Living Together

Love in Despair

Moving everything into their apartment Hee Jin sat down and rest for a bit. "What do you think you are doing?" Woo bin said. "I'm resting that's what I'm doing. I'm out of energy." Hee Jin replied back. "Fine if you rest then I'll rest to." Woo bin said sitting down next to her. Sitting down in dead silence all they could hear from each other is their breathing. "So...Since we're not in the same house as grandmother then we should sleep separately from each other." Woo bin said to break the silence. "Doesn't matter I was about to discuss that matter with you, but since you brought it up then let's deal with it now." Hee Jin said. Feeling irritated Woo bin mutter some words under his breath. "Fine. I get the master bedroom, you get the guest room." Woo bin said. "What? Not fair I'm the girl. I should get the master bedroom." Hee Jin argued. "Hello, did you forget who bought this house?" Woo bin said pointing at him. "Fine. Take it as long as I have roof over my head I'll survive." Hee Jin said getting up to finish putting everything in the apartment.

After a whole day unloading things into the house Hee Jin began to unpack her belongings into her room. "Hee Jin. Have you seen my box full of magazines?" Woo bin asked. "No. Try looking out in the living room." Hee Jin said. Walking out of her room Woo bin walked into the living room to find his box until he knocked down a small box. "What the heck?" Woo bin said. Looking down at all the stuff he knocked down, he picked them up. Picking up all the papers a hard cover book fell out of the pile. Picking it up it said I Belong to: Hee Jin. Opening the book it was full of writing. "Is this a dairy or something?" Woo bin said to himself. Looking through it more he stumble across his name.

December 13, 2013

Dear Dairy,

Today was my wedding day. Woo bin seemed a little bit off today at the wedding. He looked as if he was looking for someone. It was probably his ex-lover. Today's wedding we a success like grandmother said. She's a very nice woman once you get to know her more, but Woo bin has a temper he needs to work on. Although I hate the fact that I have to marry this stranger he seems like a nice person, but I would never get myself close to this man. I hate the fact that I'll have to live with him and who knows what he'll do to me. I hope that after a year or two he'll divorce me. I feel like I'm suffocated in this marriage life. I hope everything will turn out right.


Hee Jin

After reading that Hee Jin came by and grabbed her dairy, "Why did you go through this?!" Hee Jin yelled out. "I'm sorry. I knocked it down so I picked it up." Wo bin said. "Well that doesn't give you the right to read through my personal things." Hee Jin said walking off into her room. Slamming the door Woo bin sat himself on the couch. "Man, those words were so harsh. Does she really mean it?" Woo bin said to himself.

A week later they finally settle down in the apartment. Everything was like the usual thing they do every day. Woo bin going out and partying and Hee Jin locking herself in her room.

"Ah!" Hee Jin heard a girl screaming. "Ah! Woo bin-shi! Stop it! That tickles." The girl screamed out. Giggling and laughing Woo bin took her to his room. Walking out from her room, Hee Jin went to go see who the girl was. Couldn't get a clear look at her she walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Walking into the kitchen too the girl Woo bin brought over saw Hee Jin. "Oppa! Who is this girl here?!" the girl yelled out to Woo bin. Walking into the kitchen Woo bin saw Hee Jin standing there drinking her water. "Don't worry I'm only his sister. Go and do what you guys are going to do I'm heading to bed." Hee Jin spoke out. Walking back to her room the girl giggled and said, "Oppa! Let's go and have some fun now." Dragging him back to his room Woo bin stared at Hee Jin's door.

The giggles died down and all Hee Jin could hear was the girl's groaning voice begging for more. out of pleasure, the girl's voice grew louder and louder; Hee Jin plugged in her earphones in her ears and listened to her music until she fell asleep.

The sound of the girl's voice died down. Woo bin got out of bed and went to Hee Jin's room to check up on her, but unfortunately she locked her door. Woo bin wiggle the door around making noises Hee Jin heard him wriggling the door. Ignoring him trying to open the door Hee Jin went back to bed.

Waking up early Hee Jin went into the kitchen and made some breakfast. Finally waking up Woo bin walked into the kitchen. "What did you make?" Woo bin asked. "Eggs, sausage and pancakes." Hee Jin replied. Woo bin looked at her as she was drinking her orange juice. Noticing him staring at her she set down her cup on the counter. "What is it?" Hee Jin asked. "Last night. I tried coming into your room. Did you not hear me knocking?" Woo bin asked. "No. I fell asleep." Hee Jin said walking to the table. "Well don't tell grandmother about the girls I bring over." Woo bin said. "I don't care who you bring over as long as you aren't in my room everything is fine." Hee Jin said eating her eggs.

