The Talent and Friend?

Shield Your Heart

Gaeul's POV

     Ah. We finally made it home. Taemin was running away from his fan girls, but since they were all there. I just told him to go before me. I just walked slowly because I'm in no rush or anything. Taemin is probably already over there, so I don't have to worry about catching up. Yeah!!

     I wonder why Taemin was looking at me so strangely though. I probably did awful at the auditions. I still can't get over the fact that I made it to the Expert class. Hmmmm.

Taemin's POV

     MUST RUN!! These girls have been chasing me for over 10 blocks. I can't take anymore of this running seriously. Thank god! There are the dorms right now. I quickly ran through the gate and the security guards were right there. I was so happy, I think I would scream. I walked up to the dorm and opened the door.

     I stepped in and said "Hi guys." They all stopped what they were doing and said hi.

     Onew asked "Where is Gaeul?" Oh Gaeul! I hope she will get here safely and without the fan girls seeing her. "You didn't just leave her there did you?" said Key. "Well she told me to go because I was being chased be fan girls." I said. Key nodded skeptically.

     "Anyways. Did you guys know that Gaeul has another talent? Guess what also! She is in the same grade as I am," I said trying to get off of that topic. "Really? How can that be? I mean she is talented in almost everything. What could she possibly have something else she can do?" said Jonghyun. "You said she's in the same grade as you? That means she must have skipped about two grades and she is still top in her class. Its no joke. Gaeul is smart." said Onew. " Anyways back to the talent." Minho said. "Oh yeah. Turns out that Gaeul has musical talent too.  You guys have to see for yourselves. She even got into Expert Class with me!" I said. "Well we'll just sort it all out when she gets home" Onew said. With that we waited by the door.

Onew's POV

     I can't believe Gaeul has another talent within her. I can't wait to hear her.

Gaeul's POV

     I walked into the building quietly. I hope I am not seen. It would be a havoc! Whew! I just stepped in. It's a good thing the gaurds know me or I would have never gotten through. I punched in the code to the dorm and opened the door. I gasped in shock. The boys were all staring at me.

     "Oppas don't scare me like that!" I said.

     Onew oppa was the first to speak."Gaeul is it true that you have a music talent." I just shrugged."I sing a little and know how to play some instruments. No biggie."

     Jonghyun oppa said " Well can you try singing for us or do something?"  I shrugged "I don't really know. It's not as if I'm good or anything." Taemin suddenly said "Don't lie Gaeul. I know you are extremely good."

     With that Jonghyun pulled me out of the dorm. "Where are we going?" Jonghyun oppa replied with "To a studio. You can just sing there." WHAT!! "I'm not that good! Seriously you guys are making such a big deal out of this!" "Come on please just sing one song for them! They think I'm a liar." Taemin said using aegyo. "Okay fine." I went up to the songs and picked a song that I liked.

(A/N: This is what she sang.)


     Her voice is so strong but still so sweet and soft. Her voice is like a angel. Taemin was not lieing.

Gaeul's POV

     Once I finished I looked towards SHINee. They looked at me with shock. "Gaeul your were amazing.! You should go audition." Key said. I just shook my head no.  "I don't really want to." Little did they know that I don't want to for a reason.

Flashback (A/N-The person here will be revealed later, but for know his name is MP-Mysterious Person.)

     "Gaeul your voice is amazing. You know that right." said MP. "Thanks oppa. You know yours is too right. I think you should audition." I said. "Fine I will but you have to come with me. I'll only do it with you." MP said. "Okay fine, we will only do it together, but you have to stay with me forever and help me through it okay!" I cheered."Alright I promise." I shook my head " No pinky promise" I stuck out me finger and he twisted his pinky around it.

7 years later

     "Gaeul I'm leaving." he said. "What? Where?" I said. "I have to go with my parents to Japan." he said. "I thought you'll always be with me through my life. You can't leave right now! Not after my mom died. Please! What about the promise we made to audition with each other and stay with each other ." I said. "Stop it. You think I haven't tried to do something. Just do yourself a favor and just forget about me completely." then he left.

End of flashback 

     I never did forget him and the promise we made. In fact it just left a scar on my heart. I vowed my self to never audition without him. I wonder where he is right now. I miss him. My only childhood friend.


A/N-Hi this is iluvreading. I will probably introduce MP next chapter, so keep reading my story! I hope you will please comment and subscribe. Thank You for reading my story. :) 

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Midnight6563 #1
don't delete this please, its really good, i dont mind if it takes a while but as long as you keep updating it's ok :)
Nikki_SHINee #2
Please update soon^_^
Hurry and update!! Gaeul so lucky!! :D
hurry up and update so gaeul can beat the daylight savings out of the bullies that might hurt her.
deideinogod #5
I've read the first chapter and I start liking Gaeul c: Hope I will compeletly because, frankly speaking, it's not my type of fanfics... you know, I prefer JongKey. Though, yes, I like it c:
deideinogod #6
I've just read description and I'm leaving the rest for tomorrow or for today evening :3 For now I feel quite interested.
yMaruChan #7
haha, i love how you said, "Hurry up peoples! I thought your the ones who wanted to go!"
I love this! And please write that story also,it sounds excellent. Update soon! ;)
Yes please wright that story also it sounds amazing<br />