
Love in Despair

"Let's break up." Sohyun said. "What? Why?" Woo bin asked. "I can't stand being your girlfriend anymore. Being with you is hard. Let's just go our own separate ways." Sohyun said walking away. Before she could Woo bin grab hold onto her arm and pulled her in for a hug. "Why are doing this to me? I love you so much. Let's talk everything out. Just give me time. I know you're upset at me, but don't leave. I love you." Woo bin said hugging her so tightly. Pushing him off of her she didn't even say a word and walked off.

Woo bin just watched her walk away noticing her with another guy he ran after her. Grabbing hold onto her arm he spun her around. "Is this why you're leaving me?! For this jerk?!" Woo bin yelled out. The guy removed Woo bin's hand and swung at him. "Don't mess with her again." The guy said. Walking off Woo bin was so hurt. Walking like a drunk man he walked to his friend's house.

"Tell me Jong Suk. Did i do something wrong?" Woo bin asked. "Man, cheer up. She cheated on you." Jong Suk said patting his back. "I know, but I just can't help it. She was so precious to me. Now she walked out of my life. What am I suppose to do now?" Woo bin said. "Don't worry man. I'm sure you'll find yourself a better person than her. Stop being so gloomy and get back up. I hate seeing you like this." Jong Suk said. "Yeah. I guess you're right." Woo bin said.

3 Years Later

“What?!” Woo bin yelled out getting up from his chair. “What do you mean I’ll be having an arrange marriage?! I just graduated from high school don’t you think I’m still a little bit too young to be getting married already?” Woo bin said. “Now, now. Just follow what I say or don’t bother being a part of this family.” said his grandmother. “What?! You expect me to get married with this random girl that I don’t even know? And how could you just say that so easily. You’re kicking your own grandson out of the house if I don’t follow your orders?” Woo bin said sitting down.

“I can if I want to, besides I’m the one who owns this house and I am the one who practically raised you after your father passed away so don’t think that I’ll be going easy on you. You’re the last grandson I have to do this and I want to make this wedding big. So pipe down and just do as I tell you to do.” His grandmother said taking a sip of her tea. "Then give me some time to think about this." Woo bin said walking up to his room.

Throwing himself at his bed he looked at his phone. Someone texted him and it was from his girls that he talks to. Looking at the text he didn’t bother to reply back. Putting his phone aside he just laid in bed thinking of what to do. After a while of laying down he got up and walked out of his room. He decided to go over to his friend's house and talk it out with his friend.

Banging on the door his friend opened the door. "Oh, Woo bin? What are you doing here?" his friend asked. "Jong Suk-ah, I'm getting married soon. Help me." Woo bin said. "Man...I don't know what to say to you." Jong Suk said. "My grandmother arranged the marriage for me. She told me that if I don't get married with her then it's the end of me. I can't keep in contact with my family. I don't know what to do." Woo bin said. "If I were you I would leave, but then it's like your family you're leaving and if you stay and get married to a girl you're not even in love with, you'll be suffering either way. All I have to say to you is whatever choice you make I’m here for you. I'll help you with your problems when you need it." Jong Suk said. "Thanks man." Woo bin said.

Next morning Woo bin sat down with his grandmother and talked everything out. "Okay grandmother, I'll get marry as you told me." Woo bin said. "You made the right choice. You're my youngest grandson I want the best for you." His grandmother said giving him a hug. "Yeah. Thanks." Woo bin said hugging her back too. "We'll be having dinner with the Park family tonight so go buy yourself something nice to wear." His grandmother said walking off.

Heading out to the dinner late Woo bin arrived at the restaurant. Walking in his grandmother waved at him to go to the table. Walking to the table he saw the girl he was going to marry. Starring at her endlessly he bumped into a waiter. "I'm sorry." Woo bin said walking this seat.

"Here is my grandson Mrs. Park." his grandmother said happily. "Ah, what a lovely grandson you have. Very tall and handsome. Rright Hee Jin?" Mrs. Park said. "Huh? Ah, yeah." Hee Jin said. "So when do you think is a perfect date for them to get married?" Mrs. Park asked. "Oh, I was thinking the sooner the better." said his grandmother. Giggling with each other Woo bin couldn't help, but stare at his so call fiancé. With angry eyes of his Hee Jin didn't bother to look at him. "Honey, why don't you two try getting to know each other." said Mrs. Park. "Ah, yeah." Hee Jin said smiling lightly.

After dinner they walked to the front waiting for their car to be pulled up Woo bin Stood beside her and lean over, " So why are you agreeing with this marriage?" Woo bin asked. "As the youngest daughter I'm just doing this for my parents. It's not like i wanted to get married with you too." Hee Jin said. "Oh, so what you really are into is just getting the money. Is that your real reason to get marry with me?" Woo bin said in a harsh way. Looking away Hee Jin stepped on his foot hard and walked off. Scrunching down with pain Woo bin pointed his finger at her and said, "You!" Sticking her tongue out she walked into her car with her parents. Woo bin couldn't do anything so he walked to his car and drove off home


A/N: Sorry if chapter one is short, but did my best. hehe. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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deepsheart #1
Chapter 7: pls update sooooooon
deepsheart #2
Chapter 3: i really like your stry.. keep it up... :-):-):-):-)