Walking back to his room Woo bin got dress to go out.

Heading over to Jong Suk's house Hee Jin was left alone in the apartment. Ringing the doorbell Jong Suk opened the door. "Hey." Woo bin said walking in. "What are you doing here?" Jong Suk asked. "I can't stand being in that apartment with her anymore. It's only a week and it feels like years." Woo bin said sitting down. "Well she's your wife. Go back to her. You never know what could happen to her when she's home alone." Jong Suk said. "She doesn't even care if I'm around. It's like I don't exists at all. And she even locks her bed room door. I tried getting into her room last night, but it was locked." Woo bin said. "Sounds like someone didn't want to end up like all those other girls." Jong suk said joking with him. "Shut up." Woo bin said. "Why are you upset about her locking the door? I mean you don't even see her like that so nothing wrong if she does that." Jong Suk said laughing at Woo bin. "Not funny. Well I'm going to spend the night over here then." Woo bin said getting up from the couch. "Wait?! What?!" Jong Suk said. "I said I'm coming here to spend the night. I'm going back to grab my stuff and I'll be back." Woo bin said.

"You're going to leave her there alone?" Jong Suk said. "Yeah. Something wrong?" Woo bin said. "Of course. She'll be home along in the dark. Bring her over too if you feel uncomfortable being alone together." Jong Suk said. "No man. I'll just tell her to go to my grandmother's place." Woo bin said. "And what is she suppose to tell your grandmother?" Jong Suk said. "I don't know, but I'll figure it out somehow." Woo bin said. "No you won't. Just go back to her and keep watch on her. She might not talk to you now, but she might later in the future." Jong Suk said. "Fine. I'll go back then. I'll come back tomorrow." Woo bin said. "Don't bother because I'll be gone for a two week vacation." Jong Suk said smiling at him. "What?! Without me?!" Woo bin yelled out. "Hey you were busy with your apartment. I didn't want to bother you." Jong Suk said. "Whatever. See you then." Wo bin said walking out.

Heading back to the apartment Woo bin walked in and called out her name. "Hee Jin-ah." noticing that she fell asleep on the floor Woo bin carried her to her room. Laying her onto her bed he realized how beautiful she is when she sleeps. Not noticing himself smiling big Hee Jin woke. Removing his smile Woo bin got up. "Oh, you're back." Hee Jin said sitting up. "Yeah." Woo bin said. "What do you want for dinner." Hee Jin asked. "Doesn't matter just cook whatever." Woo bin said walking out. Walking out after him Hee Jin yelled out his name, "Woo bin!" "Yeah?" He answered. "Grandmother called earlier. She told me for you to go see her today." Hee Jin said. "Okay." Woo bin said walking to his room.

Changing into better clothing Woo bin walked out of his room, "I'll be back after I visit grandmother." Woo bin said walking out.

Arriving at his grandmother's house he rang the doorbell. "Oh master Woo bin. Come in." said one of the maid. Walking in he went to his grandmother's room.

"What?! You want me to pay you back?!" Woo bin yelled out. "Yes. You owe me money since I spent so much on your wedding." his grandmother said. "You're the one who insisted on having a big wedding why do I have to pay you back for what you did freely?" Woo bin said. "Either you pay me back little by little or support your wife and yourself without any help from me!" his grandmother yelled out. Thinking about the situation for a while Woo bin gave up. "Fine I'll pay you back, but after I'm done paying you back you must let me divorce Hee Jin." Woo bin said. Angry at what he said his grandmother slapped him across the face. "I chose the right girl for you. Don't take this marriage as if it's a game. You'll never know who will stay with you in the end. Hee Jin is a perfect match for you." his grandmother responded angerily. Getting up from her seat she walked to the window. "Enough about this talk. Our discussion for today is done. You may leave." his grandmother said.

Upset about the issue that has nothing to do with him Woo bin went out drinking again. Getting drunk as usual he got back to the apartment late. Bringing home another girl Woo bin opened the door. Hee Jin heard him opening the door, but didn't bother to go out and help him. "Oh, oppa! You're so heavy." said a girl. "Sorry. Let's head to my bedroom." Woo bin said walking to his room. Peeking through her door she saw that Woo bin brought over the same girl as the other day. Closing her door she leaned against it. "Ugh. This is the fifth time you have been doing this." Hee Jin said to herself.

