. "Ah, yes. We were just cleaning the guest room. Please have a seat grandmother." Hee Jin said. "I see. Woo bin I would like to have a word with you." his grandmother said sitting down. Hee Jin went into the kitchen to grab her a glass of water.

"So what is it you want to talk about?" Woo bin asked. "I came over to check up on you two and inviting you two to a party." his grandmother said. "What is it about?" Woo bin asked. "Don't worry about it just bring Hee Jin along. Address is here on the invitation." his grandmother said handing him the invitation. "Well that's all for today. See you two tonight then." his grandmother said getting up. Seeing her off to the car Woo bin and Hee Jin went back inside the apartment. "Whew! That was a close one. Well I'll go put all my stuff back into my room." Hee Jin said. Grabbing hold of her wrist Woo bin stopped her. "Wait. Just leave your clothes in my room and the rest can be in your room." Woo bin said. "I guess." Hee Jin said pulling away from him.

“Hee Jin you ready yet?!” Woo bin yelled out to her. “Yeah.” Hee Jin replied walking out of her room. Getting up from the couch Woo bin saw how beautiful Hee Jin was. “Wow. You look very beautiful.” Woo bin said. Blushing a little Hee Jin said, “Thank you.” Walking out to the car Woo bin drove off to the party.

Arriving at the party Woo bin walked out of the car to open the door for Hee Jin. Cameras were flashing all over the place and people were crowding them. “Woo bin-shi! Is that your wife?!” yelled out a man. Not answering Woo bin and Hee Jin finally made it into the party. Walking in all eyes was on them. Feeling more nervous Hee Jin face became all red. “Don’t worry I’m here by your side.” Woo bin whispered to her. Stick out his arm for her Hee Jin held onto it. Smiling like a happy couple Woo bin walked them to his grandmother’s table.

“Oh Woo bin, Hee Jin. You guys made it.” His grandmother said smiling to them. Pulling the chair out for Hee Jin, Woo bin sat next to his grandmother. “What’s this party for?” Woo bin asked. “Don’t worry so much about it.” His grandmother said patting his hand. “Why is that?” Woo bin questioned. Not answering him back Woo bin look across to Hee Jin. Looking away Hee Jin took a sip of her water. After a while of chatting and enjoying their time a man stood up on the stage. “Now I would like to announce our head chairwoman. Park Won Suk!” the man yelled out.

All hands clapping for her Woo bin’s grandmother stood up and walked up to the stage. Standing there she spoke up, “Uh. I would like to thank Mr. Jung for his hard work for this lovely party tonight, but the reason why I held this party is because I have an announcement to make. I would like to announce that my second eldest grandson will be taking over my company and I threw this big party to congratulate him. Please welcome Kim Soo-hyun.” Announcing him, Soo-hyun walked up to the stage. Giving him a hug; Woo bin looked upset about the situation. Hee Jin saw the look on his face, but didn’t bother to say anything.

After all the speech and congrats everyone was just standing and chatting with one another. Standing with Hee Jin; Woo bin was drinking like crazy. Drinking another glass of wine; Soo-hyun walked up to them. “Oh Woo bin nice to see you here and this must be your lovely wife?” Soo-hyun said. “Yeah. Congrats brother.” Woo bin said shaking his hand. “Thank you.” Soo-hyun said. “No problem.” Woo bin said raising his glass up. “Well I’ll leave you two alone. I have other guest to accompany.” Soo-hyun said walking off.

“I’ll be back.” Woo bin said walking out of the room. Leaving Hee Jin alone Woo bin went to the restroom. Rushing into the restroom Woo bin washed his face to waken him up. Looking at himself in the mirror Woo bin smirked and said to himself, “What a fool. Did you really think you would have gotten that spot?”

Walking back to Hee Jin a man was next to her chatting with her. Smiling like crazy and chatting friendly with the man Woo bin saw how close they were. Anger by that Woo bin walked up to the man and grabbed him by the collar. Punching him across the face; Hee Jin yelled out to him. “Woo bin!” Creating a commotion Hee Jin dragged him outside. Feeling upset with everything Woo bin stopped her and pinned her up against the wall. “Who do you think you are?!” Woo bin yelled out to her. Not answering him Hee Jin just looked him in the eyes feeling scared. “You think you can just go ahead and come into my life and mess it up for me and make me think about these crazy things about you?! Why is it that I’m the only one who feels like this?! Having all these… These… These crazy feelings…” Woo bin said letting go of her.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Hee Jin replied. “Of course you wouldn’t! You don’t even understand how I feel about you! Why is it that I’m falling deeply in love with you?! I love you!” Woo bin yelled out to her. Not knowing what to say Hee Jin looked away from Woo bin. “Answer me?! What is it that makes you don’t even want to try and open up to me?!” Woo bin yelled out. “I’m just…I can’t.  Not with you. I can’t let go of my old lover okay? He’s still waiting for me. I didn’t say no to this marriage because I didn’t want to disappoint my parents. Please understand me.” Hee Jin explained. “I see… I understand. Go back home with grandmother I’m going for a drive.” Woo bin said walking away. Holding onto his hands Hee Jin said to him, “You’re still drunk.” Flinging her hand away he walked off.

Driving pass the speed limit Woo bin arrived at Jong Suk’s place. Banging onto the door loudly Jong Suk opened up the door. “Why do you always…” Looking at how badly Woo bin looked Jong Suk stopped what he was saying and carried him inside the house. “Jong Suk. What do you think of me?” Woo bin asked. “You’re my best friend what else?” Jong Suk replied back. Laying him onto the couch Jong Suk went to go grab him a cup of water. Sitting up; Woo bin drunk the water. “What happened man?” Jong Suk asked. “I told Hee Jin that I love her, but she ended up breaking my heart. She told me that she’s still holding onto her love she has with her old lover. Isn’t that funny? She broke a player like me into pieces.” Woo bin said laughing it out. “Man you’re really drunk. How were you able to drive here any ways.” Jong suk asked. “I don’t know, but I miss Sohyun really badly. Please take me to go see her.” Woo bin cried out. “Calm down first you need to sober up.” Jong Suk said. Not caring about a word he is saying Woo bin started talking crazy.

“Sohyun-ah! Can you hear me?! Why didn’t you just show yourself at my wedding? I would have been happy to have seen you again. Why didn’t you come up to me and congrats me to my new life with my wife? Does it hurt you that much to not show your face to me? Where did I go wrong?” Woo bin said crying to himself. Jong Suk was shocked about him crying. Not knowing what to do Jong Suk left Woo bin alone and cried everything out. After an hour of crying to himself Woo bin passed out on the couch. Knock at the door Jong Suk went to open the door. “Oh, Hee Jin. What is it?” Jong Suk asked. “Is Woo bin here?” Hee Jin asked. “Yeah he’s passed out on the couch. What’s wrong?” Jong Suk replied. “Nothing, but could you help me take him to my car.” Hee Jin asked. “Sure.” Jong Suk answered. Carrying Woo bin to the car Hee Jin thanked Jong Suk. “Thank you for your help.” “No problem.” Jong Suk said. “I’ll come pick up his car tomorrow.” Hee Jin said going into her car.

Arriving to their apartment Hee Jin carried him to his room. Throwing him onto the bed Hee Jin took off his shoes. Fixing him nicely on the bed she pulled up the blanket to him. Before leaving Woo bin held onto her wrist, “Sohyun-ah. I’m sorry.” Woo bin said. Letting go of her wrist Hee Jin walked to her room.

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)