I Missed You Too

Love in Despair

Knocking on the door Woo bin got up to see who it was. Opening the door it was Jong Ki who was standing outside of his apartment. Surprised by his visit Woo bin just stood there for a moment. “Oh, sorry. I wasn’t expecting visitors today, but please come in.” Woo bin said letting him in. Seating himself on the couch, Woo bin gave him a glass of water. “So what are you here for?” Woo bin asked. “Nothing in particular. Just want to get some business done with you.” Jong Ki said smiling at him. “Business?” Woo bin questioned. Pulling out a small envelope Jong Ki slid it towards Woo bin. Opening the envelope it was full of cash. “What is this for?” Woo bin asked. “I didn’t want to be putting myself in other people’s business, but I heard that you owe a big debt to your grandmother in order to divorce Hee Jin.” Jong Ki said with a serious voice.


“I’m sorry, but I don’t need your help with this and besides it’s my problem. I can solve it myself.” Woo bin said handing him back the money. Smirking at him Jong Ki got up and said, “Well suit yourself then. But remember; you and Hee Jin are over don’t go bothering her again.” Walking off Woo bin closed the door and went back to the couch thinking to himself.


Heading back to the office Jong Ki’s secretary walked up to him and said, “Miss. Hee Jin is in your office waiting for you.” “Okay. When is my meeting?” Jong Ki asked. “In thirty minutes sir.” Said his secretary. “Okay. Thanks.” Jong Ki said handing him some files to take. Walking into his office Hee Jin got up, “Oppa. I have something to talk to you about.” Hee Jin said. “okay. Sit down.” Jong Ki said. Unexpectedly Woo bin walked into the office unannounced and said, “I’ll take the money!” After speaking up he saw Hee Jin was there too. “I see that I have come at a wrong time. I apologized. We’ll talk later then?” Woo bin said walking out of his office.


Looking back at Jong Ki; Hee Jin gave him a serious look. “What was he talking about?” Hee Jin asked. “It’s nothing. It’s just business between us.” Jong Ki said smiling at her. “I guess well then I have nothing to say then. I’ll take my leave.” Hee Jin said getting up. “Whoa. I thought you had something to say.” Jong Ki asked. “Not anymore.” Hee Jin said walking out.


Waiting down in the lobby of the company Woo bin saw Hee Jin walking out. Running after her he pulled her back to him. “What the?” Hee Jin said. “Hello.” Woo bin said smiling at her. “What do you want?” Hee Jin asked. “Nothing. What were you doing here today?” Woo bin asked. “I should be asking you that? What were you going to say to Jong Ki oppa?” Hee Jin asked. “Nothing he just offered me money to help pay off my debt to grandmother.” Woo bin said. “Why?” Hee Jin asked. “Well sometimes you are in need of money that you would just take the opportunity to take the money when you can. And besides after I pay back grandmother the money back you are totally free. You were part of this money debt too.” Woo bin said. “What are you talking about?” Hee Jin asked. “I don’t know how your boyfriend found out about the debt, but he’s lending me his money to free you. What a loving boyfriend.” Woo bin said walking away. “Wait we’re not done talking!” Hee Jin yelled out. “Bye Hee Jin. I’ll see you around.” Woo bin said waving to her.


Storming into the meeting Hee Jin looked very angry. Shocked about her barging in Jong Ki stopped the meeting, “I’m sorry for this, but let’s reschedule the meeting.” Walking up to Hee Jin he walked her up to his office. “What’s wrong?” Jong Ki asked. Not saying anything Hee Jin slapped him across the face. Shocked about her action he looked at her not saying anything. “How could you? Lending Woo bin a huge amount of money to pay of the debt he owed to his grandmother? And not even that you made me look like a shameless woman having her boyfriend doing the job for her. How could you do that?” Hee Jin said as tears fall down her eyes. “I thought you would be happy if I helped. What is wrong helping you out?” Jong Ki said. “I really don’t know what to say to you anymore. I’m sorry oppa, but let’s just end this.” Hee Jin said walking out of the office.


Heading out of the building Woo bin was in his car waiting for Hee Jin to come out. Watching her go into a taxi he followed her back to her apartment. Stopping the car Woo bin looked around the area. It was a nice neighborhood and the place looked very expensive. Walking out he walked up to Hee Jin. “What are you doing here?” Hee Jin asked. “Well I just came to check out your new place.” Woo bin said. “I’m moving out so no need to look around.” Hee Jin said walking away from him. Surprised about it Woo bin smiled and ran after Hee Jin. “So what happen to you and your boyfriend?” Woo bin asked. “Nothing that concerns you. What is that you really want?” Hee Jin asked. “I already told and besides you are my ex-wife I just came to check up on you.” Woo bin said smiling at her. “No need to as you can see I’m doing fine on my own.” Hee Jin said walking up the stairs.


 “Why are you walking up on the stairs there’s an elevator.” Woo bin asked feeling all tired out. “So that you won’t be able to catch up with me. Have a good day Woo bin. “Hee Jin said walking up faster. “Oh. I see. Don’t worry I’m not going to let you slip away from me this time.” Woo bin said running up the stairs to catch up to her. Finally stopping Hee Jin walked into her apartment already. Locking the door Woo bin knocked loudly. “Hee Jin! Open up! I said open up!” Woo bin yelled out. Ignoring him Hee Jin went into her room and packed whatever she had in the apartment. After hours of not hearing Woo bin’s voice Hee Jin went to go check if he left yet.


