Lee Soo Man! What Does He Want?

Shield Your Heart


Gaeul's POV

       We were all so exhausted from having so much fun together that when we came home we all went straight to bed! When I woke up the next morning to everybody bustling about.

       "What happened? Isn't it still your guys' free time? You people are running around like chickens without their heads!" I said.

       "The big boss called and whenever he does it's either something really good or really bad! And whats worse is that he wants you there too!!" Onew said.

       "Why would he want me there? I'm not even a trainee here! I have nothing to do with him or almost any staff member here at SM entertainment!" I said.

       "That's what we are all freaking out about! Why is he calling you? Maybe you can't live here anymore?! Maybe somebody found out that you're living here! What to do! What to do!" Key screamed and started hyperventilating. 

       The only person who looked remotely calm was Minho (as was expected) He finally spoke up saying, "You guys shouldn't worry too much. It probably isn't that much big of a deal any ways. If anything, it would be about having to be more careful or something like that. So just chill alright!"

       "Minho is right! We shouldn't be worrying this much any ways! What if it's something really small and if it isn't we can't really do much now. So lets just go with a smile on our face!" Taemin said being the perky kid he is.

       Everybody else just nodded and started to get ready. I changed into this outfit. It was comfortable and elegant, yet not to fancy. Yikes! Key's fashion habits are rubbing off on me!


      When everybody was ready to go, we climbed into the van and headed to the SM building. You could see everybody was still a little nervous, but no one said anything. When we got there the place was bustling about as always. It must be really hard to be the staff workers. They have to make schedules and manage trainees and all these other things. Any ways we are in front of Lee Soo Man's office. We knocked the door and went inside. There he was sitting in his office chair. When he looked up and saw us his face broke into a smile.

       "Oh hello! Come in! Why do you guys look so scared? Don't worry you're not in trouble or anything!" he said.

       "You called for us sir?" Onew asked with relief apparent on his face.

       "Ahh yes! I was looking at the security cameras' tapes and I saw something very interesting. It was Ms.Gaeul dancing and singing with you guys. Am I right?" he said.

       We all just nodded our heads curious about what he was going to say next.

       'Well I thought that she has tremendous talent and was wondering if she would like to become a trainee here at SMent. If she doesn't want to it would be fine, but I really would recommend it to her. So how about it? Would you want to become a trainee at SMent?" Soo Man said.

       I was actually kind of shocked. I know I joked around a lot with Kyuhyun about auditioning but I never actually thought about being a trainee. I looked at Onew and saw a proud expression on his face and he just smiled. I know how tiring it is but I think i would really like it.

       "Mr. Lee Soo Man I think I would love to be a trainee here." I answered back to him.

       "Really! Oh that is  wonderful. Here is the paperwork you have to fill out, but I don't think it should be that hard. You have the boys to help you and they have already done this. Your first training session will be next week Saturday if you turn in the paper work on time! You guys may now leave," he told us.

       When we left the room the boys' faces broke into a really big smile. Taemin started jumping up and down.

       "Donsaeng! You're going to become a trainee! Isn't that exciting! You're going to become famous just like us!" Taemin said.

       "Yeah, Taemin is right! There could be another idol sibling at SMent! That would be so cool!" Onew said sounding almost as energetic as Taemin. (and thats pretty hard)

       "Yah! Come on we better go home so Gaeul can fill out the form!" Key said.

       I can't believe I'm actually a trainee here at SMent. I get to be with family.


Hi this is iluvreading! I am so sorry! I haven't updated in such a long time! This is my Christmas (for those who celebrate it) and Holiday present to you all! I hope you like it and will all continue to subscribe!! For an additional present to you all I will start doing comment replies and adding in quotes! I hope this will make me closer to all my wonderful readers and subscribers!!  


A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is - full of surprises.

                                                                                                                                                         Isaac Bashevis Singer 

Comment Replies

@yMaruChan-I'm glad that you like that line that I put in! I tried to make this story funny, but I'm not really good at things like that. Maybe thats why my other story that is bit of an angst is doing better. Anyways HappHolidays!  


I'll try to update again soon! This story hasn't been doing as well as my other one, so if you want me to update more than please subscribe and comment!



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Midnight6563 #1
don't delete this please, its really good, i dont mind if it takes a while but as long as you keep updating it's ok :)
Nikki_SHINee #2
Please update soon^_^
Hurry and update!! Gaeul so lucky!! :D
hurry up and update so gaeul can beat the daylight savings out of the bullies that might hurt her.
deideinogod #5
I've read the first chapter and I start liking Gaeul c: Hope I will compeletly because, frankly speaking, it's not my type of fanfics... you know, I prefer JongKey. Though, yes, I like it c:
deideinogod #6
I've just read description and I'm leaving the rest for tomorrow or for today evening :3 For now I feel quite interested.
yMaruChan #7
haha, i love how you said, "Hurry up peoples! I thought your the ones who wanted to go!"
I love this! And please write that story also,it sounds excellent. Update soon! ;)
Yes please wright that story also it sounds amazing<br />