Entering his room Woo bin took off his tie and shirt. Throwing them onto the ground the girl grabbed hold of Woo bin's waist and kissed him. Kissing her back Woo bin pushed her up against the wall. Making out with her ravishly he ripped her shirt. Seeing only her pink and black bra he made his way down to her neck. Sliding his hand down against her legs he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist he laid her down onto the bed. Slipping her skirt off Woo bin was more determined to have her.

Making all the rowdy noises Hee Jin went out for a walk. After a few hours of walking Hee Jin went back to the apartment. Closing the door quietly Hee Jin slipped off her shoes. Walking into the living room Woo bin grabbed hold of her. About to let out a scream Woo bin covered . "Who are you?!" Woo bin said. "It's me. Hee Jin." Hee Jin said shaking. Standing still close to each other the girl Woo bin brought over the lights. "Oh. Oppa! Who's that?!" She yelled out. Seeing how close they were Woo bin let go of Hee Jin. "Sorry. My brother mistook me as a burglar. Don't misunderstand. If you'll excuse me I'll be heading to bed." Hee Jin said walking to her bedroom.

"Oppa. Let’s go back and play again." the girl said. Ignoring her Woo bin walked off to his room. "Oppa?! Oppa!" the girl yelled out.

Locking her door; Hee Jin laid herself on her bed. Feeling her heart pounding really fast she tried to calm herself down with some music. After a while of listening to her music Hee Jin fell asleep.

Woo bin tried going to bed, but he couldn't. Staring up at the dark ceiling images of him being so close to Hee Jin came back to his thoughts. Trying not to think about it, he kept tossing and turning around. Getting out of bed to get a glass of water Woo bin headed towards the kitchen. Turning on the lights he saw that there were some foods on the table. Lifting up the covers he saw that the food were delicious looking. Grabbing his water he sat down and ate the cold food.

Two weeks gone by and everything around the apartment started to feel less awkward. Hee Jin began to open up a little to Woo bin and so does Woo bin. "So what did you want to do for tonight?" Woo bin asked. "I'm not sure, but whatever is fine with me." Hee Jin said. "Don't you ever go out?" Woo bin asked. "No. I stay home often and read novels by my famous writer." Hee Jin said. "Oh. I see. How about we go out right now?" Woo bin said grabbing hold of her hands. Dragging her out to the car Hee Jin stopped him. "Wait! Where are we going? And it's already late!" Hee Jin said. "Don't worry about it. You'll know once we get there." Woo bin said smiling at her. Going into the car Woo bin drove off.

Arriving to the area Hee Jin stepped out of the car. "Is this the beach?" Hee Jin asked. "Yeah. I use to come here a lot when I was younger, but now I don't anymore." Woo bin said feeling down. Not knowing what to do Hee Jin poked Woo bin and said, "You're it!" Running away from him Woo bin's frown face began to smile. Running after her Woo bin let a big scream. "AHH! I'm going to get you!" Screaming and laughing Hee Jin ran as fast as she could, but she was too slow for him. Grabbing her by the waist he swung her around. After all the fun of running around Hee Jin laid down on the cool, flat surface of the sand. Standing up Woo bin sat himself down next to her.

Staring at the beautiful sky Hee Jin let out a small scream "AHHH! This feels great!" Laughing at her Woo bin stared up at the beautiful sky too. "First time ever going out this late?" Woo bin asked. "Yeah. Never knew how fun this could be." Hee Jin said smiling. "Well there are still lots for you to do." Woo bin said. "Yeah." Hee Jin responded closing her eyes. Moments of silence Woo bin gazed at Hee Jin. In her own world Woo bin suddenly leaned over and gave her a kiss. Eyes open widely she pushed him off of her and slapped him across the face.

Running back to the car Woo bin ran after her. "Hee Jin-ah!" Yelling out to her she ignores his call. Waiting for him at the car Woo bin walked up to her. "Hee Jin. I'm...I'm sorry." apologizing to her Hee Jin looked away and said, "Let's go home. I'm getting tired now." Opening the car door Hee Jin sat in the car.

On their way back home it was dead silence. Hee Jin didn't stare at Woo bin and Woo bin didn't stare at Hee Jin. Arriving back to the apartment Hee Jin ran into the house. Slowly going after her Woo bin stopped for a moment. "What are you doing?" Woo bin said to himself. 

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)