Opening her door slowly she looked around the area and didn’t see him. About to close the door a hand stopped her from doing so. “Woo bin? What are you still doing here?” Hee Jin asked. “I told you I’m not going to let you slip out of my hands again. Now are you going to be nice and let me in or did you want me to force you to open this door?” Woo bin said smiling at her. Backing away from the door; she let Woo bin in. “Oh. What a nice place. Kind of reminds me of our apartment.” Woo bin said smiling. Then noticing what he said he stopped smiling. “Sorry.” Woo bin said. “It’s okay. Have you eaten yet?” Hee Jin asked. “No. I was about to go find something to eat until you popped open your door.” Woo bin said sitting down at the table. “Well I don’t have much in the fridge, but I’ll cook whatever I have.” Hee Jin said. “Doesn’t matter you’re cooking skills is good.” Woo bin responded.


Watching her cooking Woo bin couldn’t help, but smile at her. “What? Is there something on my face?” Hee Jin asked. “Yes. Let me help take it off.” Woo bin said brushing off the flour on her cheek. Feeling awkward for the moment Hee Jin went back to cooking. “You know what this reminds me?” Woo bin said. “What?” Hee Jin replied. “Of us when we still lived together. Me waking up to your cooking in the morning and watching you cook serving me breakfast every morning. I miss that.” Woo bin said. “I see.” Hee Jin said. Looking down at the table Woo bin spoke up, “I missed you too.” Hee Jin stopped what she was doing and looked over at Woo bin. “Woo…I’m sorry. I can’t be that woman you dream of. You’re free to go and find Sohyun. Why don’t you just go back to her?” Hee Jin said. “I did, but it turned out that she stabbed me twice in the back. I just can’t seem to forgive myself for hurting my best friend.” Woo bin said looking sad.


“Well if you two make up maybe all the bad things will go away from you.” Hee Jin said serving him the food. “Thanks.” Woo bin said eating the food.


“Thanks for dinner. I’m going now. Bye.” Woo bin said walking out of the door. Seeing Woo bin walking out of the door Jong Ki run up to him. “What’s going on here? Don’t tell me that you two are getting back together?” Jong Ki asked. “Oppa. It’s not what you think?” Hee Jin said. Looking over her shoulder he saw some of her bags packed in the living room. “Then what is that?” Jong Ki pointed out. “It’s nothing. Woo bin just go.” Hee Jin said. Walking off Jong Ki went inside the apartment and sat himself down. “What’s going on here? Why are you packing your things?” Jong Ki asked. “I found myself a condo near my parents. Don’t worry about me.” Hee Jin said getting up. Stopping her from walking away Jong Ki held onto her wrist. “Don’t tell me that you’ve really fallen for that guy?” Jong Ki said looking up to her.


“Even if I did it wouldn’t matter. I’m not the woman in his heart. Let’s not talk about this oppa.” Hee Jin said removing his hand from her wrist. Upset about the issue Jong Ki dragged her to the room and threw her onto the bed. “Oppa. What are you doing?” Hee Jin asked. “Not once I ever asked you to give me your body, but maybe this is the only way for me to get you back then.” Jong Ki said locking the door. Feeling scared Hee Jin try calling someone. Stopping her from doing so he held her tightly down on the bed. Nestled between her legs he began kissing her with force. Screaming out to no one Hee Jin stopped her screaming and began to tear up. Slowly bring his face to Hee Jin he saw how scared and hurt she was. Getting off of her Hee Jin just covered herself up with the blanket. “I’m sorry. Get some rest.” Jong Ki said walking out of the room. Left alone Hee Jin cried to herself.


Knocking on the door Jong Suk answers the door to see that it was Woo bin. Not saying a word; he let Woo bin in. “Jong Suk…” “It’s okay.” Jong Suk said cutting Woo bin off. “I should have listened to you. I’m sorry that I dragged you into this mess.” Woo bin said. “No it’s my fault for keeping it all a secret.” Jong Suk said. “What can I do to make it up to you?” Woo bin asked. “You can start by being my best friend again.” Jong Suk said sticking his hand out. Shaking hands Woo bin and Jong suk chat for hours.


“So you’re telling me that you went over to her apartment?” Jong Suk asked. “Yeah. I followed her there. I told her that I missed her, but she kept pushing me away.” Woo bin said. “Don’t worry man, maybe she had her reasons. Just patiently wait. I’m sure throughout all those times you two spent together she must have felt something.” Jong Suk said. “Yeah. Thanks man.” Woo bin said. Out of nowhere Woo bin gets a call. Looking at the caller ID it was Hee Jin. “Hello? Hee Jin? What’s wrong? What is it? Hold on. I’ll be there.” Woo bin said. Looking worried Woo bin got up. “Something’s wrong?” Jong Suk asked. “Hee Jin she was crying. I got to go I’ll catch up with you another time.” Woo bin said rushing out of the house.


Driving crazily on the street Woo bin rushed his way to Hee Jin’s apartment. Knocking on the door loudly Hee Jin opened up the door. Not saying a single word she threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. Not saying a word Woo bin hugged her tightly too.


“What’s wrong?” Woo bin asked. “I’m sorry for calling you to come here. I just didn’t know who to call.” Hee Jin said. “No it’s okay. Did Jong Ki do something to you.” Woo bin asked. “No it’s nothing.” Hee Jin said. “Don’t lie to me. Do you need me to force your mouth to open up?” Woo bin said. “Jong Ki and I got into an argument. He was upset about you being here so he took me to the room and tried to…” Not being able to finish the sentence Woo bin just placed his hands on top of hers.


After all the talk Hee Jin fell asleep. About to go Hee Jin’s hand held tightly onto Woo bin’s. “I’m sorry. I missed you too…Woo bin.” Hee Jin said in her sleep. Happy to hear her say that Woo bin stayed by her side all night.

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)